Priority project "workforce for advanced technologies." Workforce for advanced technologies Workforce for advanced technologies program

Wishing a better life for their children, modern parents always try to “push” their child into college so that he does not have to “earn his bread through hard work.” It is precisely this stereotype and parental love that prevents you from getting a correct idea of ​​modern working professions and choosing a real job to your liking. We invite you to take a fresh look at the “prestige” of blue-collar jobs and find out what the government is doing to popularize them.

People of the older generation, parents of today's graduates of schools, technical schools and universities remember the times when the image of a person working profession on propaganda posters was created using a simple, manual or mechanical set of tools. Many of them began their working careers with a conventional mechanical machine, built at the beginning of the era of industrialization. The existing stereotype about people in blue-collar occupations is firmly held in memory as unprestigious, physically difficult work.

Wishing a better life for their children, modern parents always try to “push” their child into college so that he does not have to “earn his bread through hard work.” It is precisely this stereotype and parental love that prevents you from getting a correct idea of ​​modern working professions and choosing a real job to your liking. We invite you to take a fresh look at the “prestige” of blue-collar jobs and find out what the government is doing to popularize them.

A little history: vocational education yesterday

Appeared at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries vocational schools became a real breakthrough in the field of education in agrarian Russia. Young people flocked there, wanting to get at least some education and integrate into city life. Note that the desire to become a city resident was a strong enough incentive to get a working profession.

But another era came: general illiteracy was defeated during the period of developed socialism, and young people began to conquer the country’s universities, the number of which in the USSR, in the post-war years, increased every day. The prestige of blue-collar professions began to gradually decline. At the end of the eighties of the last century, training in secondary vocational schools reached its lowest level. In many ways, these were the costs of the Soviet education system. High school graduates who were not particularly eager to acquire good knowledge filled empty seats in nearby schools.

Former careless schoolchildren “sat out” until they came of age at their desks, acquiring “at least some kind of working profession” and at the same time receiving a certificate of compulsory secondary education, which, of course, did not provide any opportunity for further education and career growth. Prestige of the working profession and training in vocational schools fell to the lowest point in the entire history of their existence almost simultaneously with the beginning of the collapse of the USSR.

But the decline in the prestige of the working profession should not be blamed solely on the socialist education system, which, by the way, is still recognized as one of the best in terms of the quality of knowledge. This trend continued for a long time in developed capitalist countries, until the advent of the modern era of technology improvement.

What has changed?

Modern industrial enterprises are equipped with sophisticated electronic devices. Robots do the hard work. The labor market has become more demanding of the quality of knowledge of young specialists entering work at industrial enterprises. To manage the most complex equipment, people with a fairly high level of knowledge are now required.

This radically changed the attitude both towards people in working professions and towards requirements related to the level training of specialists. Time itself and the development of technological progress prompted the idea of ​​reviving the prestige of secondary professional institutions and respectful attitude towards the working profession.

Thus, in 2012, the international non-profit movement "WorldSkills" was born, the main goal of which was to work in the field of development of vocational education to the level of world standards, harmonization of the educational process and development of the education system in secondary vocational educational institutions. The World Skills Championship is held every two years, and the Russian team has taken part in it three times already.

This year, our professionals confirmed their leadership in six professions at once: web development, network and system administration, IT solutions for business, jewelry making and freight forwarding. In addition, the Russian team took first place in the team competition. Our schoolchildren, who won three gold medals at the JuniorSkills competitions held as part of WorldSkills.

By the way, the next world championship in professional skills will be held in 2019 in Russia.

What measures are being taken in Russia to raise the prestige of blue-collar professions?

The WorldSkills movement has received widespread support around the world. Concern for workers and the prestige of working professions has also found a response in the education system of the Russian Federation. Working in this direction, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation created more than seven thousand regional sites in 2016: two thousand future workers are currently studying in competency centers. All necessary conditions have been created for them. Students undergo practical training in the conditions of modern industrial enterprises.

The Ministry of Education and Science has already compiled a list of the most in-demand blue-collar professions. In accordance with this list, enrollment is open for students in fifty professions that are in priority demand. At the same time, the training program provides that modern workers are mainly specialists in the field of electronic systems management and system administrators, specialists in robotics used in various industries.

More than 1000 colleges Today they work in 74 regions of the country, and they train specialists in leading working specialties. The prestige of the working profession in Russia has increased by 14% compared to last year, as O. Vasilyeva, Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation announced at a meeting of the Federation Council. An increasing number of former graduates are choosing a working profession, which corresponds to the needs of business and the overall economic strategy of the state.

In the Ivanovo region, within the framework of the forum of students of professional educational organizations “Professional personnel - for the 100th anniversary of the Ivanovo region”, the III Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) was held. 139 competitors from eight regions of Russia took part in the competition, including representatives of the Yuryevets Agro-Industrial College. The professional skills of students and juniors were assessed by 187 experts.

On the sites, located on the territory of a number of colleges in the Ivanovo region, specialized competence centers have been created. Their goal is to prepare a competitive team for the region in educational programs adjusted to meet the requirements of professional standards and WorldSkills Russia competency standards. Today, the creation of specialized competence centers is one of the two main indicators of the priority project “Workforce for Advanced Technologies”.

During the opening of the championship, which took place at the Culture and Recreation Center of the city of Ivanovo, among other participants, Olga Antonova, the acting head of the education department of the Ivanovo region, greeted.

– For ourselves, we note that for several years in a row, 50 percent of schoolchildren in the Ivanovo region after 9th grade enter institutions of secondary vocational education, said Olga Antonova. – This is the optimal ratio, when half of the children complete specialized training in high school, and half choose secondary vocational education institutions. This figure 5 years ago was just over 40 percent.

In the foyer of the Center, presentation platforms were set up for professional educational organizations in the Ivanovo region that train personnel in the fields of education, culture and healthcare.

Students and experts from the Ivanovo, Vologda, Kostroma, Novgorod, and Orenburg regions, as well as the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol took part in the championship. Yuryevets Agro-Industrial College presented a veterinarian's office in miniature. Our delegation included Anastasia Malysheva, Polina Arkhipova and Vadim Vasiliev.

An ultrasound was performed for a four-legged patient and a performance by a trained dog. The procedure was carried out by Vadim Vasiliev, a participant in last year’s “Young Professionals” championship, a fourth-year student at the Veterinary Department of the Yuryevets Agro-Industrial College.

Directly in Yuryevets, on the grounds of the Yuryevets Agro-Industrial College, participants in the “Veterinary” competency competed in the ability to conduct a veterinary and sanitary examination and the correctness of the clinical examination of animals: a calf, a sheep, a rabbit and a duck, as well as an ultrasound examination of a dog.

At another site, the participants examined the dog: ultrasound diagnostics, urine testing using special equipment, suturing the wound (choosing one of six types of sutures by lot). At the next site, the contestants performed tasks on obstetric care and fetal diagnosis: obstetric care for abnormal position of the fetus (calf), defrosting sperm and checking its quality. There were a total of 17 nominations.

This year, only students studying here took part in the competition program at the site of the Yuryevets Agro-Industrial College; there were no students from other cities. The honor of Yuryevets College was defended by Anastasia Kapustina, Marina Smirnova, Alena Shabaeva, Anastasia Pukhova, Alexandra Krupina.

Student of the Yuryevets Agricultural College Sergei Abrosimov took part in competitions in the “Agricultural Machinery and Equipment” competency. The competition took place on a site located on the territory of the Gavrilovo-Posad district. At the competition stage, which took place at a site located in Kineshma in the “Entrepreneurship” competency, Svetlana Dolganova and Nadezhda Sabri competed.

Independent experts and representatives of organizations - social partners of the educational institution - veterinarians A.A. Cherepanov and T.V. Chizhaeva worked at the site.

Throughout the championship and even the day before, students from schools in our and neighboring districts of the Ivanovo region visited the college as part of career guidance work. Excursions for guests began with a career guidance room; college students introduced them to specialties and professions.

Schoolchildren from the Yuryevets and Rodnikovsky districts visited not only competition sites, but also workshops, laboratories, a gym, a library and a canteen. The children actively participated in master classes on first aid, geodesy, simulator driving, and solved situational problems based on traffic rules.

The site was visited by a delegation of the management of the agro-industrial complex from the Rodnikovsky district.

– They highly appreciated the equipment of the venues with modern equipment and the professionalism of the contestants, – Olga Sergeevna said . – The heads of the farms invited several students to their practice, because they are very interested in our guys.

And here’s what Alexander Anatolyevich said about this:

– Unfortunately, we cannot currently provide new housing for a young specialist, but we will immediately rent a comfortable apartment for him. You just have to pay utilities. We understand that any person needs start-up capital to get started, so immediately after getting a job we will resolve the issue of allowances, which will be issued under certain conditions.

The workplace will be equipped with the necessary equipment and modern diagnostic devices, similar to those on which they are currently training and conducting competitive events. Of course, in the first steps, a young specialist will need help from experienced specialists, and he will receive it.

The main thing is to have a desire to work. We are engaged in breeding pedigree cattle, which are now in great demand. This means there are prospects for development and improvement of well-being.

The farm has all the infrastructure: school, kindergarten, library, House of Culture.

In the future, if a specialist settles in with us, we will help him purchase housing on preferential terms.

– We will help the young specialist in everything. And at this stage the main thing is not to make a mistake.

Many people are afraid of everyday difficulties. We will help resolve all issues. If before everything was on a general basis, now we approach each individual individually. If only it worked well. They won’t get the kind of experience we have anywhere else.

Among those invited to work was Vadim Vasiliev, a future veterinarian. He dreamed of treating animals since childhood. The young man represented the college at the opening of the championship.

– I didn’t think about choosing a profession for a long time. Moreover, now it is quite in demand,” Vadim said. – This year I’m just finishing my studies at Alma-Mate, and I’m already receiving offers from employers. The salary is quite decent - from 20 thousand on average. There are also a lot of social programs designed to attract specialists to come. They give us apartments and offer a number of benefits. Many even offer to allocate financial resources for the purchase of a car under certain conditions.

On March 2, the closing ceremony of the regional championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) took place at the Olympia sports and entertainment complex in Ivanovo.

The names of the winners and runners-up were announced at the ceremony. The honored guests presented them with medals, diplomas and memorable prizes from the competition organizers. Also, a special prize from employers was established for each competency.

In the “Veterinary” category, all three prizes were awarded to participants from the Yuryevets Agro-Industrial College: first – Anastasia Pukhova, second – Anastasia Kapustina and third – Marina Smirnova. The participants in the “Veterinary” competency were A. Krupina and A. Shabaeva, and in the “Entrepreneurship” competency, Svetlana Dolganova and Nadezhda Sabri. Sergey Abrosimov became a participant in the “Agricultural Machinery and Equipment” competency.

The winners of the competition are included in the national team of the Ivanovo region to participate in the qualifying competitions for the Final of the VI National Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) - 2018, which will be held in Novgorod.

Activities for the implementation of the priority project "Workforce for advanced technologies"

The pilot testing in 2018 included 11 POUs (8 are under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Education, 2 are under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Science and Higher Education, 1 is a POU of federal subordination) in 10 competencies of WorldSkills Russia.

Between April 11 and June 28, 2018, 243 students took part in the pilot testing of the demonstration exam.

During the period from April 11 to April 12, 2018, 20 graduates of the College of Information Technology took part in a demonstration exam in the “Software Solutions for Business” competency.

From April 17 to April 19, 2018 30 students St. Petersburg college of telecommunications St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after prof. Bonch-Bruevich took part in a demonstration exam in the “Software Solutions for Business” competency.

April 24, 2018 passed a demonstration exam in the “Hotel Administration” competency, in which 15 graduates of Petrovsky College, which is under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Science and Higher Education, took part.

From 15 to 18 May 2018 demonstration exam was held in St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce, under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Science and Higher Education, with the competence of “Mechatronics”. 18 college students will take part in the demonstration exam.

From 22 to 24 May 2018 27 graduates passed a demonstration exam at the College of Tourism and Hotel Services in the “Hotel Administration” competency.

From May 28, 2018 to June 1, 2018 St. Petersburg The Technical College of Management and Commerce conducted a demonstration exam in the Tourism competency for 18 graduates.
18 graduates of the Krasnoderevets College of Industrial Technologies during from 5 to 9 June 2018 passed a demonstration exam in the “Carpentry” competency.

From 6 to 7 June 2018 A demonstration exam was organized for 15 students of the PetroStroyService College in the “Painting and Decorative Works” competency.

From 13 to 23 June At the Auto Service College, a demonstration exam was passed in the competency “Repair and maintenance of passenger cars.” 20 graduates took part in the exam.
17 graduates of Petrovsky College during the period from 13 to 14 June passed a demonstration exam in the “Hairdressing Art” competency.

During from June 18 to June 20, 2018 13 students of the Maritime Technical College named after Admiral D.N. Senyavin passed a demonstration exam in the “Cooking” competency.

From 18 to 28 June 2018 A demonstration exam in the “Electronics” competency was held at the College of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. 16 college graduates passed the exam.
16 graduates of the Academy of Beauty Industry "LOKON" passed a demonstration exam in the competency "Hairdressing Art" during from June 19 to 20, 2018.

From June 23 to June 30, a demonstration exam according to WorldSkills Russia standards in the “Repair and Maintenance of Passenger Cars” competency is being held at the “Auto Service Technical School (MCPC)”. The demo exam consists of 5 modules. Every day, before the exam, the expert group instructs students and aims them at successfully passing the modules. Despite the excitement, students confidently apply in practice the knowledge and skills acquired during 10 months of study at the technical school.

Experts note the good preparation of students. The results of the exam will be summed up on June 30, but even today the expert from the Service Center of SWED MOBIL LLC, Sergey Viktorovich Kochetov, is ready to invite three students to join the SWED MOBIL car service team.

From June 20 to June 23, 2017, a demonstration exam according to Worldskills Russia standards in the “Cooking” competency is being held at the College of Tourism and Hotel Services. The demonstration exam on the “Cooking” competency is held in college laboratories over four days. The total duration of tasks for each participant was 11.5 hours. 20 college graduates complete assignments in modules that include the preparation of cold and hot appetizers, hot main courses, desserts, using the required products specified in the assignment. 13 certified experts who were trained in the WorldSkills Russia Union - teaching staff of specialized educational institutions - participate in the assessment of the exam. St. Petersburg. The demonstration exam is carried out using tasks developed by the expert community based on the tasks of the Final of the National Championship “Young Professionals” 2017, while maintaining the level of complexity.

The purpose of the demonstration exam is an independent assessment of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of graduates that allow them to conduct professional activities in the profession of “Cook, Confectioner” in accordance with WorldSkills standards. For the College of Tourism and Hotel Services, holding a demonstration exam is an opportunity to objectively evaluate the content and quality of implementation of educational programs, the qualifications of teaching staff, the compliance of the college’s material and technical base with modern requirements, and for graduates it is an opportunity to confirm their qualifications in accordance with the requirements of WorldSkills international standards without additional tests and receive a job offer already at the stage of graduation from college.

Report from the College of Tourism and Hotel Services on conducting a demonstration exam in the “Cooking” competency

From 06/05/2017 to 06/09/2017 at the Demonstration Examination Center St. Petersburg State budgetary professional educational institution “College of Industry Technologies “Krasnoderevets” at the address: St. Petersburg, Ushinskogo Street, building 16, passed a demonstration exam according to WorldSkills Russia standards in the “Carpentry” competency. 36 college graduates took part in the exam. To conduct a demonstration exam using the WORLDSKILLS Russia method in 2017, test materials and infrastructure sheets from the Final of the IV National Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) 2016 were used. The task contained three modules, which were completed over 15 hours and were accompanied by a scoring scheme, compiled in accordance with the requirements of the technical description, as well as a detailed description of the assessment criteria for completing the tasks. The complexity of the task is quite high, but the students tried to demonstrate all their professional knowledge and skills during its implementation. The procedure for conducting the demonstration exam was carried out in compliance with the principles of honesty, fairness and information openness.

During the exam, free access for spectators was organized to observe the progress of the exam, taking into account compliance with all safety standards, as well as the rules for conducting a demonstration exam.

In the period from 05/23/2017 to 05/24/2017 in St. Petersburg college of telecommunications St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich passed a demonstration exam according to WorldSkills Russia standards in the WorldSkills Russia competency “Software solutions for business” among graduates of the specialty 02/09/03 “Programming in Computer Systems”.

20 college students volunteered to take the demo exam. The expert group of 5 people included teachers from the College of Information Technology and the Technical College of Management and Commerce. The expert commission was headed by Chief Expert N.V. Krivonosova. In order to check the compliance of the equipment used with the infrastructure competency sheet “Software Solutions for Business”, the modules being performed with the task agreed upon with the competency manager of the WorldSkills Union of Russia, compliance with the rules and requirements for organizing and conducting a demonstration exam, and observing the work of experts at the exam site, an auditor was present WorldSkills Union Russia Konstantinova A.M. The auditor highly appreciated the organization and conduct of the demonstration exam according to WorldSkills Russia standards.

On May 24, 2017, during a demonstration exam, college representatives observed the work of experts and graduates St. Petersburg. In addition, the examination site was visited by the methodologist of the Svetlinsky Industrial College of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Udovenko N.L. in order to exchange experience in conducting a demonstration exam according to WorldSkills Russia standards among graduates in the specialty 02/09/03 “Programming in Computer Systems” (WorldSkills Russia competency “Software solutions for business”).

For observers and guests from Yakutia, the head of the WorldSkills Russia Regional Coordination Center in St. Petersburg Smirnova N.E. together with the acting director St. Petersburg college of telecommunications St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich T.N. Sirotskaya and chief expert N.V. Krivonosova A round table was held at which issues of organizing and conducting a demonstration exam according to WorldSkills Russia standards were discussed.

Between April 25 to 26 2017, Head of the Office of Regional Standards and Implementation of the Demonstration Exam of the WorldSkills Union Russia Ufimtsev D.A. visited the site of the demonstration exam according to WorldSkills Russia standards in the Mechatronics competency in St. Petersburg state budgetary professional educational institution " St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce." In addition to inspecting the site of the demonstration exam in the Mechatronics competency, Ufimtsev D.A. held a working meeting with the heads of the Centers for conducting demonstration exams St. Petersburg on the organization of a demonstration exam, the formation of an expert community to evaluate the results of students, and the material and technical equipment of sites. In addition, during his visit Ufimtsev D.A. visited the sites of the demonstration exam on the competencies “Cooking” at the College of Tourism and Hotel Services and “Repair and Maintenance of Passenger Cars” at the College “Auto Service”.

Between 04/25/2017 to 05/5/2017 on the basis of St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University " St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce" a demonstration exam will be held in the "Mechatronics" competency. In accordance with the regulations on the examination, students will complete a complex task within 3 days in two streams. The Mechatronics competency is a team competency, i.e. Students will complete tasks in teams of 2 people. The task is related to the maintenance and adjustment of a mechatronic system and includes not only the installation of electrical and mechanical components of the system, but also the preparation of a control program for the microcontroller. Completed assignments will be assessed by an expert commission consisting of certified experts from third-party educational organizations and employers. All students admitted to the exam are entered into the electronic database as participants in the demonstration exam, and upon completion of the exam they receive participant certificates indicating the points scored. Students who successfully pass the exam will receive an additional document - a certificate of competence. The demonstration exam is a form of state final certification in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for specialties included in the TOP 50 most promising and in demand. This list of specialties is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. Thus, the experiment on pilot testing of the demonstration exam provides an opportunity for educational organizations to assess their material, technical, human and methodological resources from the point of view of readiness to implement the demonstration exam as a form of independent qualification assessment. Organizations that successfully complete the experiment receive the status of a regional Center for conducting a demonstration exam in the relevant competency.

As part of the pilot testing of the demonstration exam according to WorldSkills Russia standards in St. Petersburg in the period from 04/06/2017 to 04/07/2017 from 9-00 to 15-00 at the address: St. Petersburg, Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, building 21, room 213 (SPB GBPOU "College Imperial Alexander Lyceum"), training of candidates for experts was organized to conduct demonstration exam according to WorldSkills Russia standards.

30.03.2017 As part of the program of the St. Petersburg International Educational Forum, a panel discussion was held on the Project "Workforce for Advanced Technologies (TOP-50)" as a tool for implementing the standard of staffing for industrial growth." Participants in the panel discussion were representatives of the Union "Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce "Young Professionals" (WorldSkills Russia)", Committee on Science and Higher Education, Committee on Economic Policy and Strategic Planning, Committee on Labor and Employment St. Petersburg, representatives of the business community, heads and deputy heads of professional educational institutions St. Petersburg.

During the panel discussion, the following issues were discussed: - the main directions of the implementation of the project “Workforce for advanced technologies and the introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards for TOP-50” in St. Petersburg;

Forecast for the development of secondary vocational education until 2022 in the context of priority tasks of the state policy of personnel supply;

Directions for the development of secondary vocational education in St. Petersburg and the role of the TOP-50 project in changing the quality of specialist training, changing the situation with training in the most in-demand professions and specialties;

Analysis of the demand for highly qualified workers and mid-level specialists in the market St. Petersburg and Leningrad region;

The role of business structures in the implementation of the project “Workforce for Advanced Technologies (TOP-50)”;

Prospects for the demand for highly qualified workers with an international level of training at enterprises St. Petersburg;

Application of WorldSkills Russia methods in assessing the quality of training of specialists for priority sectors of the economy according to the new Federal State Educational Standards: pros and cons and many others.

14.03.2017 V St. Petersburg college of telecommunications St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich at the address: St. Petersburg, 3 Line V.O., building 30-32 (library, 2nd floor) a design and analytical session was held: “Design and development of methodological recommendations for the implementation of pilot testing of a demonstration exam according to WorldSkills standards (hereinafter - DE) in St. Petersburg" During the event, issues of regulatory regulation of the conduct of DE, preparation of the site for the DE, conditions for preparing students for DE and interaction with the Union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce “WorldSkills Russia” were considered.

March 13, 2017 of the year, the Education Committee together with the Center for the Development of Professional Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Polytechnic University" (an expert platform for organizing methodological support for the implementation of new Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary Education in the TOP-50) in St. Petersburg The state budgetary professional educational institution "Malookhtinsky College" organized a seminar on the topic "Methodological support for the implementation of federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education in the most popular, new and promising professions and specialties (FSES SVE for TOP-50) in St. Petersburg" At the seminar, issues of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in the TOP-50, developing new basic professional educational programs and educational and methodological complexes, introducing a demonstration exam as a form of state final certification according to new educational standards were discussed.

01.03.2017 As part of the city forum of vocational education “Prospects for the development of vocational education in the field of economics and management taking into account modern standards”, a round table was held “Implementation of federal state educational standards for the 50 most in demand in the labor market, new and promising professions and specialties: dialogue between professionals.”

The round table became a discussion platform for discussing the priority project “Workforce for Advanced Technologies”, features of the implementation of secondary vocational education programs in the TOP-50, problems of developing basic professional educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education in the TOP-50, features of conducting a demonstration exam according to the standards Worldskills.

The round table was attended by representatives of the Education Committee, managers, teachers and experts of professional educational institutions St. Petersburg, representatives of social partners and employers.

10.02.2017 The Education Committee held a coordination meeting with professional educational institutions participating in the selection for the status of Demonstration Examination Centers.

The meeting was attended by V.V. Frolov, head of the vocational education department of the Education Committee, E.N. Modonov, chief specialist of the vocational education development department of the Higher School Science Committee, A.V. Kulikov, chairman of the educational and methodological Council of the Educational and Methodological Council Association of the Committee on Science and Higher School for Secondary Vocational Education St. Petersburg, representatives of 3 professional educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Education Committee, specialists St. Petersburg college of telecommunications St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich and St. Petersburg state budgetary professional educational institution " St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce”, administered by the Committee on Science and Higher Education.

Based on the results of the meeting, a plan for step-by-step preparation for conducting and implementing a pilot project to test a demonstration exam in St. Petersburg.

31.01.2017 A meeting of the working group on the implementation of the priority project “Workforce for Advanced Technologies” was held.

During the meeting, a “road map” for the implementation of new Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education in the TOP-50 was presented, the main directions of work for the implementation of the project were outlined, the timing of approval of creative groups for the development of exemplary programs according to the new standards was determined, the procedure for the participation of social partners and employers in the implementation of the project was determined and their participation in testing the demonstration exam in pilot mode.