What kind of watering do cucumbers like? How to water cucumbers correctly: useful tips. Video: how to water cucumbers in a greenhouse

Watering cucumbers is an important component of plant care. You can get a rich, tasty and high-quality harvest only by knowing how to water cucumbers in open ground. Therefore, before you start growing cucumbers, you need to study all the nuances of this process.

Cucumbers love water very much. However, you should not overfill them and allow water to stagnate. The root system of the plant has a special structure and needs constant moisture. If cucumbers experience a lack of moisture, this can cause darkening and brittleness of the leaves. If there is too much water, this will lead to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the soil. As a result, the leaves will become pale, the vines will slow down and green leaves will appear.

Changes in the amount of moisture and significant temperature fluctuations cause bitterness in the fruit. It is necessary to monitor soil moisture, especially in hot weather. It must be at least 80%. When the humidity level drops to 30%, the crop will begin to wither.

Very often, gardeners, arriving at the dacha, begin to fill the cucumbers with water. Summer residents know that the plant loves water very much, but they have no idea how much water it needs. Their excessive care leads to rotting of the roots and a decrease in crop yield.

How often to water cucumbers in open ground? In summer, moisturizing should be done at least twice a week. In extreme heat, the event should be held once every two days. After the young plants are planted in the ground in the spring, they should be moistened weekly. If the soil on the site is clayey, water the cucumbers less often, but with plenty of water. This is due to the ability of clay to retain moisture.

What time of day is best to water?

Proper watering is carried out in the morning or evening. During the daytime, when the air temperature is at its maximum, drops of water falling on the leaves cause burns. In addition, during hot hours, moisture quickly evaporates and watering loses its effectiveness.

If the soil on the site is too dry, you should not immediately “reanimate” it by filling it with water. It is better to water gradually, in small doses.

Weeding the beds should be done very carefully, because the roots of the cucumbers are located very close to the surface.

Water requirements

Before you start watering, you need to select the right water. Under no circumstances should the crop be moistened with cold water. It negatively affects the roots of the plant, interfering with the natural ability to absorb water. The water temperature should not exceed 19 °C. When using water from a well, it is necessary to create a special container on the site where it can heat up in the sun.

Irrigation rules and techniques

You can moisten vegetables in different ways: using a hose, buckets or watering cans. Proper watering is one in which water only falls on the ground. This way you can moisten the soil as much as possible and nourish the roots.

Drip irrigation is effective when growing vegetables. You can purchase a ready-made system for such humidification or build it yourself. The main “advantage” of drip humidification is that in this case the water reaches its destination - the roots of the crop. As a result, the vegetable grows quickly, and you save water and reduce the number of weeds in the area. Often, in parallel with watering, the vegetable is fed, which has a positive effect on its development.

So, growing cucumbers is not difficult if you follow all the tips for caring for them and water according to all the rules.

Video “How to water cucumbers”

In this video, an experienced gardener will share the secrets of proper watering of cucumbers.

The cucumber fruit consists mostly of water, which is why proper watering of this crop is important, especially during the fruiting period.

How to water cucumbers in open ground

Useful tips for watering cucumbers:

Proper watering of cucumbers in open ground

There are several methods of watering.

Drip irrigation

The technology was taken from industrial enterprises that use a hydroponic system. Hydroponics is a design for growing fruit plants in special containers with a watering system. This system helps save space for growing crops.

Drip irrigation

The drip option is soil irrigation using a special system that includes a pump, pumping water, and many tubes leading to the plants. This option allows moisture to enter the soil evenly.

The cost of such a system was very high recently, but modern technologies, including Chinese ones, will make it accessible to everyone.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Watering occurs automatically. The pump starts pumping water as soon as the timer starts counting down, and it automatically flows to the beds. This option saves time and effort, which is especially useful for older people and those who do not have enough time to garden.

    If you install a large barrel for watering, the effort will be minimized, even the liquid will need to be added only once a week.

  2. Watering is done correctly and evenly. Due to the regular supply of a small amount of water to the roots of the plant, their rotting does not occur.
  3. With this option, productivity increases.
  4. There is no need to be afraid that the plantings will die from hypothermia, since while the liquid is being collected by the pump and flowing through the pipes, it is heating up.


The system has practically no disadvantages, but the installation complexity can be highlighted.


To work you will need a pump, plastic pipes and connectors for them. You can also buy a ready-made drip irrigation system; all you have to do is assemble it. They come in different sizes and branches.

Ready system

All materials can be purchased at construction and hardware stores. The cost of drip irrigation will depend on the number of plants to which pipes will need to be laid. How many pipes are needed depends on the length of the bed.

Work progress:

  1. Lay pipes around the site, near the plants, if they are already planted. The parts are fastened using connectors.
  2. Make holes in the pipes.
  3. The pipe system is connected to the pump. It can be regular or automatic (with a timer). The pump is connected to a water source (well) or placed in a barrel.

The advantage of a pump with a timer is that you can completely automate the watering operation.

Important! It is more convenient to install a drip irrigation system when the plants have not yet been planted. Then you can position the system as you wish, and plant the seedlings directly under the water holes.

Another way to make such a structure is to build it from bottles. This method is much cheaper. For it you need to take several plastic bottles, make many holes in the neck, place them with the neck down and bury them. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, and the bottle itself is filled with water.

Wick watering

This option is most often used for indoor plants and on balconies. But for cucumbers in open ground, the wick method of supplying water is also often used.

Wick watering

Wick irrigation is a system in which one end of a cord or fabric is lowered into a container of water, and the other is placed in the ground, next to the roots of the plant. As needed, the roots themselves pump water from the container through the channel.

Benefits of watering:

  1. Easy to install and use. This option can be made very easily and quickly from scrap materials.
  2. Automation of soil irrigation. You don’t have to keep track of how much water a plant needs, because at different periods of its growth and development (period of germination, seedlings, flowering, fruiting) it needs different amounts of moisture.

    With this type of watering, the cucumbers themselves will “control” the amount of moisture.

  3. The plant receives as much moisture as it needs.

Features of installing wick irrigation

To properly install such a system, it is important to pay attention to some features, failure to comply with which will lead to the system not operating properly. This may harm the roots.

  1. It is important to constantly replenish the water container with warm, settled liquid. If the bed is large, you need to bury or install a barrel of water nearby. If the bed is small, you can install a ten-liter bucket for water. You need to bury the container so that the side is flush with the ground. This is necessary so that the roots can pump water freely.
  2. The best thing to use for the wick is cloth. The material must be durable and not rotting. The width of the fabric strip should be 2 cm or more. The wider the strip, the better the soil will be irrigated. The length of the wick must be determined by the distance from the bottom of the barrel to the stem, taking into account the fact that its edge (about 10 cm) will be buried.
  3. You need to bury the edge of the strip next to the stem, to a depth of about 10 cm, and do this so as not to damage the roots.

Attention! You need to make sure that the water from the container and from the wick does not evaporate. To prevent this from happening, the barrel is covered with a lid and the wick is placed in the shade.

There are many more ways to water cucumbers. For example, a hose with holes, plastic bottles with holes, sprinkling and others, but they are all similar to the previous two. And the above watering methods are simpler and more convenient.

In dry, hot weather, automatic options are an excellent solution, but in rain, such watering can be harmful. Therefore, it is important to limit it.

Drip irrigation using bottles

By the way, drip irrigation using bottles is convenient for applying fertilizers. To do this, you can add the required amount of fertilizer to a bottle of water, and it will evenly flow directly to the roots.

Temperature for watering

Cucumbers are quite picky about water temperature. Watering cucumbers in open ground should only be done with warm water. Under no circumstances should you water them with cold water. Temperature changes inside the soil can lead to a severe decrease in yield and even death of the crop due to hypothermia. For the same reason, they are not watered with a hose. A strong pressure of cold water will destroy the sprouts, both small and adult.

Maintaining temperature

The best water temperature for irrigation: +20…+25 degrees Celsius. It is best if it is approximately the same as the soil temperature. The irrigation procedure should be carried out in the morning.

Seeds: pecking, sowing, watering

Cucumbers love water very much; their entire life cycle is very closely connected with it. Even planting cucumbers begins with soaking the seeds. For germination, it is important to follow the following instructions:

  1. Seeds are disinfected using potassium permanganate. To do this, 1 g of potassium permanganate is diluted with 200 ml of water. The seed material is kept in this solution for about 10 minutes and then washed well.

Important! In order for the seeds to germinate quickly and amicably, it is recommended to soak them in biostimulants for plant growth, such as Epin, Zircon and others. This procedure will also increase the immunity of the seeds.

  1. You need to wet a piece of canvas and place the seeds on it. All procedures are carried out in warm (but not hot or cold) water. The best temperature for seed germination is around 28 degrees Celsius.
  1. Cover the seeds with a plastic bag or place in a glass container and place in a warm place. They hatch after 3 days.

Planting cucumbers

When the seeds hatch, they are planted in separate pots or open ground.

The seedlings must be watered with warm (+20...+25 degrees Celsius) settled water. Watering should be done in the first half of the day (before 12 o'clock) as the soil dries. It is important not to overwater the sprouts, otherwise not a single seedling will survive.

Planting cucumbers

The seedlings are fed for the first time 2 weeks after planting, then again after 10 days. After 3 weeks to a month, you can plant the plants in the ground. Cucumbers are fed with ash, yeast, and hydrogen peroxide. The fruits ripen 1.5-2 months after emergence.

How to choose the right time to plant cucumbers

Cucumber is a heat-loving crop. That is why they are planted when the air and soil warm up enough.

The soil temperature should be at least 15-18 degrees Celsius. It is important that the temperature increases daily so that the cucumbers grow quickly.

Important! If the temperature drops sharply, the cucumbers need to be covered with covering material or film. Warmth and moisture will be retained under it, and the seedlings will not freeze. By the way, heat is retained very well in polycarbonate greenhouses.

Where to plant

Planting can be done in open ground and in a greenhouse. The temperature in a greenhouse or greenhouse is higher, so you can plant cucumbers there earlier.

There are also vertical and horizontal planting methods. The vertical method can save space. And with a horizontal method, the distance between the holes should be about 60 cm. With the vertical method of growing, the stems must be tied up.

The location for this crop must be warm and sunny.

Thus, watering is not a difficult task at all, if you take into account all the features of the structure, growth and development of this plant. By following all the rules of cultivation, the crop will definitely reward you with a good harvest.

Proper watering of cucumbers is of utmost importance in the agricultural technology of your favorite vegetable - even short-term drought has the most negative effect on plant productivity.

On the contrary, keeping the soil moderately moist throughout growth extends the cucumber season and prevents.

Cucumbers are very demanding of water. This is explained by a weak, superficial root system, which often does not have time to provide the powerful leaf apparatus with moisture and nutrients. Thus, on hot, sunny days, the cucumber bed is watered every day, or even twice a day.

However, waterlogging of the soil is also detrimental to plants, since in this case the air and thermal regimes in the soil in the garden bed are disrupted.

After planting seedlings and emergence of seedlings and before fruiting begins, cucumbers in open ground are watered once a week and moderately - 4-5 liters. /sq.m.

Thanks to this moderation, plants direct all their energy to producing a large number of fruits and do not waste water and nutrients on the development of unnecessary tops. And if you nevertheless notice that the cucumbers have begun to “fatten”, slightly dry the soil in the garden bed - reduce the number of waterings or reduce their rate.

It is important that the air humidity in the place where cucumbers are grown is about 90%, especially on hot sunny days.

To achieve this, water the paths between the cucumber beds with warm water every morning. At the same time, it is advisable to make the paths wide so that it is convenient for you to work.

As soon as cucumbers enter the fruiting period, their need for water increases sharply. That's why With the appearance of the first flowers, the bed is moistened more often: every two to three days at the rate of 8-12 liters of water per square meter of planting.

The watering rate is adjusted depending on the prevailing weather and the variety.

Water the cucumbers only at the roots. You need to try to prevent moisture from getting on the leaves and the base of the main stem. In the area of ​​the root collar, the soil must always be dry, otherwise the root will begin to rot. That's why It is not recommended to hill cucumbers.

During flowering, cucumbers should be watered in the first half of the day, preferably in the morning - at 9-10 o'clock. Then, during the daytime, due to evaporation, optimal humidity is maintained around the plants.

When growing cucumbers, I advise you to dig a peg for each plant. This way you will know where to pour the water.

When the first ovaries appear on the plants, watering is transferred to the afternoon - from 16 to 20 hours. The last piece of advice applies to ground cucumbers: water the plants only in the morning. This is due to the fact that at night condensation accumulates on the walls and roof of the greenhouse, which is a favorable environment for the development of infections.

Cucumber vines are irrigated only with warm water at a temperature of +20 to +22 degrees. Otherwise, the plants will be highly susceptible to disease and early aging. And so that you always have heated water at hand, keep watering containers in the greenhouse.

Once again, I note that all the advice in the article is advisory in nature.

For example, if at the first stage of development dry and sunny weather established and the foliage on the plants lost turgor and began to turn yellow right before our eyes, the frequency or watering rate is increased. Thus, When watering cucumbers in open ground, you should rely on common sense, and not on some virtual numbers.

I told and showed how to properly water cucumbers in open ground in the video.

Cucumbers are very demanding of moisture. Precipitation is usually not enough for their good growth and fruiting. The reason is that the underdeveloped roots of these plants are located close to the surface, and the top layer of soil dries out quickly.

Lack of rain and rare watering are the reasons for the shedding of flowers and ovaries. Among the fruits there are many ugly, tasteless and bitter ones, they quickly turn yellow.

How to water cucumbers - tips for gardeners

Cucumber is a tropical plant, and it also loves warmth. Therefore, in cold weather, cucumbers should not be watered. This can provoke a process such as rotting of roots, which do not absorb moisture well.

At different periods of growth, cucumber requires watering of varying intensity. after planting it is not required at all, even if seedlings are planted. The first watering of seedlings is carried out after two to three days with warm water. Young plants in the garden need a moderate amount of moisture before the flowering period begins. They need to be watered approximately once every 4-5 days. Increasing watering will lead to vigorous growth of leaves and will slow down the onset of flowering.

When the ovary appears, watering must be increased. It should be most abundant during the fruiting period, approximately once every 2-3 days.

It is very important to know how to water cucumbers correctly

When watering cucumbers, you should use only warm water, allowing it time to settle and warm up in the sun. It is best to water in the evening, but with the expectation that the leaves will dry out by night. On cold nights, water the cucumbers in the morning. Watering should not be carried out in the hot sun - this will cause burns on the leaves of the plants.

Water the cucumbers very carefully, best using a watering can with a special sprayer. By making rain from a watering can, you increase the air humidity near the plants. It is not recommended to use a hose or bucket because it can damage the root system of the plant and greatly compact the soil. By the way, so that after watering a crust does not form and the soil absorbs water better, it is recommended to loosen the soil. A second method of watering is also possible. Water pours from a watering can without a strainer into small grooves between the rows. After this, the soil can be mulched with straw or dry grass. So it’s not so difficult to answer the question of how to water cucumbers.

The irrigation rate is 25 liters of water per 1 sq. m. of land. On hot days, when it is very dry, it is good to do a refreshing watering, reducing the amount of water for irrigation by 2-3 times.

It is recommended to use drip irrigation for cucumbers in a greenhouse. To do this, you can purchase a special system, and some craftsmen make it themselves from improvised means. Thus, drip irrigation is carried out through a perforated hose, using irrigation or a wick (connection with water using a cloth strip), etc.

From popular experience

To create increased humidity, you can place containers of water between the grooves in which cucumbers grow. A greater effect can be obtained if you infuse a “nutrient cocktail” in these containers: burdock, nettle, dandelion leaves, add manure or The benefit is double: evaporation occurs, and the “cocktail” can be used for feeding, you just need to dilute it in proportion less than 1:10.

Using the drip cucumber method, you can use plastic bottles with fertilizer, or you can use a hose with holes. In the first case, holes are made in the bottom of a bottle with a volume of up to 2 liters (for example, with a hot nail). The cap is then unscrewed and the bottom of the bottle is buried between the cucumbers. A weak solution of fertilizing must always be present in the bottle; for this it must be periodically topped up.

If you know how to water cucumbers correctly, you can always count on a good harvest.


Cucumbers are quite fastidious plants that require proper care. Only with proper care of these plants can you get a very rich harvest.

A good harvest of cucumbers can be obtained only if the following growing conditions are met - initial soil fertility, regular fertilizing and timely watering.

It’s precisely about proper watering that I would like to talk about in this article. From the publication you will learn the basic rules for watering cucumbers, how to water cucumbers at certain phases of cultivation, and what time is best to water. We will also tell you the features of watering cucumbers in a greenhouse.

It's no secret that cucumbers are very demanding on growing conditions. They need a humid microclimate. The air and soil must be constantly moist.

For proper plant development, cucumbers require regular and abundant watering all the time. - This is a very important component of proper cultivation, so you need to adhere to some very important rules.

You can determine when to water cucumbers by external signs. The soil around the base of the stem should always remain dry, but the lower layer of soil should always have high moisture content. This will help avoid rotting of the root system and the development of various unpleasant diseases.

In sunny, hot weather, cucumbers have to be watered daily, avoiding drying out of the soil. However, you should not make this statement a rule; it would be better to be guided by the external state of the soil and plants.

Particular attention should be paid to watering cucumbers in the greenhouse. In a greenhouse in sunny weather, the air temperature is much higher than outside, so the soil will dry out very quickly and the relative humidity will drop. All this must be taken into account. To increase soil and air humidity, it is recommended to water the leaves of cucumber plants from a watering can. Such rain watering of cucumbers will quickly lower the air temperature in the greenhouses on a hot day, and will also significantly increase air humidity and improve the microclimate.

In cloudy weather, cucumbers should be watered only when the soil dries out.

It is very important to know and remember that watering cucumbers is carried out exclusively with warm water, the temperature of which is equal to the ambient temperature.

The soil should not be allowed to dry out. One of the signs of soil drying out can be.

So, let’s summarize this part of the article:

  • Water the cucumbers generously and regularly
  • Water only with warm water
  • Do not water cucumbers at the root
  • Watch the leaves of the plant. If they begin to wilt, water them immediately.
  • You should not water with a large stream, as it will wash away the soil around the roots and they will look out.


What time to water cucumbers?

Many novice vegetable growers ask the question: “What time should I water cucumbers?” The answer is simple - when there is no direct sunlight. That is, early in the morning or late in the evening.

In dry weather, when the average daytime temperature is above 27 degrees, sprinkling is also done, that is, the cucumbers are watered from a watering can.

Do not water or sprinkle in sunny weather. This is due to the fact that droplets of water will remain on the leaves in any case, which in the sun turn into a real magnifying glass, which can cause a burn. Burnt leaves will certainly wither and dry out.

Watering cucumbers after germination before flowering

Cucumber seeds should only be planted in moist soil. For watering, it is best to use an ordinary watering can. Watering should be done very carefully so as not to wash away the seeds. After germination, you only need to water with warm water. You need to constantly ensure that the soil does not dry out.

Before flowering, watering should be carried out regularly and in no case should the soil dry out.

Flowering time is a special period for plants. At this time, it is necessary to water the cucumbers every day. During flowering, you should make an exception and water the cucumbers only at the root, since sprinkling from a watering can can lead to the ovaries and flowers falling off. Irrigation of cucumbers is carried out using a garden sprayer. Irrigation is carried out only in hot weather, you don’t have to do it every day.

Watering cucumbers during fruiting

During fruiting, a lot of nutrients and energy are spent to ripen the fruit. Therefore, watering at this time is no less important. In order for the fruits to ripen tasty and juicy, a lot of water is needed. At this time, cucumbers need to be watered very generously. The condition of the soil and plant should be monitored. If the soil is dry, it needs to be watered. On some very hot days you can water twice.

Watering cucumbers in a greenhouse

The basic rules of watering also apply when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse. Water only with warm and settled water. In cloudy and cold weather, watering may not be carried out. In a greenhouse, cucumbers should be watered more abundantly, spending 10 liters per 1 square meter.

In the greenhouse, sprinkling should be done more frequently in hot weather - preferably 2 times a day.

Proper watering of cucumbers video

Watch also useful videos on the topic of proper watering of cucumbers.