Wood stove for nature. DIY camp stove. What is a camp stove for?

If you're into hiking, you know how important it is to be able to provide yourself with an effective and reliable source of fire on the road. Without it, you will not be able to cook food, boil water for drinking, or keep warm in bad weather.

Since ancient times, people have solved this problem by making a fire. However, this method requires quite a large amount of firewood, some skills, and is not very good from an environmental and safety point of view. Therefore, they have been replaced by modern gas and gasoline burners, which make it possible to solve all problems with cooking as comfortably as possible. However, this solution also has its drawbacks. For example, if you are going on a multi-day hike, then the weight of gas cylinders or gasoline containers can be quite significant, and no one wants to carry the extra weight. Or, for example, you are about to fly on an airplane, where, as you know, it is impossible to transport such things, so there is a need to purchase gas and gasoline on the spot, which is not always possible.

Therefore, more and more tourists are turning to wood stoves.

They combine all the advantages of a fire with the utmost simplicity and comfort of a burner. To use such a stove, you will need a minimum amount of fuel of almost any type: firewood, branches, pine cones, leaves and even dry grass. Therefore, you can use a wood stove in any area, with the possible exception of the desert and ice ridges. And most importantly, it has excellent efficiency, which allows you to boil a liter of water using just a few dry wood chips. This is explained by the special design of such a stove, which uses the phenomenon of wood pyrolysis.

If you are interested in such a device, then you can buy one of the ready-made products, for example this one. Or you can spend one hour and make a wood-burning camp stove yourself, because you only need three tin cans of different sizes and our instructions.

So, first of all, you will have to get three tin cans of different sizes. The first, largest, will serve as a shell. The second jar is smaller because it must fit freely in the first. And the last, smallest one, is useful as a burner. In addition, we will need a marker, a drill, metal scissors and a small wooden block.

1. Making an auxiliary device

This wooden block is not part of the stove, but serves to make it. With its help, it will be more convenient for you to drill holes and perform other operations. Insert the block into the jar and draw two lines with a marker approximately at the level of the lid.

The distance between the lines should be approximately 7–8 millimeters.

Carefully cut out a rectangular notch. The top edge of the can should fit freely into this recess.

Let's position the wooden block in such a way that it provides reliable support for the can. The upper edge should be conveniently located in the recess we made.

2. Make holes in the bottom of a large jar

First, draw a line along the bottom edge of the can. This line is needed to mark the points for the ventilation holes. In this case, a special dye is used for marking, but nothing will happen if you do it with a simple marker.

We drill holes along the line we marked. Their number and size are of great importance for the operation of the stove. If there are too few of them, there will be no traction, if there are too many, then the wood will burn out very quickly. Therefore, it is better not to overdo it here in order to be able to drill more holes after testing.

3. Drill a series of holes in the top of the middle can

We do approximately the same manipulations with the second jar (smaller in size). Please note that here the row of holes is located at the top, and not near the bottom, as in the previous case.

4. Drill the bottom of the middle can

We make many holes in the bottom of the jar. Their size and quantity should be such that firewood cannot fall out through them.

The result should be something like this.

5. Assembling the structure

We insert the middle jar into the large one.

As a result, our stove consists of two cans, rigidly inserted into one another. At the same time, a small gap remains between their walls, necessary for air movement.

6. Making a burner

The type of burner in different designs may vary slightly. In this case, the option with round holes in the side wall is used. You have already learned how to do them well from previous operations.

We cut out the bottom of a small jar with metal scissors.

The edges can be smoothed with a hammer and filed.

7. We carry out tests

The main part of the wood stove consists of two tin cans inserted into one another. We load the middle jar with flammable material, which can be wood chips, branches, or cones. It is best to use dry branches on trees, because branches lying on the ground may be damp to one degree or another.

Set it on fire and wait for it to burn. At first this may cause some difficulties, but after several training sessions it will be possible with one match.

When a confident, intense burning has begun, we place a burner on top, which we made from a small jar.

And then we place a kettle or pan on top.

If you watched the manufacturing process to the end and did not understand anything or it seemed too complicated to you, then check out another option. The video below demonstrates how to make such a stove without any tools other than a regular knife. It turns out, maybe not so neatly, but no less practical.

During a hike, a tent for tourists and winter fishermen is a real refuge from bad weather. It can protect from rain and wind, but even the warmest and most reliable sleeping bag will not help in cold weather. Therefore, in order to avoid freezing and feel comfortable, lovers of outdoor recreation use various mobile heating systems. A tent stove can become not only a source of heating, but also a means of cooking.

Variety of designs

Camping stoves for tents have a large number of different designs, both factory-made and self-made: from the simplest boxes or barrels (popularly called potbelly stoves) to more complex ones, which are equipped with afterburning chambers and spark arresters.

Any tent stove will warm those present even in severe frosts. All additional functions only increase efficiency. The design comes in three types:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • rectangular.

Round and oval ones have greater heat transfer, but they are usually solid, so there are inconveniences during transportation. The rectangular heater is compact, as it folds easily.

Furnace structure:

  1. The grate allows air access (blowing) to the burning fuel.
  2. Afterburners are necessary for more efficient combustion of fuel.
  3. The spark arrester is one of the most important parts that is necessary to cool the particles that enter the chimney during combustion. It looks like a bend in a pipe or a metal mesh built into it.

The weight of the stove depends on the type of construction and material of manufacture. The complicated one is harder than the simple one. They are usually made of steel sheets and the thinner they are, the lighter the product, although it will burn out and fail faster.

There are two types of chimney design: from elements inserted into one another and sheet metal rolled into a pipe, secured with wire or ready-made rim rings. For rigidity, a ring of a smaller diameter can be inserted inside the structure.

More often, a chimney for a tent is installed in the usual and convenient way - vertically. But there is also an inclined option, which has its own advantages. Firstly, you will need a shorter pipe, which means its weight will be lighter. And secondly, the heat transfer is higher. When positioned vertically, the heat, along with the smoke, quickly escapes outside; when positioned in an inclined position, it lingers in the tent.

The camp stove is usually transported as a whole, with removable legs and parts of the pipe placed inside. Although there are also completely collapsible models.

Before purchasing winter housing for hiking, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of tents with a stove. Many fans of traveling in the winter season believe that the main advantage of heating in a tent is a comfortable time with friends on a long winter night. The second advantage is that you do not need to take with you additional heavy means for insulating the tent and bulky sleeping bags.

However, an experienced traveler is always practical, so from his point of view, heated temporary shelters also have disadvantages:

  1. If you intend to use a solid fuel “Economy”, you must take coal with you or agree in advance on a route adjacent to the forest area. Although in the forest there may be problems with dry firewood. Then the best option would be to use a gas appliance.
  2. Although heating a tent with solid fuel provides comfortable field housing, it requires a considerable investment of time and labor. It is necessary to constantly be on duty near the stove, even at night, and also to collect a sufficient amount of firewood for heating.

And in this case, a gas appliance comes to the rescue. Many models run on diesel fuel, which lasts all night.

Operating principle

It doesn’t matter whether the stove was made independently according to its original drawing or purchased at a specialized retail outlet, you need to know the basic laws of heat engineering according to which any heating structure works.

The combustion process consists of heating the fuel, when moisture evaporates and some flammable substances are released, direct ignition and burning of the fuel. The efficiency of a heating device implies the level of its heat exchange with the surrounding space, that is, radiated heat and the intensity of convection.

The first factor depends on the degree of heating of the furnace, the area of ​​the heat exchanger and the material used to make the device. The second depends on the shape of the furnace and the direction of hot air flows.

Types of solid fuel stoves

Among lovers of tourism and travel, various types of tent heating are widely used in winter. . The most popular solid fuel models:

  1. “Economka” - long-burning tourist stoves for tents. The device allows you to maintain the combustion process on one load of firewood for up to 10 hours. Instead of a door, it has a round hole, which is tightly closed with a plug lid with a handle in the form of a bracket. At the bottom of the plug there is a built-in blower - a small pipe, on the cylindrical surface of which holes are drilled in rows. A cap-cap with a length equal to the pipe is tightly placed on it. When the position is removed, maximum draft is created, the fire becomes more intense, quickly heating up the stove. As the cap covers the rows of holes on the pipe, the traction force is adjusted. If the cap is pushed all the way, all the holes will be closed, the blowing will stop, and the firewood will slowly begin to smolder. Usually, thicker logs are laid at night, after they burn, the vent is closed and the tent space is provided with pleasant warmth all night long. In the morning, it is enough to place a few logs on the unextinguished coals, remove the lid and the fire will flare up again.
  2. The Volokusha camping stove for the tent has a streamlined shape, making it suitable for transporting food or small items needed by a tourist, fisherman or hunter.
  3. The round collapsible and hinged stoves are easy to disassemble and are stored in compact packages that fit in a backpack. They are quickly assembled on site, however, certain skills will be required.

Tourist stoves have several types of installation. For example, in the “Blizzard” and “Domik” tents, heating devices are suspended under the ridge of the tent. Sometimes they are attached to the central post in the tent or simply placed on legs. But such an installation is not particularly convenient. If the stove is placed directly in the snow, it will constantly melt from the heat. Therefore, through the square “window” of the bottom of the tent, you need to dig a recess of the same size and line it with fiberglass or asbestos, and then install the stove.

A gas heater does not have the disadvantages that a wood-burning device has. First of all, the problem with the procurement or delivery of fuel is solved, and there is also no need for electricity. This design functions thanks to the burner. The gas appliance is equipped with a closed and therefore safe combustion chamber, in the center of which there is a wick that does not require special maintenance.

In the event of a sudden extinguishment of the flame, the automatic fuel cut-off shuts off the gas supply and thereby prevents poisoning of those present. The device can be metal or ceramic, it depends on the special attachment. It is equipped with a gas cylinder and a burner, which can be easily transported over long distances. Such heaters belong to the category of the most efficient source of heat and light. The quality and technology of modern gas furnaces provide comfort, safety and ease of use. Positive qualities of the device:

  • high degree of mobility;
  • good thermal efficiency and at the same time economical;
  • safety of use (only when tipped over there is a risk of fire);
  • light weight;
  • ease of use.

The disadvantages are failure of operation due to severe frosts, the need to replace cylinders and a longer heating time for the tent compared to a wood-burning stove.

Infrared device

Another type is an infrared tent stove. The main element in the design is a metal mesh. The principle of operation of such burners is to convert thermal energy into infrared radiation, which is focused by a reflector and directed to specified areas of the tent. Ceramic or metal plastic is used as a radiator of thermal energy, and thermal energy is quickly transferred to all surrounding objects.

Even models with minimal power are capable of heating the space of small and medium-sized tents in a short period of time. Vacationers near such a heating device can feel the temperature increase by 10 degrees when compared with the ambient temperature.

To operate a gas appliance safely, it is necessary to have ventilation in the tent. You need to sleep with this type of heating at a height of at least 25 cm, so that if the hood is disrupted, the carbon monoxide accumulated near the floor does not harm your health. It should be taken into account that the radiation should not be directed at objects that are easily flammable, and the device itself should be installed at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the walls of the tent. The fuel for the infrared emitter is gas, gasoline, and kerosene.


The easiest way to assemble a stove for a tent with your own hands is from pipes using wood. The main advantage of such an invention is high efficiency, fast heating of a camp home. To make a homemade stove you need the following materials:

  • chimney pipe with a diameter of 20 cm;
  • two clamps for plugs;
  • a piece of pipe for bringing the chimney out, the length of which depends on the height of the tent;
  • legs from a tourist chair;
  • sheet of tin.

To manufacture a heater, complex diagrams and drawings are not required; the principle is simple and accessible. The assembly of the structure consists of several stages:

  1. Prepare a piece of steel pipe for the firebox. The length and cross-section are selected depending on the area of ​​the heated tent, as well as the desired volume of solid fuel for loading.
  2. A plug is placed at one end of the pipe; fuel will be loaded from the open part.
  3. A hole is made on the surface of the pipe closer to the plug, into which the chimney pipe is welded.
  4. The product is installed on the legs of a travel chair.
  5. When using a heating device, a sheet of tin is placed under the legs of the structure.

If you remove the chimney not vertically, but at an angle of 30 degrees, the efficiency increases by 30%. A simple metal mesh installed in the chimney can serve as a spark arrestor.

Terms of use

Tourist tents are made of flammable materials, and sometimes fire situations occur in which people do not have time to get out of them and get burned. Therefore, when heating the space of a camp home, it is necessary to take all possible safety measures:

  1. Do not use fire-based heating devices unless the tent material is heat-resistant.
  2. The use of the stove must strictly correspond to its intended purpose. If the design does not provide for simultaneous cooking and heating, therefore, this is prohibited. You should also not use the stove to dry things.
  3. The chimney must have a spark arrestor.
  4. Do not use flammable liquids for kindling.
  5. Go to bed as far away from the stove as possible.
  6. Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning and maintain proper ventilation.
  7. Do not use questionable structures for heating.
  8. Use an electric torch for lighting.

There are many ways to make your own tent heating. The main thing is to follow these tips and follow safety rules. And then, even in severe cold, your vacation will not only be exciting, but also comfortable.

If your hobby is hiking, then you know very well how important it is to have a reliable and efficient source of fire on the road. A wood stove is the most optimal solution for a tourist. To use this device, a minimum of fuel is required, and any type: wood chips, cones, branches, even dry leaves and grass will do. The efficiency of such a stove is simply excellent: you can boil a liter of water using just a few pieces of wood. It's all about the special design of the stove; it uses a phenomenon called wood pyrolysis.

For production you need:
three tin cans of different sizes (large, medium, small),
metal scissors,
a small block of wood.

1. Accessory

The wooden block will not serve as a part of the stove; it is needed for the manufacturing process itself. It will serve as an assistant for drilling holes and other operations.

To begin, insert the block into the jar, using a marker, draw two stripes approximately at the level of the lid at a distance of 7 - 8 mm from each other.
Cut a rectangular notch on the block. This is the notch for the top edge of the can. Position the block so that it becomes a support for the can.

2. Holes in a large jar

Using a marker, draw a line along the bottom edge of the large jar. The line will be needed to mark the holes for ventilation. The author of the homemade product used a special dye for marking, but the markings can be done with a regular marker. Now drill the holes. This needs to be done thoughtfully so that during testing you can add a few more pieces. Thanks to these holes, there will be draft in the stove; if there are few holes, there simply won’t be any, and if there are too many holes, then the wood will quickly burn out.

3. Holes in the middle jar

The next step is to drill holes in the middle can along the top edge.

We practically repeat the same as with a large jar, only from above, not from below.

Next, drill a lot of holes in the bottom of the middle jar. They must be made of such a size and in such quantity that firewood cannot fall through them. It turns out to be a kind of sieve.

5. Assembly of the structure

Insert the medium jar into the large one. In this case, there should be a small gap between the walls of the cans, which is necessary for air movement.

6. Hotplate

The burner for a camp stove can be made in a slightly different way; in this case, it turned out to be round with holes. Cut the bottom of the smallest can with metal scissors. Trim the edges with a hammer and file. Drill holes in the side walls.

7. Stove tests

So, our camp stove is two cans inserted into one another. Place fuel in the middle of the stove - wood chips, pine cones, dry twigs. Set it on fire. If you practice, you will be able to light it literally with one match. When the firewood is well lit, place a burner on top, and place a kettle or saucepan on it.

The walking stick is ready. With it, the tourist is not afraid of either hunger or cold.

Even the cold will not stop true lovers of outdoor activities. And what could be more pleasant than to warm up and have a hot meal after returning to your tent from the cold? A tourist's inventory includes a lot of useful accessories that make life easier, sometimes even a camp stove.

What are they and what are they for?

Portable camping stoves are designed to make field conditions during the cold season as comfortable as possible. A camp stove not only allows you to stay warm outdoors or heat a tent, it can be used to cook or warm up food.

There are many varieties of tourist and camping stoves, differing in design of varying complexity, material, type of fuel used, size and technical capabilities. Some models make it possible to heat only a small tent, while others allow you to cook something or warm tea. And also Each model is designed for use in certain conditions.


Let's take a closer look at what types of stoves there are.

Mini oven or wood chipper

You can find models of various designs, the distinctive feature of which is their small size. A primitive device, small dimensions and low price are the main advantages of this type of stove. They are usually heated with wood chips or firewood; they have no combustion control; the principle of jet propulsion is used. They are usually made from sheet iron. Some models have a hob that allows you to heat something: for example, boil water for tea or fry something in a small frying pan.

Gas oven

Most often it is an ordinary gas burner, to which a small gas cylinder is connected with a hose or screw connection. This type has its advantages: even a small portable gas cylinder will provide the stove with fuel, which you won’t have to look for on site for quite a long time. The device itself does not take up much space, but is heavier compared to mini-stoves. The design is not complicated, but requires certain skills to use.

Wood burning

Such a stove, as a rule, is not dismountable and has more impressive dimensions. The simplest design of a wood-burning stove can be of various configurations: with and without combustion control, with and without a hob, the principle of operation may differ slightly, and it may even be collapsible.

The material also varies: thin steel, stainless steel or titanium. A titanium stove will cost more, but has less weight and an impressive margin of safety, which ensures long-term operation. This stove is heated with wood, dried wood and wood chips, which you can take with you or get on site.


The simplest design based on jet air draft. Typically consists of a pipe and a combustion chamber. The main task of a “rocket” or “flint” stove is to heat water or cook food: such a stove heats up quickly and cools down quickly.

There is a peculiarity of operation - before loading such a stove with “serious” fuel, you need to warm up the pipe, first burning paper in the combustion chamber. If the chimney is not preheated, the stove may smoke.

Folding camp stoves

A separate type of structure, the main advantage of this type of stove is its compactness and low weight. It is important that You can take such a stove with you, place it in your backpack and go hiking, for example, in the fall. Structurally, such stoves resemble a barbecue - it is a collapsible structure made of thin iron or stainless steel.

In order to keep warm, such a stove may not be enough. The design allows you to cook anything by heating or roasting over a fire.


A separate type of stoves with an air blower. Usually they are a small wood chip stove with a battery-powered air blower. Some models provide power supply ability to connect a power bank or other power source. There is a holder at the top of the stove that allows you to place the dishes on the fire and heat and boil water. This stove is an interesting, modern device that allows for widespread use.

Long burning stoves

Such stoves involve smoldering of fuel in a combustion chamber. These are non-separable models that provide a spark arrestor and protective screens on the walls of the stove, which increases safety. Fuel briquettes or firewood are used as fuel. One load of the combustion chamber can provide heat in the tent for up to 5-6 hours, which is very convenient and economical. On such a stove you can fully cook, heat water or melt snow.


It is a closed type multi-oven. When assembled it resembles a small suitcase, it is very convenient to carry. This stove cannot be used in tents - the stove is intended for use exclusively outdoors for cooking and barbecuing.

The main advantages are light weight, ease of transportation, rich equipment and the ability to use the stove where lighting fires is prohibited. The pipe is equipped with an effective spark arrestor, and the legs prevent damage to the grass. The set includes cutlery, some dishes and skewers.


Long-burning stove: one load of the combustion chamber provides heat for up to 5 hours, the smoldering mode allows you to use fuel economically and not overheat the walls, which increases fire safety. It is a cylindrical structure that is installed on a collapsible frame. Weight of 3 kilograms and convenient shape ensure ease of transportation. The design allows the use of a stove like a hot smoked smokehouse.

On diesel fuel

A furnace running on diesel fuel and waste oil. The design, weighing up to 6 kilograms, consists of the following components: a housing, a removable fuel tank, a block with a wick, a burner and a reflector. Such a device will evenly heat the tent; you can cook food or heat water on the burner. However, at the moment of ignition and extinguishing, there may be an unpleasant smell of diesel fuel.

Pyrolysis oven

It is a simple stove based on a “wood chipper”: a steel cylindrical body, also known as a firebox, with a mount for a pot or iron utensils at the top. Such a stove does not take up much space and does not require skills in handling equipment. At the same time, it allows you to warm up food or water and also helps you stay warm.

Some models can be used in tents. Simplicity of design is the main advantage of stoves of this type.

How to choose?

The market is saturated with a huge number of models and manufacturers. You can find a stove for any conditions. This could be a hiking trip or an outing using transport, a “savage” vacation or a civilized one with comfort. There are even such specific models as cauldron stoves. Selection factors include the type of fuel used, weight, design and price. You should choose a camping stove based on the following criteria:

  • compactness– the oven should not take up much space, or ease of transportation should be ensured;
  • weight– the product should be light, which is especially important when hiking;
  • simplicity of design– it’s convenient when you can assemble a product on an intuitive level;
  • possibility of combustion regulation– there are models that do not provide this opportunity, as a result of which the fuel burns out quickly;
  • high efficiency– the longer it burns and the more heat such a stove produces, the better;
  • moderate fuel consumption– its type and consumption are of great importance, because it is not always possible to take fuel with you;
  • possibility to use the stove not only outdoors, but also in a tent and other conditions;
  • multifunctionality– the presence of a large hob for cooking or heating food, as well as the ability to use the oven as a smokehouse;
  • safety– it is important that the fire and sparks remain inside the firebox;
  • shielding– inability to get burned on the body.

If the stove is heavy or non-demountable, it will be difficult to go hiking. When a hike involves spending a long time away from civilization, a wood-burning stove or wood chipper will be more relevant than a gas burner.

Outdoor recreation is almost always accompanied by setting up a tent and lighting a fire. It is on the fire that you can prepare delicious fish soup, tea and other healthy food. However, nature does not always allow you to enjoy these pleasant moments; sometimes rain prevents this or it takes a very long time to get to the forest. In this case, you can make a camp stove with your own hands, especially since this process cannot be called complicated.

What is a camp stove for?

A device such as a camp stove can easily replace a fire. At the same time, it requires less fuel than when lighting an open fire.

In addition, the following can be used as fuel:

  • Cones.
  • Tree bark.
  • Woodchips.
  • Dry branches and reeds.
  • Cooled used coals.

It should be noted that when burning the same amount of fuel, a stove produces much more heat than a fire. Therefore, the oven can cook more food in a shorter period of time.

All furnace devices are divided into two types: single-walled and double-walled. In addition, the stove can be folding or made in a mini version. A camp stove can be made at home or directly at your vacation spot. In both cases, the process makes it easier to use the drawings.

To make a camping stove, various available materials are used, including unnecessary pots, cans from preservatives, or ordinary metal sheets.

When choosing a material, it should be taken into account that the stove must meet the following requirements:

  • Low heat consumption.
  • Low weight and dimensions.
  • The ability to heat dishes, not air.

Design features of a camp stove and its advantages

A self-made camping stove is a wonderful and useful device for relaxing outside the city and in the forest. It is indispensable for fishing and camping with a tent.

If the design provides for the presence of grates, such a furnace is characterized by good draft. Consequently, the fuel will burn very quickly. Therefore, it is best to use firewood for a camp stove.

In devices without a bottom, the fuel is placed directly on the ground. Firewood or other fuel burns more slowly, and coals do not smolder for a long time. The process is resumed with a new batch of fuel loaded. This type of tourist stove provides less heat due to the lack of draft.

The camp stove, equipped with stands, is characterized by maximum traction, which speeds up the process of frying food. If you need to cook food by boiling, the stands are removed and the oven is placed on the ground. In this case, the grate blocks overlap, oxygen enters in less quantity and the combustion process slows down. In this case, the cooking time increases.

Regardless of the design, camping stoves have many advantages:

  • Wood stoves are quite economical.
  • The fuel burns in any weather.
  • The devices can even be used inside tents.
  • The manufacture and operation of the stove is quite simple.
  • Possibility of manufacturing a mini version of the stove.
  • Easy transportation.
  • Adjustable fire power.
  • Complete security.
  • High performance.

Making a mini-stove from a tin can

Wood-burning camp stoves made from a tin can are the simplest mini-version of a single-wall design. To make them, you can take a tin can or an unnecessary iron mug. Accordingly, the height of such a product will be approximately equal to the height of the glass.

For the manufacture of a mini camping stove and its further operation, the following scheme is used:

  • The bottom of the jar or mug is pierced with a sharp object in several places. Air will enter the combustion chamber through these holes, and the fire will be stronger. The holes should not be made too large to prevent coals from falling out.
  • Small wooden blocks are placed inside the jar. They should be positioned strictly vertically and not look beyond the top edge of the jar.
  • Now pull out one log from the middle to provide air access to the firewood.
  • The free space between the logs is filled with paper and grass and set on fire.
  • Burning in a mini camp stove lasts about half an hour, which is enough to whip up dishes.

It should be noted that in this case there is not a large amount of smoke around.

When cooking outdoors for a large number of people, you should take a jar with a volume of one or two liters, in this case the fuel consumption also increases. Therefore, to maintain the fire, it is better to take thicker wood, which will provide heat for about an hour.

The mini camping stove design can be moved to the tent if the weather brings an unpleasant surprise. But it is worth considering that such a stove cannot be used for a long time.

Using unnecessary pots to make a stove

To make a double-walled stove, you will need an old unnecessary pan; a stainless metal product would be an excellent option. This version of the stove can be used on a hike due to its light weight, ease of manufacture and affordable fuel for it.

The design of a double-walled camping wood-burning stove consists of one container inserted into another. A hole is cut out in the lower element where firewood will be placed. The bottom is cut with a sharp knife in several places to form a kind of grate. A small stand is placed at the bottom and firewood is placed on it.

The second container needs to be taken a little smaller so that it fits inside the first pan. The fire in the lower element will heat the upper pan. They also make a bow, with the help of which the resulting pot can be removed from the fire without getting burned. Cooking food while camping in the fresh air with the help of such a stove is very simple and pleasant.

Both versions of the camping stove are lightweight, do not take up much space and are easy to transport. You can also use the devices in a tent in adverse weather or move them while the fuel is burning. But such stoves cannot boast of a long operating period.

Do-it-yourself folding camping stove

A folding stove for a camping trip can be called a fairly effective option, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to make it. This option requires the presence of a pre-compiled drawing and a set of necessary tools and materials. In particular, you should prepare the following:

  • Electric drill.
  • Pliers.
  • Roulette.
  • Bulgarian.
  • File.
  • Metal sheet 1 mm thick.
  • Piano hinges.
  • Bicycle spokes or thin wire.

To make your own folding version of a wood-burning camp stove, you can use the following instructions:

  • In accordance with the drawing, structural parts are cut out of a metal sheet using a grinder.
  • A hole is cut out in the part that will serve as the bottom of the product. The burrs around it are cleaned with a file.
  • The side parts of the stove are connected using piano hinges. The result is a kind of box.
  • One-sided bends must be made along the perimeter of the bottom, as well as in the lower and side walls.
  • The bottom and the box are combined, and the folds made should create a tube. Bicycle spokes or thin wire are inserted into it.
  • Protrusions with slots on the sides are made on the grate.
  • On one side of the stove, use a grinder to cut out a hole for storing fuel.
  • Slots are made along the upper edge into which skewers can be inserted for frying meat.

A DIY camp stove made of metal is ready for use.

Description of pyrolysis and gas furnaces

Pyrolysis and gas stoves are very convenient for use on hikes and vacations outside the city. They are characterized by an excellent combustion process, so they are quite suitable for quick cooking in the fresh air. But you cannot make such stoves yourself; they are purchased in specialized stores.

The pyrolysis stove is highly efficient, so the models presented from the retail chain have a fairly high price. Compared to wood-burning stoves, this option is characterized by greater productivity. Those who decide to make such a device with their own hands must have special knowledge and materials. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a homemade stove in nature does not give the desired effect.

Among the advantages of a pyrolysis oven are safety and environmental friendliness. In such a device you can burn excess garbage and cook food; the fire in them burns constantly without failure. For the manufacture of a pyrolysis furnace, steel that is resistant to high heat is used.

A camping gas stove is also suitable for traveling out of town or camping with a tent. In the retail chain, such devices are presented in a wide range; you can choose a stove of any color and cost. The gas oven runs on a special cartridge that requires regular replacement. However, you can cook food on such a device without difficulty.

Before going on holiday outside the city or camping with a tent, you should take care of all the necessary things, including a camp stove. For regular use, it is better to purchase a good stove for tourism in a specialized store. And for occasional and very rare trips to relax in the fresh air, you can use self-made devices that do not require spending money, effort and time.