Step-by-step instructions for making a bow and arrow. How to make a bow from wood at home? How to make a bow from a stick

Who among us didn’t like archery as a child? I think there are few such people. Of course, you need to be careful when shooting, as you may accidentally injure another person. However, if your child really asks, then why not.

How to make the simplest arrows for a bow?

This method is best suited if you are walking with your child in the forest. Find straight and dry branches. The length of the branch should be no more than half the length of the bow. We will now describe which types of branches are best suited for this purpose.

  • Goldenrod. It is well suited because it has elastic and even branches. Most often it is found on the field.
  • Any other straight branches will also work, even green ones. However, if they are freshly cut, you need to give them time to dry. Do not dry them over a fire because the sap inside the branches may catch fire.

Now the cut branches need to be cleared of skin and all irregularities must be cut off so that they become smooth. If the branch is crooked, you can heat it a little on the fire, then straighten it and hold it until it cools.

At one end, cut a recess so that the arrows can hook onto the bow string.

Now you need to sharpen the opposite ends of the arrow. To make the tip harder, you can lightly burn it over a fire. You can make the tips separately from metal and attach them to the arrows, but this is not necessary.

Now you need to make fletching so that the arrows fired from the bow fly more accurately to the target. They can be made from any type of feathers. Take the feather and glue it to the part of the arrow where the border for the bow string is cut.

You can cut a cross-shaped border, insert a feather into it and then fasten the tip together again using thread or glue.

How to make perfectly straight arrows for a bow?

To do this, you need to take a block of wood, the cross-section of which is twelve by twelve millimeters. Using a shoemaker's knife, cut off the edges of the workpiece, giving it an oval shape. The very tip of the arrow does not have to be processed evenly. The main thing is that it fits into the drill drum.

Now you need to make a device with which you can round the entire surface of the future bow arrow. To do this, you need a die, which must be clamped in the workbench pliers. The diameter of the die should be the same as that at the base of the workpiece, that is, twelve millimeters. Everything is shown in the picture below.

Then clamp the base into the drill drum, and insert the opposite end into the die. Now start the drill and run the workpiece a couple of times, moving it along the die.

Thus, after processing, you will have an excellent blank from which you can make arrows for a bow.

To achieve perfect roundness of the workpiece, you need to make one more fixture.

To do this, take a hardwood block of wood (beech can be used). You need to drill a hole in it at the beginning of the block, slightly at an angle. Now, using a plane, plan the block until the beginning of the hole appears. What you should end up with is shown in the figure below.

As you can see, it turned out to be a whole hole on one side, and a little smaller on the other. For drilling, take a drill thirteen millimeters in diameter.

Using a clamp, attach a wide chisel diagonally.

Then reinsert our future bow arrow into the drill drum and shoot it again using this device.

This way you will get a perfectly smooth product that can be sanded if desired. To do this, hold a drill in one hand and a piece of sandpaper in the other. Now, turning on the drill at the lowest speed, grind the product.

A very important part of the arrow is its feathering. It helps her fly smoothly and hit the target more accurately.

What you will need to make an arrow for a bow:

  1. 1. Aluminum adhesive tape.
  2. 2. Colored adhesive tape.
  3. 3. A sheet of A4 paper.
  4. 4. Ruler.
  5. 5. Paper knife.
  6. 6. Scissors.

Mark the papers as shown in the figure below and cut them. The width of each resulting piece will be four centimeters, and the length will be twenty-one centimeters.

Cut the aluminum adhesive tape so that you get a line one centimeter wide and twenty-one centimeters long.

Now place the colored tape with the sticky side facing up. Carefully lay the paper strips on it so that there is approximately five millimeters of free space at the edges. Glue strips of aluminum onto this free space. Glue a sticky colored strip to the very top.

Then, using hard cardboard, you need to cut out the future feather ten centimeters long and two centimeters wide. Cut out the feathers. Don't forget to leave about one centimeter on one side so you can wrap it later.

Now take the prepared arrow and carefully peel off the strip from the feather and glue it to the blank.

In the same way, glue another pair of feathers to each of the arrows so that the stripes touch each other.

Using colored adhesive tape, cut strips that are a centimeter wide and ten centimeters long. Glue these strips onto the arrow blanks. Then glue two more strips in the same way.

What we ended up with is shown in the figure below.

Tracer Crossbow Arrow

Why is it needed? If you are going to shoot at night, then, firstly, a regular arrow can be easily changed, and secondly, a tracer arrow is easier to hit the target. Although it seems like a difficult task, it is not.

Take a duralumin tube and make a glass out of it. It should be twenty-one millimeters long. The outer diameter should be six and a half millimeters, and the inner diameter 5.75 millimeters.

Now you need to carve the edge to which the 4.2 millimeter spring will be attached. You can make the spring yourself, or you can take a ready-made one. It can be taken from a lighter four millimeters in diameter.

We need to make a ledge on our workpiece; it will interfere with pressing the spring into the arrow.

Now you need to get three batteries with a diameter of 5.65 millimeters. Connect them together using tape.

Now, using caprolon, you make a reflective penny. Make a hole in it for LED lighting. Its diameter should be three millimeters and its depth seven millimeters.

Using a millimeter drill, drill holes for the legs of the luminous element. One of them will be located in the center, the other slightly to the side. Make the second hole in such a way that it comes out in the same place with the diameter of the reflective element. By the way, its size is 7.8 millimeters, and the diameter of the bushing entry point is 5.8 millimeters.

It should be noted that this is not the only way such an arrow can be made. Experiment by selecting other components. The most important thing is that you understand the principle of the tracer boom.

Insert the luminous and reflective elements to the very end of the product. Bend the legs and cut off the excess pieces. The leg that is in the center is twisted into a circle, and the second one is bent towards the reflective element at an angle of ninety degrees.

Now we need you to assemble everything into one product.

To do this, make a hole in the arrow body as long as the height of the cup. Then you pull and compact the cup until it stops, install a spring in it and insert the batteries. Now press the reflective element so that the leg of the lighting element does not reach the cup a little.

As you may have noticed, there is a lot of detail included in the description of the process of making a seemingly simple survival bow from literally “shit and sticks.” You'll have to pay a lot of attention to the art of craftsmanship if you're going to make your own bow and arrows to be like Katniss Everdeen or some dystopian Robin Hood.

But now it's time to reveal the harsh truth to you. A bow is not the most difficult thing to make. After all, a bow is just a bending branch with a string on it. That’s right - all that a survival bow is is a stick and string. But there is one more question that we have already mentioned...

How to make arrows for a bow with your own hands

What does require some level of skill is making arrows, that is, archery projectiles. Even the best bow won't be a survival weapon without the right set of arrows to shoot with it. And if you thought that making a bow was difficult, then try making an arrow from scratch that is high enough for successful hunting, especially in the wild.

Making arrows is your biggest test. But don't let my words scare you. Our ancestors managed to create good arrows from scrap materials, so we can do it too. Here are the basic steps for making arrows:

How to make an arrow, step 1: Find the right material

Find thin and long tree saplings, reeds, reeds, or bamboo as thick as the diameter of the arrow shaft - about 8 mm, excluding bark for hardwoods. For plants that are hollow inside the trunk, such as reeds, it is worth taking a slightly larger diameter.

Let nature grow the perfect materials. Don't waste your time trying to make an arrow by whittling it out of a whole log.

How to Make an Arrow, Step 2: Finish and Straighten the Arrow Shaft

You'll need to cut off or sand down any parts that don't fit into the perfect rod shape. Trim shafts that seem too long. When the bow is at full draw, the completed arrows should extend approximately 2 inches beyond your hand on the grip.

The arrow shaft should be dead, but not rotten. Straighten any kinks by heating a certain point of the shaft over the fire, then shaping it into the desired shape and holding it in that position until it cools. This process of heating and cooling will allow the wood to take on a new shape, which, if done correctly, will come out absolutely straight and even.

How to Make an Arrow, Step 3: Cut out the grooves on the sides and add the arrow fletching

Carefully cut a notch - a shank, 5-10 mm deep at the end of the shaft (usually the size of a multitool saw is perfect for this). Its width should match the thickness of the string of your survival bow. If you use a hollow material for the shaft, attach a hardwood insert and make the nock in it, otherwise you may see the bowstring cut the bamboo arrow in half.

Next, plan how your stays will be mounted in relation to the shank. If there are two feathers, you need to place them in one line with the notch, parallel to it. If there are three feathers, they should be at the same distance from each other, and one of them will be perpendicular to the shank. These types of feathers are difficult to achieve without glue, and even more difficult if you don't have a dead bird on hand to provide the required number of feathers.

The feathers must be the same on each arrow. For example, for one arrow use only feathers from the right wing, for another - only from the left wing, or only from the tail. Finish the feathers, use glue if available, and firmly install the feathers in place. Make sure that the front end of the fletching (the part facing towards the tip) is smooth and secure enough, otherwise it may cut your hand when fired.

How to Make an Arrow, Step 4: Install the Arrowhead

As we said in , small flat metal arrowheads make a great addition to your backpacking bag when paired with a few strands of the right quality bowstring.

Saw a notch in the front of your arrow, then sharpen the tip of the shaft slightly to improve arrow penetration. Attach the arrowhead and tie it tightly. If you don't have metal tips, try making some, or use stone or glass tips sharpened into a triangular shape. If you don’t have this option, you can simply sharpen the tip of the shaft or leave it blunt - this will be enough for small game.

And to consolidate all the material, let’s summarize...

"Anatomy" of a bow

  • Onion belly(bow belly): The inside of the bow that faces the archer when the string is drawn is called the bow belly. If the bow breaks, the belly may bend or collapse as the wood fibers compress on that side of the arc. In modern archery, this part is called the face.
  • Bow maker(bowmaker): a bowmaker.
  • Bow tips(bow ears): the outermost 5-10 cm of each of the arms of the bow.
  • Bow base(bow stave): a single piece of wood from which the arch of a bow is made.
  • Bow shoulder(bow limb): The two parts of the bow on either side of the grip are called the limbs.
  • Bow handle(bow grip): the middle part of the bow's arc, by which the archer holds the bow itself.
  • Back of the bow(bow back): the part of the bow that points away from the archer when he draws the string. She is directed towards the goal. If the bow breaks, the back will often be shattered into splinters. There is a lot of tension on this part as the wood fibers stretch.
  • Pull width(brace height): the distance from the handle to the point where the string attaches to the arrow when the bow is fully drawn. In Old English there is a term "Fistmele" which refers to the length of an arm when a person makes a "thumbs up" gesture.

In we will talk about archery - the main points that need to be taken into account, about correct aiming, and how not to break the bow when shooting and maintain its durability.

The bow is a beautiful weapon, known to man since ancient times and still popular not only among romantic teenagers, but also among athletes, as well as hunters. is amazing. You can purchase this accessory in a store, or you can make it yourself, if you wish. And today we will tell you how to make a classic, compound and hunting bow with your own hands with arrows at home.

This type of weapon works by transmitting a pushing force to the bowstring through the straightening shoulders, which causes the arrow to fly out at a certain speed. This speed depends on the tension force. Popular models in this category are, and.

The video below will tell you how to make a classic bow for shooting with your own hands at home:

What you will need

You need to prepare:

  • Plane.
  • Hacksaw-saw.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Jigsaw (for compound bow).
  • Drill (for compound bow)
  • Glue.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Varnish, finishing paint.
  • M6 bolts (for compound bow).
  • Material for the bowstring (fishing line, synthetic rope or silk thread).
  • The material for the bow is a PVC pipe or wood (yew is best, you can also take ash, juniper, cedar, willow, walnut, rowan, larch, elm).

DIY classic bow


Option one

The easiest way to make a one-piece bow is to take a PVC pipe 4 centimeters thick. The length is measured based on the distance between the ends of the fingers in an extended state and the middle of the thigh. Notches are made at the ends of the pipe where the bowstring is attached.

The product is not very durable - it will only last a few times.

Option two

This is a composite model that will require some tinkering. But the structure will be more durable and reliable.

  1. Here you first need to cut out the central part (base) from wood, to which the shoulders will be attached. The width of the base in the center is 5 centimeters, and at the edges - one and a half centimeters. The block for the workpiece has dimensions of 40 by 4 by 6 centimeters. Material – oak or birch. You can glue a blank from several layers of maple, beech or other wood.
  2. We make the arms from the same PVC pipe and reinforce them with pieces of smaller diameter pipe inserted inside. We make notches at the edges, where we attach a bowstring woven from silk thread.

You can also make shoulders from ready-made spring slats taken from a sofa or bed. The length of these elements usually ranges from 70 to 120 centimeters. The optimal thickness is 12 centimeters. Cut out the parts obliquely (preferably two at once). Notches are made on the edges for the bowstring with a depth of 7 to 8 millimeters. The arms are connected to the base with M6 bolts (for which holes must be drilled).

It's even easier to make shoulders from skis - they fit perfectly. It is best to take narrow skis, but wide skis will have to be sharpened. Both plastic and wooden products are suitable. In this case, the total length of the bow should be from 120 to 140 centimeters.

Compound Bow

These models differ from the classic ones in that due to the presence of eccentric blocks, less effort is required when shooting. And accuracy and accuracy, as well as firing range, increase. Block models such as and others are popular among athletes and hunters.

This video will tell you about making compound bows with your own hands at home:

What you will need

A very simple option requires:

  • Two powerful springs (you can buy them at the car market).
  • Two metal wheels (parts of a car lift, also bought at the car market) and two metal pins 4 centimeters each (will be the axles).
  • Eight furniture corners and two corners of 4 centimeters each.
  • Two furniture hinges.
  • Four metal brackets in the shape of the letter “P” (attach the wheels).
  • There are 30-35 regular self-tapping screws and 4 extended ones.
  • Synthetic ropes (strings).
  • Wooden blocks 46 centimeters long (2 pieces for the shoulders), 40 centimeters long, 4 centimeters wide and 2 centimeters thick (2 pieces for the base) 16 centimeters long and the same length and width with grooves along the edges (2 pieces for attaching springs) .
  • Hacksaws.
  • Jigsaw.
  • File.
  • Screwdrivers.
  • Sandpaper.

DIY compound bow (drawings)


We make the base by attaching two small, sixteen-meter bars along the edges of a forty-centimeter bar. We use corners for fastening. We strengthen the structure with long self-tapping screws. Bring the surface smooth with sandpaper. We attach wheels to the shoulders using U-shaped brackets (for which we make slits at the ends of the arms). The axles will be the studs.

We attach furniture hinges (curtains) along the edges of the base. We paint all the parts (spray paint is best, it dries quickly). Then we attach the shoulders to the hinges (in the middle), and screw the corners to their front part from the end. We will hook the springs onto them, the other end of which will hook onto the recesses in the base bars. All that remains is to tighten the bowstring.

Below we will tell you how to make a hunting bow with your own hands at home.

Hunting bow

Modern bows for hunting can be simple (solid) and composite, recurve and block, having different lengths and power. The cost of some ready-made branded models is quite high, so we’ll tell you how to make a hunting bow yourself. Moreover, in “field” conditions.

A simple hiking option

What you will need

  • Durable wood (cedar, spruce, bird cherry, pear, apple, elm, pine, birch, larch).
  • The knife is sharp and comfortable.
  • Animal fat.


  1. We choose a suitable flexible branch in the forest.
  2. We try it on for size, placing one end to the thigh, the other to the end of the outstretched arm.
  3. We clean the bark and cut out the desired shape.
  4. In the middle we make the thickness 5 centimeters, at the edges - 1.5 centimeters.
  5. For the bowstring, the grooves are 1.25 centimeters from the ends.
  6. Rub the finished product with animal fat.

DIY hunting bow

Composite model

What you will need

  • The wood for the base (otherwise known as kibiti) is single-layered, dense, and not flexible. It's best to take it close to the root of the tree.
  • For the shoulders (aka, horns), we take bird cherry growing near the water.
  • For the bowstring - a cord, a leather strip three millimeters wide, or twisted nettle stems.
  • For gluing parts, use glue made from crushed fish heads.
  • Birch bark, a plate made of spruce “Kremlin”.
  • Animal fat.


We clean the workpieces from the bark and dry them well in a dark place. After rough processing, a second drying is carried out. When all the parts are cut out, they are dried in the sun. If you want to shoot from the knee, then one horn (shoulder) is made shorter. If this is not expected, we make them the same. The edges of the bow can be up to 1.5 meters. The dimensions of the base are the same as in the composite model described above.

The parts are glued together with fish glue and secured with animal tendons for strength. The base is impregnated with fat (or cedar resin). Inside the onion we paste a plate of spruce “kremlin”, on top - from warm birch bark, boiled and softened (we place the fibers lengthwise). All that remains is to attach the bowstring.

As for arrows for a hunting bow, they are made with a diameter of 6 millimeters, from wood without cracks. Bird's flight feathers are inserted into the back part.

Light wood is suitable for small game, hard wood for large game.

If you want to hunt birds, just sharpen the tip of the arrow. If you have your eye on something larger, make a tip. Metal, bone, silicon.

This video will tell you how to make a bow for hunting underwater with your own hands:

In childhood, homemade bows were supplied with an elastic band from underpants (according to the principle of operation - the energy for a shot comes not from the shoulders of the bow, but from pulling the bowstring), or from fishing line (the energy comes from the shoulders of the bow). It’s just that, as a rule, there was no other material for making a bowstring at the dacha, and the child doesn’t need it.

But we need a good, powerful bow capable of hitting a target at a distance, so we can’t do without a good bowstring.

How to make a bow string.

As a rule, in the modern world, bowstrings are made of synthetic materials such as Kevlar, nylon, and nylon. A bowstring made from these materials will last longer than from traditional materials created by nature, such as flax, hemp, other plant fibers, animal tendons, silk, and rawhide.

Therefore, choose the material for making the bowstring depending on the conditions in which you are making the bow (if it is possible to make it with high quality, make it from synthetics; if you have an emergency situation, then it’s from what is at hand, as a rule, survivalists always have on hand there is a fishing line).

In order to make a good bowstring, we need a “machine”. It could be a board with two pins, a board with four pins, a stool, a log with two knots in the end.

The dimensions of our machine for making bowstrings are: L3 (string length) = L1 + L2, with L1 = 15-20 cm.

Next, on the lugs of the string, in the places where the string is put on the bow, it is necessary to make a winding to protect the string from wear. A four-pin option is convenient for this. If you have two pins, use a spacer. You need to wind the winding tightly, laying the turns as close as possible to each other.

The winding is applied from both ends of the bowstring to about 15 cm, and you need to choose in such a way that in one of the two places of the winding the winding hides the knot that connects the threads of the bowstring to each other (the knot that is formed when tying the ends of the thread when we wind it on the pins) .

The next step is to wrap the string around the center. In the place where the arrow will lie, it is necessary to make another winding 10-15 cm long on the bowstring. This thickening of the bowstring will both add energy when shooting and save your fingers. You can also make a saddle (groove) for the arrow so that it sits better on the bowstring.

How to make arrows for a bow.

We all understand that the straighter the arrow is, the smoother and more accurate its flight will be. Therefore, there is always a basic rule for making arrows, no matter whether you make them at home or in the wild jungle - the arrow shaft should not be a boomerang!!

If you are making an arrow in a quiet home environment, then you can use a square straight-layer glazing bead without knots with a side of 10 mm. If there are round glazing beads, buy them, you are very lucky. Or you can buy a good straight-layer board, go to a carpentry shop and have them cut glazing beads for you (or do it yourself, with handles).

If you choose between pine and birch, then birch is much preferable. Yes, it is more difficult to process than pine, but in the end you will get much better arrow shafts.

To make a high-quality arrow at home, you will need the following tool:

Drill, wood saw (or jigsaw), metal saw, sanding paper of various sizes, needle file, file, metal scissors for making a tip.

The manufacturing process itself:

We calculate the length of the arrows according to the drawing, and accordingly cut the glazing beads along this length.

We take our glazing beads and begin to process them. First we give them a perfectly round shape, then we sand them first with coarse sandpaper, then with fine sandpaper.

Now you need a tip. It can be done simply: hammer a nail and wrap the place with copper wire. But this design is from deep childhood.

You can cut the tip out of tin, crimp it onto the shaft, as shown in the photo, and secure it with wire.

I advise you to make a tip like this:

It can be cut from steel with a thickness of 1.5 - 2 mm. It wouldn't be a bad idea to cut it out with a knife. You need to make a slot in the end of the bow, attach the tip there with glue, then wrap it with thread.

Next you need to make a cut for the bowstring. It must be done very carefully. First, we make a cut with a hacksaw for metal perpendicular to the annual rings to a depth of about 7 mm. We expand it with a file and round the corners. Next, using a round file at a distance of about 1.5 cm from the heel (see picture), we make two round “dimples”.

The next stage of making an arrow is fletching. It can be made from bird feathers, plastic, paper and tape.

From one bird feather you can make two or three feathers for our arrow (depending on its length). The length of the plumage ranges from 5.0 to 9.0 cm. The best feathers for arrows are turkey feathers.

The feather is cut along the shaft with scissors, and then pieces of a given size are cut from it. For feathering, the best part of the feather, closer to the base of the trunk, should be used. Feathers can be painted in the colors you want before gluing.

The feather trimmed with scissors has a barrel that is uneven in structure, which must be processed so that it can be glued to the arrow. To process the empennage barrel, you must use sanding paper. Grinding is done like this: the tail is compressed between two metal plates about 0.5-0.7 mm thick. The remaining outside part of the pen barrel is sanded using sandpaper, which is placed on a flat board. Since the plates are held perpendicular to the board, after grinding the end of the empennage will be pressed evenly against the arrow. The side faces of the tail rod are also polished.

The feathers made in this way are glued to the arrow. The selection and labeling of plumage for one set of arrows must be done from the feathers of the wing of the same name.

Incorrectly applied fletchings (eg from different wings) can cause the arrow to fly differently than other arrows.

The feathers glued to the arrows are fired with hot wire to give them a certain shape, for which a special machine is used.

Currently, archery shooters use feathers purchased from various companies, which are made with high quality for any arrows and various types of shooting.

You can tie the feathers with strong threads (silk, nylon, etc.)

You can use paper covered with tape to make feathers. It will turn out approximately as in the photo.

That's it, the arrow is ready.

Now you know how to properly make a bow and arrow. Don't kill each other)).

Since childhood, many of us have dreamed of mastering archery techniques so that, like Chigachgook, Robin Hood and other famous characters, we can accurately hit a target from a long distance. For some, these dreams are still alive to this day.

Nowadays, onions can be bought quite easily in the store. But it’s much more interesting to make it yourself. This way you can take into account all the individual features so that the projectile is as convenient as possible for you.

In addition, such a creation will certainly become a source of pride for you and will increase the rating of your personal achievements. This article contains the clearest and most useful instructions and photos on how to make a bow yourself.

Varieties of bows

First, let's look at what classifications of these weapons exist.

In terms of design, bows are:

  • Solid;
  • Block;
  • Collapsible.

In terms of application, bows are divided into:

  • Hunting;
  • Fishing;
  • Sports.

Based on the material, the following types of bows are distinguished:

  • Wooden;
  • Metal;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Combined.

In the vastness of Russia, the simplest and most economical material is wood. Next you will find a master class on how to make a solid shooting bow from ordinary wood at home.

Design Features

Regardless of the material, type and purpose, the following parts are distinguished in any bow:

  • The handle is the central part from which the flight of the arrow begins;
  • Limbs are the curved ends of the bow onto which the string is attached.

The optimal length of a bow and arrow depends on the height of the shooter. To calculate the ideal proportions of your future bow, measure the span of your arms and use the table that can be found on the Internet.

Preliminary preparation

The process of making a bow takes quite a long time. What can you make onions from at home? Which tree is better to choose? What tools will you need? By following all the recommendations, you can build a bow that will last you more than one season.

The base branch for the future onion is cut down in winter at a good sub-zero temperature. This is necessary to keep the tree sap inside the trunk.

The length of the future base is on average about 2 meters (the length of the bow that suits your height plus 30 centimeters), the diameter is about 4-5 cm. Choose straight branches with a minimum number of knots and growths. Deciduous trees are suitable for our purpose, and in particular: acacia, apple, ash, oak, hazel or juniper.

The cut areas must be coated with paint or a special oil impregnation.

We hang the branches in a vertical position and leave them to dry until the weather warms up (recommended drying time is 3-5 months at room temperature)

Manufacturing process

There are a few simple tricks that will tell you how to make a quality bow and arrow. When our base is completely dried and ready for further processing, we determine the natural bend of the tree.

To do this, we press the branch to the floor, and it automatically turns with its curved side down. When subsequently shaping this base, take into account the natural curves of the wood to avoid breaks and cracks.

Step-by-step instructions for making a bow:

As soon as our branches have dried, we begin to form the bends.

Bend Formation

Steaming. Using wooden blocks, fix the arms of the future bow in the desired position and spray them with a generous portion of water steam.

ATTENTION! Both arms must be sent at the same time, otherwise you will not avoid bending the structure. Without removing the bars, leave the base in this position for another week until the wood is completely dry.

Thread tension. Prepare a special board with cuts and place it in the center of the future bow, perpendicular to the base. Connect the ends of the bow with a strong thread and thread this thread into one of the cuts on the board.

Slowly unroll the board, gradually bending the base of the bow. Be extremely careful not to crack the wood. In this position, leave the structure to “get used to” for 5-7 days.

Using a sharp knife or hatchet, we clear the dried base of bark and trim off the excess wood with a plane. The bow should be about 3 cm thick. In the central part, mark the handle and make a recess for the arrow.

Adjust the length of your bow. At the ends of the arms, stepping back about 3 centimeters from the edges, we make indentations for the bowstring about 3-5 mm deep.

Sand the resulting onion mold using sandpaper and coat it with wax or varnish. Leave to dry.

Making a bow string

The first requirement for a bowstring is strength. Therefore, it is very important to choose high-quality, strong material.

Base options:

  • Nylon or Kevlar;
  • Nylon;
  • Fishing line;
  • Leg-split.

The length of the string should be made less than the distance between the arms of the bow so that it remains in a taut position at all times. To measure its exact size, bend the bow until the discrepancy between the indentations in the shoulders and the center of the bow reaches 15-17 cm. This is the optimal distance between the handle and the bowstring.

In this position, measure the distance between the gaps on the arms and get the length of your future bowstring. For further work you will need a board measuring 200 by 10 cm and 2 large thick nails.

Step-by-step production of a bowstring:

Hammer the nails into the board, leaving a distance of about 150 cm between them. Unwind more of the base you have chosen and secure it to one of the nails without tying a knot (you can wrap it many times).

Make several turns of thread from one nail to another, maintaining tension. The number of turns depends on the chosen material (2-3 turns are enough for nylon thread, five for linen thread, and at least fifty for lavsan thread). Tie the ends of the threads together.

We make a protective winding on the ears of the bowstring (those places where it will be attached to the bow). About 10 cm from the nail, we divide the turns into two strands and insert a spacer between them.

We tie a knot on one of the strands and begin a tight, careful winding with nylon thread. We try to make the turns as tightly and close to each other as possible. The duration of such a wrapped area is 15 cm.

Using a similar method, we wrap the middle of the bowstring - the place where you will hold on with your fingers. It is also recommended to make a saddle - a seal for the bowstring on both sides of the place where the arrow will rest. This will save you from having to adjust a moving arrow while aiming.

Putting on and checking the bowstring

Now we need to check the tension of our bowstring. Secure the bow to any vertical surface, place one eye over your shoulder, bend the bow slightly and pull the other eye.

After this, we begin to slowly pull back the string, observing the behavior of the bow. Make sure that the arms bend evenly, both relative to each other and relative to the entire body of the bow.

Making arrows

Arrows are made from spruce, birch or pine wooden blanks.

We take well-dried solid boards (we determine the length of the future arrow using the table at the beginning of the article). Using tools, we cut them into bars and give them a round shape at the end. The diameter of the arrow should be about 6-8 mm.

We attach a triangular steel tip to the arrow. In the back of the arrow we make a cutout corresponding to the diameter of the bowstring. We sand its inside and reinforce the starting point of the cut with thread to avoid delamination of the arrow.

The constant attribute of any arrow is the feather at the end. It plays the role of a stabilizer during flight. Crow or goose feathers are suitable for this purpose.

Now you have all the instructions on how to make a good bow. But it is very important not only to make it correctly, but also to maintain your creation in the right conditions so that it retains its original shape and excellent characteristics for a long time.

Here are some valuable tips for storing onions at home:

  • Keep the bow upright
  • Remove the string after each use. Don't keep it tight.
  • Each time before use, make several smooth bends of the structure. This procedure will help “warm up” and help avoid breaks.
  • Do not keep onions in the sun for a long time. It should be stored in a dry, dark place.

That's all! You can get down to business.

Photo of a homemade bow