What is the best material to build a bathhouse from? What are bathhouses made of: material for walls. A brick or log bathhouse is better.

Many people have thought about creating a small, cozy bathhouse on their own summer cottage. With its help, you can take quality water procedures and recharge your batteries, as well as relieve stress.

But at the stage of design and installation of structures, most face serious problems. One of the most common ones is choosing the right material for construction.

To help you understand, we will consider this issue in detail, and also determine the main advantages and disadvantages of various construction solutions when constructing a bathhouse.

Basic requirements for a country bath

The arrangement of a bathhouse, like other structures, requires compliance with general architectural standards and building regulations. However, our case is complicated by the need to comply with general fire safety rules during construction.

Did you know?The bathhouse's roots go back to the 6th millennium BC. e. During this period, special steam rooms appeared everywhere in Ancient Egypt, accessible to all segments of the population.

So, in order to arrange a bathhouse at your summer cottage correctly, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • Compliance with architectural standards: The best place for a bathhouse is the area that is as far away from all kinds of structures as possible. However, in modern conditions, achieving a complete absence of building structures near the bathhouse will not be easy. Therefore, such a structure must be at a distance of no less than 8 meters from a residential building, no closer than 8 meters to the neighboring plot and no less than 12 meters from the well. In addition, the site for construction must be leveled relative to the entire site, since on a hill the bathhouse will have too much visibility, and in the lowlands it will suffer from spring flooding every year.
  • Compliance with sanitary standards: the structure must be equipped with ventilation and also be equipped with a water drainage system. Otherwise, this will lead to stagnation of air and moisture, and with this, to the development of fungus and other pathogens.
  • Compliance with fire safety standards: all parts of the structure that are subject to heating must be made of non-combustible materials. The part of the building in which the heating furnace is installed must be additionally protected with insulating materials that prevent the structure from igniting.
  • Environmental friendliness of the building material: A bathhouse is a place with high temperature and humidity, so the materials for its construction should be made from natural and non-toxic components to the maximum, without adding any synthetic compounds.

Video: fire requirements for a bathhouse

Important!If the proximity to the neighboring plot does not allow the construction of a bathhouse, the distance of the structure to it can be reduced to 1 meter, but this must be agreed upon with the neighbors, and their permission must be certified in writing by lawyers.

Advantages and disadvantages of a wooden bath

Most often, a bathhouse is constructed of wood. Wood is quite easy to process, so you can use it to create almost any part of the structure, both load-bearing elements and cladding.

Such structures are characterized by strength, and their shrinkage on the ground occurs evenly, without the occurrence of cracks and breaks. In addition, wood is resistant to fluctuations in moisture and temperature, and also has high thermal insulation qualities, which makes this material almost ideal.

However, it also has many disadvantages, first of all these:

  • fragility;
  • wooden baths require particularly careful compliance with fire safety standards;
  • shrinkage continues for a long time and can be more than 10 cm;
  • A wooden bathhouse needs at least 2 years to dry thoroughly;
  • After drying, wooden structures must be caulked.

Did you know?Finland is the leader in the number of steam rooms per capita. In a country with a population of about 5 million, there are more than 2 million of them.

This is the most common wood in construction, so it is not surprising that bathhouses are often built from this material.

Pine has many advantages:

  • wood grows in almost any conditions, so it is one of the cheapest and most common materials;
  • pine has a smooth and even trunk, which makes it easier to process;
  • this wood is light but durable and rarely cracks, so such structures are reliable and shrink slightly;
  • Pine contains a huge amount of aromatic resins, so water procedures in such baths are especially beneficial for general human health.

Pine has few disadvantages, but they still exist. First of all, this is an increased release of resin from the wood, so often in such baths the resin from the walls will have to be cleaned over the next few years.

Also, pine is not resistant to all kinds of atmospheric conditions, fungi and insects, so such a tree requires additional costs for treatment with protective agents.


Baths made of no less quality than those made of pine, however, are less common. Like the conifer described above, spruce is also quite easy to process, practical and has a low price.

In addition, this material, like pine, is enriched with many resinous compounds that can saturate the bathhouse with aromas beneficial to the respiratory system.

However, structures made of spruce are rarely found in our open spaces, since, in addition to the disadvantages described above, this coniferous species is less resistant to various atmospheric conditions and fungi, and also shrinks more than pine. Therefore, such structures not only require constant treatment with protective agents, but are also short-lived.


They are not found in every region, so bathhouses from this wood are built exclusively in Siberia and the Urals. This material has the same positive qualities as the conifers described above, but has a number of advantages.

First of all, this is a more aesthetic appearance of the structure. Cedar wood has a pinkish-red center and a golden-pink tint to the outer layers, this gives the bathhouse a more interesting look.

In addition, cedar is highly resistant to all kinds of fungi and other microorganisms, as well as to conditions of high humidity, so such structures are more durable and less expensive to maintain than pine or spruce.

The main disadvantages of this wood are:

  • excessive release of resin during the first few years after construction;
  • high cost of material.


It is a rather rare species, so this tree is rarely found as a building material. But, despite this, relative to its coniferous counterparts, this wood has a number of advantages:

The main disadvantage of larch is its high price, so bathhouses made of this tree can only be found in areas of massive tree plantings. In addition, this wood has an excessively dense structure and is not easy to process.


It is rightfully considered a unique material. This wood has a noble shade and cut pattern, is highly durable, resistant to moisture, temperature, fungus and rot for decades.

However, this material is not considered the easiest to process, as it has an overly dense structure. In addition, oak is a rather weighty material, so such structures experience serious shrinkage. We should not forget about the high cost of oak, so such a bathhouse is only possible if there is an unlimited budget for its construction.


A less popular material for construction, since the price-quality ratio of this wood is inferior to the above varieties of wood. It is not easy to create a building from aspen; each individual tree has its own size and shape, so structures made from this wood are possible only after careful processing.

We should not forget that aspen is not resistant to various atmospheric conditions and pests, so the tree will darken in a few years, and the building itself will become unusable within a few decades. But aspen also has its advantages: the tree perfectly absorbs varnishes and paints, so such a building can be given external aesthetics without even having special skills.

Did you know?In Ancient Rus', aspen was the most common material for building baths, since only the nobility could afford coniferous wood as a building material.

Blocks for building a bathhouse

Block buildings are an excellent and inexpensive alternative to wood for arranging a steam room on your own site. This material makes it possible to quickly create a durable structure that will last for many years. In addition, all kinds of structures made from blocks are particularly easy to create, as well as maintain, which is why they are gaining more and more popularity every year.

The main advantages of blocks:
  • cheapness. Structures made from even the most expensive types of blocks are much cheaper than structures made from any other material;
  • low weight of structures, which contributes to minimal shrinkage of the entire structure;
  • ease and speed of installation, so steam rooms from blocks can be created with your own hands, without specialized knowledge.

But this material also has its drawbacks. First of all, this:

  • insufficient resistance to high humidity and sudden temperature changes, which reduces the durability of the blocks significantly;
  • the material does not have low thermal conductivity, so such structures must be insulated;
  • buildings made of blocks require a solid foundation, at least 70 cm deep (in the northern regions - at least 1 meter);
  • both internal and external walls of such a room require mandatory finishing.

Aerated concrete is a cellular concrete material made from cement, quartz sand and special foaming agents. The dry components of aerated concrete are thoroughly mixed, and then poured into special molds and water is added.

Under its influence, an active chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the necessary structure of the material is created. To improve strength, some brands of aerated blocks are treated with steam in special autoclave machines.

Today there are a large number of types of aerated concrete on the market, differing both in their quality and conditions of use. The best option for a bathhouse would be D500 brand blocks. They have the necessary strength to create durable one-story structures.
This material has many advantages: ease of installation, light weight, strength, high fire safety. But there are also no less disadvantages: significant hygroscopicity, a fairly high price (relative to other types of building blocks), the need for a special expensive glue for laying blocks.

Important!When choosing aerated concrete, preference should be given to material that has been pre-treated with high steam in autoclaves, since only in this case will the blocks have the necessary strength and moisture resistance.

Main technical characteristics of aerated concrete:

  • strength, kg/cm2 - 5-20;
  • thermal conductivity, W/(m K) - 0.15-0.3;
  • volumetric weight, kg/m3 - 200-600;
  • frost resistance (number of cycles) - 50-75;
  • shrinkage, mm/m - 1.5;
  • water absorption,% - 45.
Video: aerated concrete bathhouse

Gas silicate

Gas silicate can be called a more profitable analogue of aerated concrete. This material is made according to the same principle as the previous one, but it contains quartz sand and a small amount of lime as a binder.

Unlike aerated concrete, in order to obtain high-quality gas silicate, the blocks must be treated with high-pressure steam. The material has the same advantages and disadvantages as aerated concrete, but from a technical point of view it is inferior to it.

Since gas silicate contains lime, this block quickly absorbs moisture and quickly collapses under its influence. Therefore, such surfaces require careful waterproofing and all the associated additional costs.

Main technical characteristics of gas silicate:

  • strength, kg/cm2 - 28-40;
  • thermal conductivity, W/(m K) - 0.1-0.2;
  • volumetric weight, kg/m3 - 480-720;
  • shrinkage, mm/m - 0.3;
  • water absorption,% - 47.

A fairly inexpensive option for cellular concrete are foam blocks. They are made from a mixture of sand, cement and water, which are additionally enriched with foam from a special generator.

To build a steam room, it is best to choose material grade D 600 or higher, since less durable foam concrete is used exclusively as insulation. Foam concrete is quite seriously inferior to the aerated concrete or gas silicate described above in terms of technical characteristics, but their main advantage will be the price.

Main technical characteristics of foam concrete:

  • strength, kg/cm2 - 10-50;
  • thermal conductivity, W/(m K) - 0.2-0.4;
  • volumetric weight, kg/m3 - 450-900;
  • frost resistance (number of cycles) - up to 25;
  • shrinkage, mm/m - 0.6-1.2;
  • water absorption,% - 52.

Cinder block is a building material made from cement mortars, as well as slag - waste from coal production and other industries. This is a fairly cheap material, since its production often has one goal - to utilize slag formations to the maximum.

However, cinder block is not the best choice for building a bathhouse. Such blocks absorb moisture quickly and for a long time, and are also not very durable, especially in conditions of high humidity.
Even with high-quality insulation, such a bathhouse will function for no more than 15-20 years, after which it will require serious repairs.

Important!It is strictly forbidden to use cinder block as a building material immediately after production, since the slag releases various toxic substances for quite a long time. Therefore, before use, it must be left in the open air for at least 1 year.

Sawdust can also be used as the main component in the production of cinder blocks, in which case it is possible to obtain not only a cheap, but also environmentally friendly material. To create one-story structures, you will need a material grade of at least M 75, since less durable options are used exclusively as facade insulation.

Main technical characteristics of cinder block:

  • strength, kg/cm2 - 25-75;
  • thermal conductivity, W/(m K) - 0.3-0.5;
  • volumetric weight, kg/m3 - 500-1000;
  • frost resistance (number of cycles) - up to 20;
  • shrinkage, mm/m - 0;
  • water absorption,% - 55.
Video: cinder block bathhouse

Expanded clay concrete blocks are an almost complete, but higher quality analogue of cinder blocks. This material is made from a cement mixture, as well as expanded clay - fine clay fired under special conditions. Expanded clay blocks have a lot of advantages over other cellular blocks.

First of all, it is environmentally friendly, light weight, which almost completely eliminates the risk of shrinkage. In addition, this material has a low percentage of water absorption, as well as low thermal conductivity, which makes it an almost ideal option for creating a high-quality but inexpensive steam room.

However, to equip a bathhouse you will need blocks of the M100-M150 brand, since the less durable expanded clay concrete is used exclusively as facade insulation. Main technical characteristics of expanded clay concrete:

  • strength, kg/cm2 - 50-150;
  • thermal conductivity, W/(m K) - 0.15-0.45;
  • volumetric weight, kg/m3 - 700-1500;
  • frost resistance (number of cycles) - up to 50;
  • shrinkage, mm/m - 0;
  • vapor absorption,% - 12.

Ceramic block is a less common material in modern construction than the ones listed above, but you can often see a budget bathhouse made from it. Ceramic blocks are quite environmentally friendly, since they contain only cement, sand, ceramic powder and water.

Like the materials described above, such blocks are characterized by their low cost, ease of installation, low weight, and durability. The main disadvantage of the material is its higher thermal conductivity.
In addition, you should not forget about the fragility of the material, so when installing a bathhouse made of ceramic blocks, be sure that the calculated amount of material will have to be increased by at least 5%. That is why you should not skimp on the quality of this product; the brand should be no lower than M100.

Main technical characteristics of ceramic block:

  • strength, kg/cm2 - 25-175;
  • thermal conductivity, W/(m K) - 0.08-0.18;
  • volumetric weight, kg/m3 - 650-1000;
  • frost resistance (number of cycles) - more than 50;
  • shrinkage, mm/m - 0.3;
  • water absorption,% - 10-15.

Important!Block structures require additional reinforcement of the masonry with metal mesh every 2-3 rows, otherwise the durability of the structure is reduced significantly. This feature must be taken into account when creating an estimate.

A brick sauna is one of the best alternatives to arranging a steam room at home.
Using brick, you can create a reliable and high-quality structure that will delight its owners for many decades. That is why an increasing number of lovers of life-giving steam prefer this material.

The main advantages of a brick steam room are:

  • reliability and durability;
  • low water absorption coefficient. This not only contributes to the durability of the structure, but also helps to resist the development of fungi and dangerous bacteria on the surface of the walls;
  • versatility. Brick makes it possible to use it for almost any purpose: from erecting walls to arranging a stove;
  • exclusivity. With the help of brickwork it is possible to create a structure of any architectural shape and size;
  • simplicity. Brick is easy to use and maintain; in addition, it is quite aesthetic and does not require mandatory interior and exterior finishing;
  • high fire safety. Even at critical temperatures, brick is not flammable, which makes it an ideal (from a fire safety point of view) material;
  • environmental friendliness. The brick contains the maximum amount of natural ingredients.
Video: brick bathhouse However, a brick bathhouse is not without serious drawbacks:
  • high cost. Even the simplest brick structure will be noticeably more expensive than any wooden or block building;
  • high thermal conductivity. This negatively affects fuel consumption, as well as the overall speed of heating the bath and achieving optimal temperatures.

Traditionally, red brick is used to build a bathhouse in modern construction practice. To build a steam room, several types are used: although they have a common task, they must be used exclusively for highly specialized purposes.

These are the so-called pipe, ceramic and refractory types. Next, we will consider in more detail the need and tasks of each of these materials. .

Important! A high-quality fired brick has a uniform shade throughout its entire volume, and when struck with a hammer, it characteristically “rings.” If these signs are absent, the material must be rejected.

Pipe (solid)

The purpose of the pipe brick is to remove gaseous waste resulting from the combustion of fuel when lighting a sauna stove. This is perhaps one of the few building materials that can cope with such a task without being negatively affected by sudden temperature changes.

It is made from a special clay mixture subjected to semi-dry pressing. As a result, it is possible to obtain a product with high hygroscopicity, a smooth surface and strict dimensions. This helps create an ideal tightness for removing combustion derivatives.

Today there are many varieties of such bricks on the market, but the most suitable are exclusively solid pipe bricks. Despite the higher price relative to hollow ones, it is not recommended to use excessively porous materials at elevated temperatures, as this may cause its destruction.
However, the completeness of the material is not the key to a reliable chimney. In conditions of elevated temperatures, strength plays a decisive role in preserving the integrity of the structure, so the optimal choice would be a brick of at least grade M200.

Main technical characteristics of bricks for pipes:

  • thermal conductivity, W/(m K) - 0.3-0.8;
  • volumetric weight, kg/m3 - 1500 – 1900;
  • heat resistance, °C - up to 1000;
  • shrinkage,% - 5;
  • water absorption,% - 10.

Ceramic (tube)

Ceramic pipe brick is a type of hollow brick that is used to construct buildings no higher than 2-3 floors. It is made from special clay solutions subjected to high-temperature heating in ovens at a temperature of about 1000 °C.

This building material is practically no different in composition from solid ceramic bricks and has the same advantages and disadvantages.
The advantage of such bricks is their low cost. Each of the molds for the production of the material has small convexities, which creates artificial cavities in each brick, as a result of which a reduction in the amount of raw materials for production is achieved, and with this the final unit price.

In addition, the presence of cavities improves the thermal insulation capabilities of the product, so steam rooms made of hollow bricks heat up much faster than those made of solid bricks. This type of brick also has many disadvantages.

Did you know?The largest steam room is located in the German town of Sinsheim, its area is 160 square meters. meters.

First of all, it is low strength, as well as the ability to collapse under the influence of high moisture. This leads to increased costs for high-quality finishing and vapor barrier of the material, otherwise the durability of the structure is reduced significantly. The optimal type of hollow ceramic brick for building a bathhouse will be a grade of at least M200.
Main technical characteristics of ceramic hollow bricks:

  • strength, kg/cm2 - 75-300;
  • thermal conductivity, W/(m K) - 0.2-0.5;
  • volumetric weight, kg/m3 - 1300 – 1500;
  • frost resistance (number of cycles) - more than 75;
  • heat resistance, °C - up to 1000;
  • shrinkage,% - 5;
  • water absorption,% - 10.

Did you know?In the old days, in order to determine the quality of a brick, 600 bricks were placed on a wooden pallet, after which the pallet was raised to a height of about 2 meters, and then abruptly dropped to the ground. If even one broke, the whole batch was rejected.

Fireproof (fireclay)

Refractory or fireclay brick is used for both stone and wooden baths as the basis for making a stove. This is the only building material that can withstand direct exposure to fire.
It is made from a mixture of special refractory clay and various additives (coke, graphite powders, large quartz grains, etc.), fired at a temperature of 1300...1500 °C. This makes it possible to obtain a material that is resistant to sudden temperature changes and durable.

On the modern market there are a lot of different types of fireclay bricks (Sha, ShB, ShAK, ShUS, ShV, PV and PB). For the construction of a home steam room, the most profitable materials will be ShB-5 and ShB-8. This is the so-called class B fireclay brick, capable of withstanding a maximum temperature of 1400 °C.

These are one of the cheapest types of refractory bricks, but despite this, this choice will be an ideal option in terms of price and quality.

Main technical characteristics of refractory bricks:

  • strength, kg/cm2 - 100-150;
  • thermal conductivity, W/(m K) - 0.6-0.9;
  • volumetric weight, kg/m3 - 1800-2000;
  • frost resistance (number of cycles) - up to 50;
  • heat resistance, °C - up to 1500;
  • shrinkage,% - 5;
  • water absorption,% - 5-8.

Important!For laying fireclay bricks, heat-resistant mixtures or refractory clay are used. Simple cement mortars instantly crack and collapse when exposed to high temperatures.

Stone bath: pros and cons

Stone in construction is the best option for those regions where acquiring wood is not so easy. In addition, a stone bath looks impressive and unusual, which will definitely help you create a truly unique steam room.

The stone has a lot of advantages, first of all, these are:

  • low price;
  • general availability;
  • high fire safety;
  • durability;
  • low shrinkage rate.
However, despite its advantages, stone also has many disadvantages, which are the main reason for the low prevalence of stone baths.

These include:

  • technological complexity. Due to the uneven size of the stones, it is much more difficult to create a building of the correct shape than from brick or wood;
  • high cost. Even the most expensive wooden bath will be much cheaper than a stone one, since such a steam room requires a large amount of related materials;
  • high thermal conductivity. Stone is difficult to retain heat, so for high-quality ignition of a bath, an order of magnitude more fuel is required than for steam rooms made of other materials;
  • low gas permeability. A stone bath requires a high-quality ventilation system to avoid air stagnation;
  • excessive design dimensions. The walls of a stone bath are constructed with a thickness of at least 75 cm, which negatively affects the amount of space required for construction.
Video: which sauna is better, wooden or stone?

Optimal choice

Today, in modern market conditions, choosing the optimal type of material for a home bath is not so simple, since for most domestic consumers the question of the expediency of the money spent is not only acute, but is also the dominant factor in budget planning.

Let's analyze all of the above and find out what is the best way to build a bathhouse, and what materials are best to abandon. The highest quality structure is a wooden steam room (pine, spruce).

A wooden bathhouse will perfectly cope with all the responsibilities assigned to it and will give a lot of positive emotions, as well as pleasant sensations. In addition, such a steam room looks very colorful and will last for several decades.

Video: how to choose materials for building a bathhouse

If you don’t have extra funds, you can build a bathhouse from building blocks - you should turn your attention to expanded clay concrete. This material not only has low thermal conductivity and durability, but also makes it possible to quickly and inexpensively create a full-fledged steam room of any size and number of floors.

However, in pursuit of cheapness, you should not choose the cheapest materials, since such structures will not only last only a couple of decades, but will also cause a lot of trouble in maintenance. Therefore, you should not build a bathhouse made of aspen, foam blocks or cinder blocks on your site.

In this case, even with a gentle regime, after 10-15 years your steam room may become completely unusable. A properly equipped bathhouse is the best thing that can please you during the cold winter season in your own summer cottage.

Today there are many materials with which you can create a full-fledged steam room in just a few months, even with your own hands. However, if you don’t have extra funds in reserve, it is best to postpone the construction of a bathhouse until a later time, since a cheap steam room will soon become a serious headache.

Building your own bathhouse on a summer cottage or in a private house is a fashionable trend. Traditional materials for construction are wood and brick. You just need to decide which bathhouse is better - brick or log.

Pros and cons of a brick bath

Brick, unlike wood, can last hundreds of years

This structure enjoys well-deserved popularity because of its strength. The bathhouse will last a long time (about 150 years) without losing its functional qualities and attractive appearance.

Main advantages:

  • high fire resistance;
  • minimal exposure to atmospheric or biological influences, the material does not rot;
  • bricks can be used to construct structures of any desired shapes and configurations that will fit perfectly into the architectural style of the site;
  • For wall decoration, it is allowed to use a wide variety of moisture-resistant materials - tiles, stone, lining, plaster and others.


  • it is necessary to build a foundation to a freezing depth (it can reach 1.5 m or more);
  • brick has a high heat capacity, which means it will take longer to heat the bathhouse, especially in winter; the air in the room will cool quickly enough; additional internal insulation of walls is necessary;
  • good ventilation and vapor barrier are needed, otherwise capillary moisture will accumulate and the walls will begin to become damp.
  • Brick baths are not cheap.

Advantages and disadvantages of a log bath

Wood, unlike brick, is able to breathe, that is, the room will be well ventilated

Wood is a natural material with a beautiful pattern.

If you visit a wooden bathhouse regularly, your health will improve, since the phytoncides and resins released from the wood during the heating process have a beneficial effect on the body.

Other advantages:

  • no deep foundation is required, since the structure is light in weight;
  • the room heats up quickly and retains heat for a long time;
  • excellent vapor permeability, wood maintains optimal humidity inside;
  • good soundproofing;
  • a building made of wood will cost less than a brick one;
  • the bathhouse can be erected in a short time.
  • relatively low fire resistance, it can be increased by using fire-retardant impregnations;
  • shorter service life compared to brick baths; the tree is destroyed under the influence of precipitation, sunlight, wind, damage is caused by fungi, mold, rot, and pests; additional impregnation of wood with special compounds is necessary.

Rounded logs are an environmentally friendly material, unlike laminated veneer lumber

If the wood is harvested and processed according to all the rules, such a bathhouse will last 50 years or even more. Rounded logs and profiled timber have a high level of reliability.

What is better to choose

Both types of buildings have their own characteristics, positive and negative. A wooden bathhouse is cheaper and more environmentally friendly, but a brick one is more durable and stronger. You need to rely on personal preferences and calculate your financial capabilities.

It should be considered whether the involvement of specialists will be required. While it is relatively easy to rebuild a wooden bathhouse yourself, building a brick building requires serious professional knowledge and skills. Careful adherence to all technological processes is necessary.

Whatever option is chosen, the main thing is that the bathhouse brings pleasure and becomes a real place of relaxation.

Traditionally, the material for the construction of a Russian bath is a wooden frame, since natural wood has a vapor-permeable structure and high thermal insulation properties. However, time does not stand still and tradition is being replaced by modern solutions - the most commonly used substitute for timber in the construction of baths is ceramic brick.

Despite the fact that the price of a brick building is more affordable compared to natural wood, and the structure itself is more durable, many connoisseurs of healing steam ask a very reasonable question, which bathhouse is better, wooden or brick?

This is quite natural, since it is believed that brick is quite inferior to wood in terms of thermal insulation parameters and vapor permeability.

Compared to a log house, brick really does not look very favorable, in almost all respects, but the answer to the question: which bathhouse is better, brick or log? - depends entirely on how well the design of the future structure will be drawn up. If you take into account all the specifics of the future building, you will be able to neutralize all the shortcomings of the material and the brick bathhouse you built will not be inferior to its wooden counterpart.

This article describes all the most important points that should be taken into account when building a brick bathhouse with your own hands. With its help, you can smooth out the shortcomings of the material used and build a bathhouse that will meet all the necessary standards.

Pay attention!
Since most of the work is carried out in the same way as during the construction of any other brick building, this instruction will only cover the specifics of using brick as a building material for a bathhouse.

Important points

Thermal insulation of walls

As mentioned above, brick is several times inferior to a log house in terms of thermal insulation parameters. If you build walls like in a regular building, the bathhouse will be cold, or you will have to spend a large amount of resources on heating it, and even in this case it will quickly cool down.

When laying out walls for a bathhouse, it is necessary to take measures to insulate them, among which the following should be noted:

  • Insulated brick. To use hollow ceramic bricks. Its structure contains symmetrical through slots that create air layers - they increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the material several times. Moreover, this factor practically does not affect the strength of the future building;

  • Masonry thickness. The high thermal conductivity of brick can be compensated by increasing the thickness of the walls - the thicker the masonry, the correspondingly better the thermal insulation characteristics will be. Most often, one-and-a-half and two-brick masonry is bandaged - this way, the frost outside will not lower the temperature inside the room, and the heat will remain inside the bathhouse;
  • Multilayer masonry. The most practical and economical solution for building a brick bath is to build walls in several layers - internal voids are created in the wall using ring masonry, which are filled with insulating material. an insulating layer that protects the room from heat loss. Expanded clay, sawdust and other materials are used as insulation backfill;

Interior and exterior decoration

In addition to the design of the walls, you can make the building warmer through proper finishing. If a bathhouse is already available and reconstruction is not planned in the near future, then finishing is the only way to bring it into proper condition.

To decide how to sheathe the inside of a brick bathhouse, you should first of all be guided by the thermal insulation characteristics of the finishing material and only then by aesthetic parameters.

The most successful interior decoration for a brick bathhouse is wooden lining, as it creates not only an imitation of a solid wood covering, but also the proper level of thermal insulation, which, coupled with the thickness of the brick wall, will be almost equal to the parameters of a wooden frame.

Lining is a natural, environmentally friendly material that does not emit toxic fumes when heated, which is especially important in this case.

To insulate the outside of the building, it is permissible to use synthetic materials:

  • polystyrene foam,
  • expanded polystyrene,
  • mineral wool,
  • and others, which are then masked using a ventilated facade made of siding or facing bricks.

It is strictly undesirable to use them indoors, since elevated temperatures can cause deformation of the material and the release of toxins.


Concrete screed is most often used as flooring in a brick building, which gives off a cold and damp feel. Concrete itself is a “cold” material that quickly absorbs heat, but at the same time also quickly releases it out.

To minimize heat loss through the floor, before pouring the screed, it is necessary to backfill it with a heat-insulating material (expanded clay), which will create a heat-insulating layer and prevent heat from escaping into the ground.

Heat loss can also be limited by creating floating floors using GVL, which serve as the basis for pouring the screed - in combination with equipment for creating a heated floor, you will get a completely acceptable result.

Wood is practically not used for bath floors - high humidity will cause accelerated degradation of the wood. An exception is poured floors, but their use does not improve the thermal insulation characteristics of the room.

Bottom line

Each of the presented options can be used either as an independent solution or used in conjunction with each other. In this case, the thermal insulation characteristics of the room will be summed up.

That is, a thick brick wall with synthetic insulation on the outside will prevent heat loss as much as possible.

Knowing in advance all the necessary subtleties of the material, you will be able to achieve the desired result, despite the prevailing opinion that brick for building a bathhouse is not the best option. The right approach and skillful smoothing out of weaknesses will be the key to heat preservation and durability of the future structure.

You can obtain more detailed information about the activities described above by watching the video in this article.

Having your own bathhouse in the courtyard of a private house is the dream of many owners of suburban areas. Everyone knows that a bathhouse serves as a place not only for regular washing, but also for wellness treatments - healing steam cleanses pores, improves blood circulation and gives vitality. In addition, there is a tradition that this particular building often turns into a kind of “club”, where you can have a great time with friends or loved ones.

Therefore, owners planning to create such a useful “complex” inevitably face the question of what is the best material to build a bathhouse from, so that it can create and maintain an optimal microclimate at any time of the year and at no extra cost. The choice of material directly influences the creation of a healthy, relaxing sauna atmosphere.

In addition, the right material is the key to the durability of this structure. It is imperative to take into account that the internal surfaces of the walls will be constantly exposed to moist hot air and temperature changes.

The modern market offers a wide variety of different building materials suitable for the construction of walls of houses, utility, utility and other specific buildings. However, it is worth taking a closer look and figuring out which one is ideal for a bathhouse.

Russian bathhouse, not a single good dacha can do without this miracle of construction, the pleasure we can get from visiting a bathhouse is difficult to compare with anything. In the old days in Rus', bathhouses were built of wood, using pine, larch or aspen logs; in recent years, a brick bathhouse has become an excellent alternative to wooden construction.

Advantages of a brick building:

An excellent level of fire protection; if a wooden building can burn out from a spark, the reliability of brick is fully justified.

Durability– if a wooden bathhouse lasts on average 15-20 years, then a brick building can last as long as you like, the average service life of such bathhouses is 150 years, this is the law of brick operation.

Aesthetic appeal– unlike wood, brick does not need finishing. And with the help of bricks you can create any, even the most bizarre shapes.

Disadvantages of such buildings:

Brick takes longer to heat - If it takes an average of an hour and a half to light a wooden bathhouse, then a brick bathhouse will have to be heated much longer, however, such a bathhouse will hold heat much longer

Expensive– a brick bathhouse is more expensive than a wooden one, but it also lasts longer

Lack of decent ventilation - such a bathhouse cannot withstand high temperatures, and its walls are much less ventilated

Comparing the pros and cons of construction, gardeners and summer residents increasingly prefer brick. Is it difficult to build a brick bathhouse with your own hands? If you love construction with all your heart, then building such a bathhouse will not be difficult.

To build a brick bathhouse you will need brick, cement, gravel, sand, a tub for mixing the mortar, and time. It is not difficult to calculate the amount of brick; first you need to create a drawing of the proposed structure, imagine the height of the building itself, as well as the height of the ceilings, which usually in a bathhouse does not exceed 2 meters.

According to fire safety standards, your bathhouse should be located 12 meters from residential buildings, 1.5 meters from the fence, in a free, ventilated space. You can build a bathhouse without fear of consequences. First you install the foundation for the bathhouse. For this purpose, a pit is dug, 1.5 meters deep, sand is poured into it, then a layer of crushed stone and metal reinforcement are laid. Formwork is erected from wood, which is subsequently filled with concrete. It is worth providing a hole for draining water, and also pouring a special formwork for the stove. It is better to maintain the finished foundation for 2-3 months, but if the construction is urgent, then the construction of the foundation can begin within a week. Some builders lay a layer of roofing material or tar on the foundation; in the case of a brick bathhouse, we do not recommend doing this, because In this case, the adhesion of the bathhouse to the walls is disgusting.

Wall masonry:

When starting to make masonry walls, think about whether it is better to use ordinary sand-lime brick, and build the thickness of the walls to 2 bricks. If you plan to lay out a pattern or relief on the walls, take care of it in advance. Interior partitions can be made thinner; here 1-2 bricks will be enough to separate the steam room and the bathhouse. This way you will protect yourself from fires and damage. If you try to make the bathhouse warm and durable, this bathhouse will serve you for many years.

A separate topic is mixing the mortar; for laying bricks you can use the mortar based on the proportion - 1 bucket of sand, 1 bucket of cement and a ladle of lime, pour the mortar with water to the desired thickness. As a rule, grade 200 cement is used to make the mortar. Such a mortar will reliably fasten the brick to the walls and give you the opportunity to enjoy a warm, cozy bathhouse.

Insulation of a brick bath

This problem is relevant in harsh weather conditions; in order to reliably insulate your bathhouse, you can use mineral wool, floor insulation, expanded clay or brick. No matter what type of insulation you choose, your bath can remain warm, beautiful and cozy. By insulating the walls with mineral wool, you get a cozy, beautiful and warm bathhouse. It is better to insulate the walls from the inside, using exterior finishing; you will have to sheathe the bathhouse with special metal frames. Brickwork in its pure form looks aesthetically more correct than a frame insulated with mineral wool. Thus, the finished bathhouse can not only last for many years, but also serve you faithfully.

Roof of a brick bath

As a rule, the roof of such a bathhouse is laid from siding or metal tiles; it is possible to provide a structure with a sharp ridge, as well as with sloping edges and drains. You can safely use this sauna for relaxation, and also get maximum pleasure from the finished sauna.

Building a bathhouse with your own hands is not such a difficult task, which can take a maximum of one season; the finished bathhouse can last longer than the expected date, however. Its use does not burden you or create additional difficulties. A beautiful, reliable, neat and aesthetically correct bathhouse, built with your own hands in a short time, will help make your holiday at the dacha pleasant and unforgettable.

Does a brick bathhouse shrink?

This question is asked by many who have gone through all the stages of building a brick bathhouse; indeed, the walls of such a bathhouse can shrink slightly. Experts recommend starting to decorate such a bathhouse 2-3 months after the completion of the construction of the walls. Thus, you will not only save significantly on finishing materials, but also protect yourself from the possibility of redoing interior work. Many questions arise during the construction process, for example, how to properly lay floors and ceilings. Beams are usually walled up with cement mortar; however, you should be especially careful about the method of laying the mortar into the resulting holes.

In general, summer residents are satisfied with the result of construction, which can serve for many years; such a bathhouse not only does not shrink, but also serves faithfully for many years.