Project “History of the development of lighting” From a torch to a light bulb. Project “From a splinter to a light bulb From a splinter to a light bulb class hour

Let's move back in our minds to many thousands of years ago and try to trace the long history of the development of lighting products and understand the path to their improvement. Let's imagine a primitive man sitting by a fire and making a tool. Is it possible, however, to call a fire the first source of light? Yes and no. Yes - because the fire provided light, and primitive man could work by its light.
No - because the fire is not yet a specialized light source. Perhaps its main meaning is still to provide warmth, to warm, to serve for cooking. It would be more correct to say that the first light source that man invented specifically to produce light was
This is a firebrand - a dry, lit branch.

A brand, as a source of light, was, of course, much more convenient than a fire. But a branch, even a dry one, is not so easy to light, and even if it lights up alone, outside the fire, it easily goes out. The improvement of burning brand went in two directions. The first led to the invention of the torch, the second - the torch. People noticed that it was easier to light a branch the thinner and drier it was, and then they began to replace the branches with thin chips, breaking them off from dry logs and strengthening them in a special stand. This is how the torch appeared.

The torch appeared as a result of observations that led to the conclusion that resinous branches burn especially well. At first, simply branches of resinous trees were chosen for illumination, but then at the end of the branch they began to deliberately create a small depression where the resin was placed.
There is every reason to claim that the torch became the ancestor of a number of more advanced lighting devices. People moved from the torch to other, more convenient sources of light. But the torch had a big disadvantage: it was mainly the resin that burned, but the wood also burned, and the torch deteriorated. Thus, they switched from burning wood to burning resin in its pure form.

When there was no resin on hand, they burned fat, lard or vegetable oil. But not all fat is easy to burn.
Try pouring sunflower oil into a saucer and setting it on fire with a match. You won't succeed. However, a rag soaked in the same oil easily catches fire.
Observations of this kind led to the invention of the wick. A bundle of plant fibers or a rope was immersed in a cup of oil, the end of which, lying on the edge of the cup, was set on fire. This is how the lamp appeared. Next, the bowl was shaped like a teapot, through the spout of which a wick was passed. This is what the first lamp looked like.

But still, lamps with wicks smoked heavily. Only at the end of the fifteenth century the famous Italian
The artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci invented lamp glass. Tube glass enhances draft, helps the flow of fresh air to the flame and increases the brightness of the flame, reduces fumes and soot.

Unfortunately, Leonardo da Vinci's glass was... iron. They couldn't surround the flames. And it would be centuries before the invention of real lamp glass. Since the nineteenth century, candles have been widely used. The materials used for them are wax and lard.
But lard for a candle is no more convenient fuel than vegetable oil for a lamp.
The candle smoked and burned, and to remove the carbon deposits I had to constantly use special tongs.

Finally, in the nineteenth century, they learned to isolate the solid component from lard - stearin.
They remained solid, did not stain your hands, there was no need to remove carbon deposits from it, and the candle burned much brighter.
While stearin replaced lard for candles, a more convenient fuel was also found for lamps. This is kerosene.

In the nineteenth century, gas lighting became widespread.
Growing manufactories, and then factories, required lighting of already quite large production premises.

After conducting numerous experiments and studies, scientists come to the conclusion that lard, oil, and stearin evaporate and turn into gas before burning. So isn’t it better to supply pre-prepared gas to the lighting burner? It turned out that coal, when heated without access to air, releases flammable gases (hydrocarbons).

At a gas plant, coal is loaded into a retort built into the furnace. The retort is closed and heated. The gas released from the coal is collected in a gas tank and sent through pipes to the consumer.
The consumer only has to turn the tap and hold a match so that the gas ignites and the room is illuminated.

Russia laid the foundation for a new, higher stage in the development of lighting technology.
In 1802, a professor at the Medical-Surgical Academy, Vasily Vladimirovich Petrov, discovered that when two coals connected to the poles of a galvanic battery are diluted at a short distance from each other, a bright white light appears between the coals. But the coals burned quickly and had to be constantly adjusted.

A radical solution was found by Russian electrical engineer Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov. He placed the coals not one above the other, but side by side, in parallel, isolating them from each other with a layer of clay. As the coals burned, the clay also evaporated, and the arc continued to burn until the coals burned out completely. Yablochkov called his invention a candle. They began to be used to illuminate streets, squares, shops, and theaters.

The next step was the invention of the incandescent lamp, and it was also created by the Russian inventor Alexander Nikolaevich Lodygin. He creates a lamp with a tungsten filament placed in a glass container from which the air is pumped out. Thus, thanks to the works of Russian scientists and electrical engineers, the world received new light sources.
Electric light, Russian light, replaced candles, kerosene and gas.....

Irina Semina

Municipal preschool educational institution

CD "Pearl"


"From splinters to the light bulb»

Teacher Semina I.E.

Implementation stages project

"From splinters to the light bulb»

Implementation project valid for 2 months from 12/1/2016 to 01/31/17

Children 5-6 years old

No. Stage Goal/tasks Time frame

1 Preparatory design stage Make children want to learn more about the history of lighting. Familiarize parents with the contents project. 1.12-11.12.2016

2 Practical stage Trace the path light bulbs from ancient times to the present day. Learn poems about light bulbs.

Develop and intensify cognitive activity. 12.12.2016-31.01.17

3 Generalizing - effective stage (analytical) Children's knowledge of the types of lighting fixtures.

Organization of the exhibition "From splinters to the light bulb» .

End of January

Event plan

No. Activities Dates Responsible

Preparatory design stage

1 Select methodological and fiction literature on this topic. 1.12-11.12.2016.

Semina I. E.


2 Select material and different lighting fixtures.

3 Convey to parents the importance of this problem.

4 Write a long-term plan for this project.

Practical stage

1 Conversations on the topic "Where the light bulb has arrived» in accordance with the drawn up plan. 12.12.2016-31.01.17 Semina I. E.


2 Consideration of different types of lighting fixtures;

3 Selection of riddles, poems, fairy tales.

4 Use of didactic games.

5 Photo report on the work done.

Summarizing - effective stage (analytical)

1 Open viewing of the lesson for parents "Journey to the Past" light bulbs» . End of January

2 Consultation for parents "Lighting for a children's room". January Semina I. E.

3 Encouraging active participants project among children and parents (letters of gratitude) End of January

View project: Short-term, group, creative.

Duration project: two months.

Participants project: children 5-6 years old, parents of pupils, teacher.


In preschool age, the range of ideas about the world around us expands. Children's horizons expand from the ideas and elementary concepts that they encounter in their immediate environment. And the task of educational work is to help reveal to preschool children the amazing, diverse man-made world of products of human creative activity. By showing a child how a person changed objects, making them more convenient and useful, we open up to them perspective: how else can you change an object, make it more beautiful and more useful. This is important for the development of the child’s cognitive needs, which finds expression in the form of search, research activities aimed at discovering new things, which develops productive forms of thinking.

Target: 1. Give children an idea of ​​technical progress using the example of familiarization with the history of the development of lighting devices - electric light bulbs.

2. Develop the ability to create a development chain from a fire to modern lighting fixtures.

3. Create an interest in history.

Tasks: deepen and systematize children’s knowledge; develop a retrospective view of objects in the man-made world; introduce different methods of lighting; activate children's vocabulary ( splinter, kerosene lamp, torch, lantern, candle).

Expected results project:

As a result of the implementation of this project we want to expand children's horizons. Develop thinking, memory, speech, imagination, curiosity, creativity. Increase the interest of parents in the development of the child’s personality.

Work plan for project.

1. General introduction to the history of lighting - presentation “From the fire to light bulbs.

2. Introducing the torch:

– history of the Olympic flame,

Construction "Torch".

3. Getting to know torch:

What are they made from?

Why and how was it used?

Looking at illustrations of lights,

Pinching and igniting splinters,

Drawing "Svetets".

4. Candles:

How they are made, from what,

Types of candles,

Exhibition of candlesticks,

Reading fairy tales, poems, guessing riddles,

Making simple lamps.

5. Kerosene lamps, lanterns:

Looking at the illustrations

Coloring pages.

6. Electr. light bulbs:

First light bulbs, their appearance,

Types of modern light bulbs,

Chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps, table lamps lamps,

Construction of a floor lamp for a doll.

Working with parents:

1. Informing parents about work on project.

2. Prepare a consultation "Correct lighting for a children's room".

3. Conduct NOD together with parents "From splinters to the light bulb» .

Registration of the results of the work - a folder with materials.

History of light: from coal light bulbs to high light technologies

Primitive people, like animals, were afraid of fire. But the process of evolution has led to the fact that they understood: warming up by the fire is good and meat baked on it tastes better. The fire of a fire gives light, which is obtained from burning fuel (tree).

Gradually, people invented a mobile fire - a torch. In Rus' they began to use torch. They also used a torch to warm themselves from the cold. It turns out that the first coal a light bulb is a torch.

Progress continued and splinters replaced with oil ones lamps. In these inventions, fire was produced by burning oil. A wick was inserted into the container to transport the oil out, and it was set on fire from above. The Egyptians used clay vessels with olive oil for lighting. The inhabitants of the Caspian Sea used oil for these purposes. In Rus', in the ninth and tenth centuries, in the cities of Kyiv and Novgorod, clay bowls were made, into which oil of vegetable or animal origin was poured and a wick was placed. At the same time, the wax candle was invented.

At the end of the eighteenth century, hydrogen gas was invented lamps with electric ignition. But they exploded and quickly disappeared into oblivion.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, when they learned to separate kerosene from oil, they invented kerosene lamps. The scientist Lukashevich I. came up with a rounded wick for this product. At the same time, they learned how to make paraffin candles.

In 1885, Auer von Welsbach began using a glow grid to produce lighting. It was a fabric bag soaked in organic salts. The fabric burned, and a wick remained, producing a bright flame. These products were called Auer caps.

An electric generator for generating current was invented at the beginning of the eighteenth century by M. Faraday. Later it was improved.

The very same light bulb several were invented in Russia scientists: P. N. Yablochkov, A. N. Ladygin and T. Edison. In our country, electric light began to be widely used after the October Revolution. Lenin predicted that she would enter every home.

Nowadays, we can no longer imagine our life without electricity. But, although during power outages, we still use candles and kerosene lamps.

Nowadays there are already fluorescent and halogen lamps, LED lamps. The evolution of light continues further. Research is currently underway on organic LEDs. lamps. They contain organic chemicals that glow differently when turned on. color: green, red.

Results of work on project.

Work on project was carried out over 2.5 months.

In the process of working, the children became acquainted with the history of the development of lighting from a torch to modern chandeliers and spotlights.

Information material on all points was selected project.

In accordance with the planned plan, conversations were held, illustrations and presentations were viewed. The information received was consolidated in the process of creative work. Models of torches were created, lights and kerosene lamps were painted lamps. The children clearly saw how a little light gives splinter. Created a room layout with "electric" lamps - chandelier, sconce, table lamp, floor lamp. We conducted experiments on creating a candle from half an orange and a stick of butter. Dudov Fedor independently created a model of a room with lighting at home, and his light bulbs connected to the battery and lit.

As a result of the work, an exhibition was organized, which was attended by children from the group "Kapitoshki", "Caramels". Moreover, a tour for a group "Caramels" conducted by student gr. "Brownie" Molchanov Rodion.

From material project the children of the group were also introduced "Okay", "Rossinka", "Kapitoshki", "Caramels".

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Program content:

  • Expand children's understanding of the evolution of lighting devices;
  • Careful use of electricity;
  • Rules of conduct when conducting laboratory work;
  • Ability to work in a group and individually.

Basic knowledge: safety rules when working with fire, piercing and cutting objects; ancient man's acquaintance with fire, history 5th grade.

Preliminary work: children prepare messages about a person’s acquaintance with fire and about the GOERLO plan, teacher’s presentation “From a splinter to an energy-saving LED lamp”; preparation of a teleconference with the greenhouse farm of the MBU DO “TsRTDIU” “Flora”; log and knife, light, stopwatch; saucer, vegetable oil, cloth rope, potatoes, orange peel, matches; candle; kerosene lamps; miner's lamp Devi; gas-filled incandescent lamp; LED lamps; 2 table lamps; tables to fill out and pens.

Progress of the lesson

Topic: “From a torch to an energy-saving LED lamp” (slide 1)

Safety briefing

Objective of the lesson:(slide 2)

  • understand the importance of careful use of electricity;
  • introduce students to the past and present of lighting devices, their transformation, and develop cognitive activity.

Lesson objectives:(slide 3)


  • reveal the conditions for the formation of energy saving;


  • deepen and systematize knowledge about the origin of lighting devices;
  • give information about different lighting methods;
  • clearly show the advantages of electric lighting over previously existing ones;
  • develop logical thinking, monologue speech, attention to the opponent, observation, the ability to apply one’s life experience;


  • develop a careful attitude towards electricity;
  • instill accuracy when performing laboratory work.

Forms of organization of students’ cognitive activity:

  • frontal, group, individual.

Progress of the lesson

Opening speech by ecology teacher:

Hello guys, you know that Victoria Kononova and Anna Sergienko have started working on the research project “Electric Web”. It turned out that lighting devices have gone through a long and complex path of improvement. This is what we will talk about today about changes in light sources.

P:- I suggest you listen to George Vinogradsky’s message about the use of firelight by primitive man.

Listening to the student's message.

P:“Unfortunately, you can’t take the fire with you to another place, so resinous branches, torches and splinters appeared. What do you think is a torch?

ABOUT:- It's a burning chip.

P: Let's check your answer and read the text of the slide (slide 4).

P:- I suggest, Miller Dmitry, to make splinters, for this you will need a log and a knife. Dima, do you agree?

ABOUT:- With pleasure! (the student makes splinters).

P: - How long do you think the torch burns?

ABOUT:- Probably about 10 minutes.

P:- And we’ll check, you can light them now and turn on the stopwatches. Let's light the torches and turn on the stopwatches!<Рисунок 1>. We record our observations in Table 1

Figure 1

Laboratory work No. 1

Equipment: splinter, light, matches, stopwatch, table 1.

Insert a torch into the light, set it on fire and note the time. Record your observations in the table.

Table 1

P:- Tell me, please, is it convenient to use such lighting? Justify your answer.

The light of the torch is dim and covers a limited area;

The splinter smokes and burns quickly;

Very fire hazardous.

P:- So what should we do? What could people invent?

Most likely, torches, candles;

People moved with torches in the dark, illuminating the way, and used oil lamps at home;

Wealthy people used candles (slide 5).

Students read text from the interactive whiteboard and look at illustrations and photographs.

P:- With candles<Рисунок 2>We know each other well; we use them during temporary power outages.

Figure 2

Light them up. Have you ever made oil lamps?


P:- You can make it, it doesn’t take long and is simple.<Рисунок 3>. Shall we get started?

Figure 3

Laboratory work No. 2

Equipment: saucer or half an orange peel, vegetable oil, a piece of bandage, potatoes cut in half, matches, table 2.

Pour vegetable oil into a saucer or half an orange peel; put a piece of bandage there, twisted into a tourniquet; press down the end of the rope lying in the container with half a potato; burn the tourniquet protruding beyond the container, set it on fire. Observations are recorded in Table 2.

Table 2

P:- Tell me, please, is it better to use this method of lighting? Justify your answer.

The light of an oil lamp is not much better than the light of a torch and a candle; it also covers a limited area;

The oil lamp we produce emits combustion products that have an unpleasant odor;

The lamp is in working condition as long as there is wick and oil;

Fire hazard and oil may spill.

P:- Look at slide 6. Where have you seen such lamps?

ABOUT:- We saw such lamps in the Tanais Archaeological Museum-Reserve and the Azov Historical-Archaeological and Paleontological Museum-Reserve.

Oil lamps have been used since the Paleolithic era.

They are more comfortable than the ones we made.

But they are also fire hazards, since an open flame and such a lamp can be accidentally turned over and the burning oil will spill.

P:- So what is the next invention that was made, do you think? How to hide an open flame and protect yourself from a possible oil spill?

ABOUT:- Was the kerosene lamp created!?

P:- That's right, well done. But not only kerosene. Christine Baydak will walk us through slides 7, 8 and 9.

The student reads the text from the interactive board, the children look at illustrations and photographs about kerosene, carbide lamps and gas lanterns.

P:- It's time for a surprise for you. We will light real kerosene and carbide lamps. You should record your observations in Table 3 by the end of the lesson.

Students are provided with kerosene fuel at their desks.<Рисунок 4>and carbide lamps<Рисунок 5>, the children and the teacher put them into action and observe the operation of the lamps.

Figure 4

Figure 5

Table 3

P:- And finally, in 1809, the first electric light bulb appeared - this is the long path of development of artificial light sources. I propose to familiarize yourself with the evolution of the gas-filled incandescent lamp by reading slides 10-16 in turn.

Students take turns reading the text from the interactive whiteboard, looking at illustrations and photographs about inventors and their role in improving the electric lamp.

P:- I am holding a gas-filled incandescent lamp in front of you. How many of you know how it is made?

ABOUT:- We don't know.

P:- It’s better to see once than to hear 100 times, therefore, you will watch a video clip.

The guys are watching the video clip “Incandescent light bulbs 7.04.82D”

P:- We compared several light sources, what do you think you will do now?

ABOUT:- You need to screw an incandescent lamp into a table lamp<Рисунок 6>and compare with the burning of a candle, an oil lamp and a kerosene lamp. Record your observations in Table 4.

Figure 6

P:- That's right, well done, act!

Chorba Victoria screws an incandescent lamp into a table lamp and plugs it into the electrical network. All guys fill out table 4.

Table 4

P:- How easy do you think it is to cover the vast expanses of our country with electrical networks?

ABOUT:- There must be a multi-year program.

P:- Absolutely right. And such a program was implemented, it is called...

ABOUT:- “GOELRO Plan” (slide 17)

Teacher:- Who can tell about this? Please, Anastasia, we are listening to you.

Chorba Anastasia introduces her comrades to the “GOELRO Plan”

P:- Recently, energy-saving fluorescent lamps have become increasingly popular, since they are much more economical and their light is closer in shade to daylight. These include fluorescent, energy-saving fluorescent and LED lamps. One of these lamps illuminates the greenhouse farm, a structural subdivision of the MBU DO “TsRTDiU”, “Flora”. If you have questions regarding lighting in greenhouses, you can ask questions to Irina Anatolyevna Cherkesova, thanks to the teleconference organized for you.

ABOUT:- Hello, Irina Anatolyevna!

Cherkesova I.A.: - Good morning, glad to see you!

ABOUT:- What lamps are used in the Flora greenhouse?

Cherkesova I.A.:- Our greenhouse uses warm white lamps with a power of 36 watts.

ABOUT: - How many hours can fluorescent lamps work without interruption?

Cherkesova I.A.:- In cloudy weather 10-12 hours. During the autumn and winter periods, lighting operates from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. In the summer, we don’t use artificial lighting at all.

ABOUT:- What is the duration of their validity?

Cherkesova I.A.:- Typically, fluorescent lamps have a service life of up to 5 years, but with high humidity, the service life is reduced to 2 years.

ABOUT:- Do you hand over broken lamps for recycling?

Cherkesova I.A.:- Yes, because they cannot be thrown away due to the mercury content in them. We call a lamp recycling service vehicle.

ABOUT:- Thank you, goodbye!

Cherkesova I.A.:- Goodbye. I was glad to communicate with inquisitive guys.

P:- How to recycle fluorescent lamps, you will learn from the video “Recycling of energy-saving lamps” I suggest you watch it carefully.

Students watch a video.

P:- Why are the lamps that illuminate our office dangerous?

ABOUT:- They contain mercury.

P:- I think that you have long known that they are poisonous. Why are such lamps so widespread?

ABOUT:- Such lamps consume electrical energy in small quantities.

P:- How economical are they?

ABOUT:- We don’t know...

Teacher:- I suggest you learn about the exact calculation of energy saving with new generation lamps from the video “Energy-saving light bulb, accurate calculation”

P:- Enter your conclusions in Table 5.

Table 5

P:- And now the final question is, why save electricity?

ABOUT:- To obtain a certain amount of electrical energy, you need to spend a considerable amount of natural resources: combustible minerals, hydro resources and the work of a dangerous atom, while sometimes causing irreparable environmental damage to the planet.

P:- Analyze the tables you filled out and tell us how lighting devices have improved.

Lamps illuminate the living space of each of us;

Became easy to use;

However, as always, safety regulations must be followed.

P:- Thank you for your attention, see you again.

Video recording of the lesson.




Prepared and conducted:

Ivanova O.V.

January 2012

Target: reveal the role of electricity in everyday life, form ideas about how electricity is generated and supplied to the house, introduce the rules for safe handling of electrical appliances; attracting students' attention to the problems of energy use, energy saving and energy resources; creating motivation to save resources and energy; stimulate interest in scientific research and practical application of knowledge acquired at school. learn to identify electrical appliances among household items; understand that electricity is generated at power plants and comes toour house is wired and also created in batteries; remember the rules for safe handling of electrical appliances (wires, switches, sockets).

develop speech, thinking, coherent speech, memory;

foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, today we don’t have an ordinary class hour. We'll take a short trip to...home. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken! To your homes.

There is a diagram on the board - a room plan

Let's see how well you know your home. Are you the real masters of the house? We live in comfortable houses, with machines doing all the hard work. What kind of cars are these? (Vacuum cleaner, washing machine, electric stove...)

- Guys, look around, how bright it is. Let's close our eyes. What happened? (It became dark).

But what about the onset of evening and darkness? After all, when it’s dark you can’t see anything at all? (children's answers)

Who is our helper? Let's solve the riddle.

To distant villages, cities

Who's walking the wire?

Bright Majesty!

This is... (electricity).

Yes, turning on the light is as easy as shelling pears: just flip the switch and it lights upELECTRIC BULB.

Has it always been like this?

What did people use to make it light?

Yes, in ancient times, people had only fire to shine at night. CAMPFIRE.

- Over time, people realized that if they put a stick into a fire, it would light up, and with it they could go where the light of the fire did not reach. This is how it appeared TORCH.

But the torch was inconvenient and dangerous in the house: a fire could happen! Therefore, smaller sticks were used in houses: they were called BARRIERS . They placed the torch on a special stand, SVETETS . They put it under the lighta special bath of water: in a wooden house, even a small spark falling on the floor can lead to a real fire!

Over time, people noticed that if they dip a string in oil and set it on fire, it burns well and for a long time. So they beganpour oil into a small bowl and put it there WICK made of thread and set it on fire. This is how they appeared OIL LAMPS , which began to resemble a small teapot, from the spout of which a burning wick peeked out.

But the lamp gave little light, the oil spilled and people came up with a candle, and even later kerosene lamps appeared. The kerosene lamp burned brighter and was safer.

People stopped using candles, gas lamps, and kerosene lamps when one very smart person inventedELECTRIC BULB. It burned brightly and was comfortable and safe. And today any kid can climb onto a chair, flip the switch, and... the light comes on!

Why is the light on? What makes a light bulb work? Guess the riddle:

I run along the paths
I can’t live without a path.
Where am I not guys?
The lights won't come on in the house
To distant villages, cities
Who's walking the wire?

Serene Majesty

Today we will learn: What is electricity and where does it come from to our home?

How does electricity help us?

Yes, without electricity not a single device could work. But then we plug the plug into the socket - and a miracle happens: the electrical appliance comes to life. Why?

A little experience will help us answer this question.


1. Take the pen and rub it on your hair. Hold it to small pieces of paper. There is an electrical charge on the handle. You also observe electric charges in nature. Lightning, some fish use electrical charges to hunt and attack

Where does electricity come from?

Electric current is somewhat similar to a river, only water flows in the river, and small, very small particles - electrons - flow through the wires. Electric current is generated by large powerful power plants. To obtain electricity at such stations, the power of water, sun and wind energy is used. Electric current first flows through thick high-voltage wires, then through ordinary wires it flows into our apartments, ending up in switches and sockets.

The supply of electricity is also stored in batteries. Batteries come in different shapes and sizes.

So, the journey we'll start around the housefrom the bathroom.

Water, water. we love water,

Let's turn on the tap and waste liters.

But know, saving water-sister.

Let's give our descendants the opportunity to get drunk.

The water from the tap flows very quickly. In a minute, 12-20 liters of priceless fresh water flows out of an open tap! But saving water is just a habit.

How can we save water?

Let's try to formulate the rules of a thrifty owner:

*Don't waste water.

*Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, or use a glass to rinse your mouth.

*Wash dishes not under running water, but in the sink, covering the hole

*Don't forget to turn on the water.
From the bathroom weLet's head to the kitchen.There is a lot here that requires your attention.

Admire, look -

The North Pole is inside!

Snow and ice sparkle there,

Winter itself lives there.


Why do we need a refrigerator?

From a hot well

Water flows through the nose.


Who likes to drink tea? This means you know how to use a kettle.

I'll walk around a little hot,

And the sheet will become smooth.

I can fix any problems

And draw arrows on your trousers,


Who helps parents iron clothes at home??

Safety precautions.

Electricity is our friend and helper. But it can become our enemy if you do not know the rules for the safe use of electricity.

  1. Never handle electrical appliances with wet hands! Water conducts electricity very well.
  2. Do not remove the plug from the outlet by pulling the cord - it may break and expose the wires through which the electric current passes.
  3. Do not touch exposed wires!
  4. If you notice a spark when you turn on a switch or plug into an outlet, tell an adult.
  5. When you leave home, do not forget to turn off the lights and electrical appliances.

Bottom line.

- So where does electricity come from and where does it go?

And when can electrical appliances go from being friends to being dangerous?

What rules for safe handling of electrical appliances do you know?

Guys, what do you think? Have we learned everything about electricity today?

Of course not, we only touched on this topic superficially, but you will study it more deeply in high school in physics lessons

Know what to save

Water, coal, gas and oil.

If you do this,

They will last for many years.

Listen to the story about the light bulb.

“It’s a strange thing, everyone is interested in me, asking: am I bright, how much electricity do I have and what color, white or matte,” the Electric Bulb said to itself, lying on the store shelf.

The Light Bulb was born in a factory. Skillful human hands connected several metal wires and spherical glass. This is how we got another ball of artificial light.

“When I lived at the factory...” Light Bulb continued to think, “I was one of the millions sleeping peacefully in their warm cardboard packages. But now..."

The lightbulb couldn’t think any longer: the seller’s hands grabbed her and put her in the bag. Light Bulb came to her senses from a voice that was coming from somewhere behind the package.

Expensive?! I finally found the light bulb I needed! Look, 60 watts.

ABOUT! “My name is Electric Light Bulb,” the Light Bulb smiled.

And it’s really good, big, transparent. I think there will be a lot of light,” said another voice.

It wasn't that Light Bulb didn't know who she was, it was more that she didn't yet understand why she was there.

The neighbors on the cardboard boxes across the water said all sorts of nonsense: “We will be lanterns illuminating the roads of the city.”

But there were also light bulbs in the store that lived on the shelf for a long time and were never bought: either because of their low power, or because of their own harmfulness. It was from such light bulbs that the Electric Light Bulb learned that the most important thing for any light bulb is to shine alone and illuminate its own night space. Our Light Bulb looked from the store shelf at the street where the road lamp was shining, and dreamed of such a life.

Stupid,” said one of the huddled light bulbs. That's what her name was - Old Light Bulb. - They must need you. Often those people who pass a lamppost on the road and do not notice the one that shines.

Oh, how can I find out where I will be?

- Maybe you'll be lucky! - said the Old Light Bulb.

Now, lying in the bag, the Light Bulb really wanted to ask the Old Light Bulb for advice. But they bought the Old Light Bulb the day before we bought our Light Bulb, and it happily sped away in the trunk of some motorcyclist.

Where are they taking me? - Light Bulb was indignant at sha.

Dear, be careful,” said the voice. - The main thing is to turn off the electricity in the room.

Yes, yes,” another voice agreed approvingly.

Suddenly the package rustled. The light bulb felt like it was being taken out. She couldn’t see anything, and she indignantly tried to twirl in the arms that held her. I really wanted to jump out.

Oh, don't drop her!

Calm down, darling.

At this time, Light Bulb’s head seemed to hit something. Then it spun around its own axis several times and... And suddenly everything around became warm and light!

What's wrong with me? - exclaimed the Light Bulb, glowing with bright light. - Oh, how warm and cozy!

The light bulb seemed to be moving towards the new house, slightly blinking with small electrical discharges inside itself.

Oh, I'm in a great place!

The light bulb looked around. Its light illuminated the space of a large room, and its rays, like gentle hands, stroked the surface of all the objects in it.

And it's all mine! - the Electric Light Bulb rejoiced. - They won’t believe me if I tell anyone! And the light from me is so bright!

The light bulb was filled with joy.

There was a noisy sound of a motor outside the window. The light bulb looked at the yard. And imagine her surprise when, under the steering wheel of an arriving motorcycle, she saw her friend Old Light Bulb, importantly glowing with a thin beam in the darkness of the night.

“How interesting life is! For each of us there was our own place, our own happiness, even for the one who shines in the lamppost,” thought the Electric Light Bulb, looking at her friend.

Svetlana Surnina
Project for senior preschool age “From a splinter to a light bulb”

Supervisor project(F.I.O.) teacher of the group Surnina S.V.

District, city, presenting project: Berezniki city

Organization address: Vera Biryukova street 3

Telephone: 23-22-78

Type, type project: short-term

Purpose, direction of activity project: introduce children to the past and present of lighting devices, to the process of their transformation by man; develop and enhance cognitive activity.

Tasks project:

deepen and systematize children's knowledge;

develop a retrospective view of objects in the man-made world;

introduce different methods of lighting;

activate children's vocabulary ( splinter, kerosene lamp, torch, lantern, candle).

Venue: group room, music room

Dates: 1 week

Number of participants project: 20 children

Age of children: senior preschool age

Form of conduct: joint, independent activity

Joint activities:

Game “Build a path from the past to the present”

Verbal and didactic game "Before and After"

Selection of experiments, riddles, poems (Appendix 1)

Open viewing of GCD "Journey to the Past" light bulbs» with viewing of the presentation (Appendix No. 2)

Opening of a mini-museum « Light bulbs and lamps»

Independent activity:

Consideration of different types of lighting fixtures

Didactic game "Place it in order"

Didactic game "Put it in its place"

Experimental research activities

Appendix No. 1


TARGET: introduce the meaning of light, light sources (sun, flashlight, candle, lamp) ; show that light does not pass through opaque objects.

EQUIPMENT: a box with a lid in which a slot is made; flashlight, lamp.

An adult invites children to find out what is in the box (unknown) and how to find out what's in it (look into the slot). Children look through the slot and note that it is darker in the box than in the room. An adult asks what needs to be done to make the box lighter (open the slot completely or open the lid so that light enters the box and illuminates the objects inside it). An adult opens the slot, and after the children are convinced that it is light in the box, they talk about other light sources - a flashlight and lamp, which he lights in turn and places inside the box so that the children can see the light through the slot. Together with the children, he compares in which case it is visible and draws a conclusion about the meaning of light.


TARGET: Understand that light sources can belong to the natural and man-made world.

EQUIPMENT: Illustrations of landscapes, events in different parts of the day.

Children, together with their parents, observe the illumination on the street in different parts of the day in advance (morning, afternoon, evening, night, the moon. They remember their observations and compare the illumination of the sun and the moon. The adult invites the children to make a model (pie chart) parts days: choose color (explaining your choice by the degree of whiteness of the paper and color) and color the sectors or glue them with colored paper. Children picking illustrations (landscapes and images of regime moments) for each part of the day.


TARGET: understand that the illumination of an object depends on the strength of the source and the distance from it.

EQUIPMENT: candle, table lamp, two flashlights of different power.

An adult and children shine a flashlight on a picture from afar and invite the children to identify the image. Discusses why it is difficult to see; what to do to see the image better (move the flashlight closer or replace it with a stronger one). Children try both options, discuss the results and draw a conclusion (illumination depends on source: the closer and stronger it is, the more light there is, and vice versa).


TARGET: determine the belonging of light sources to the natural and man-made world, purpose, some structural features of man-made light sources.

EQUIPMENT: pictures depicting light sources (sun, moon, stars, month, firefly, fire, lamp, a flashlight, several objects that do not provide light.

The adult invites the children to determine whether it is dark or light now and explain their answer. (we see everything around us). Find out what is shining now (the sun, what can illuminate objects when it is dark in nature (lamp, fire). Then the adult offers to choose those pictures that depict objects that give light; divide them into two groups (man-made, natural world). Demonstrate action splinters, candles, table lamps, flashlight. Compare result (which shines brighter). Arrange the pictures with their images in the same sequence. Consider the structural features of the proposed items, discuss the purpose and features of their use.


Looks through the Light glass:

It's bright outside.

Late evening outside the window,

And all around it is as bright as day.

It's in the blue sky

The cannons fire in honor of the Victory.

And it resounds over the whole country

May holiday fireworks.

A. Aleksin, S. Baruzdin


Candlestick Candlestick says:

“Well, why are you still burning, burning...

And soon you will completely melt.

That's just me! I stand for myself

And I don’t burn and I don’t smoke,

And, of course, I won’t melt.

You, my dear, forgive me,

But I'm your friends

How old gloves,

I change it every day.”

This is a smart candle

Worthy of a candlestick answers:

"Yes, I really am on fire.

And gradually I immediately melt,

But I give light with myself,

I create comfort in the house,

And with this I leave a good mark!

Matches are not toys

Matches are evil, like "little animals",

When the children take them,

And they go to play with them.

Matches bite your fingers

And they are burned with fire.

Children cry and suffer

And, of course, they don’t know

How to put out that fire

And prevent a fire.

And fire is terrible!

Very scary and dangerous!

He burns everything with himself,

It spoils and destroys.

Kills everyone around!

And so, my friend,

Don't pick up matches,

Save your life!


Kerosene lamp,

Stearic candle,

Rocker with bucket

And an inkwell with a feather.

The lamp was crying in the corner,

For firewood on the floor:

I'm hungry

I'm cold!

My wick is drying up.

There is thick dust on the glass.

Why -

I don't understand -

Nobody needs me?

And it happened that they lit

Early evening me.

Butterflies flew into the windows

And they circled around the fire.

I looked with sleepy eyes

Through the foggy lampshade

And made noise next to me

Old copper joker.

Met in the cafeteria

I'm with you today new lamp.

They said it was like

Fifty candles are burning.

Well lamp! To the chickens' laughter!

A bubble under the lampshade.

In the middle of the bubble -

Three or four hairs.

I say: - Where are you from?

Unusual dishes?

It's interesting to see

How will you burn.

Your bottle is sealed.

How will the owner light it?

And the ignoramus answers me

Speaks: - You don’t care!

Of course, I buzzed;

Why don't I care?

Ten years in this house

I gave people light

And I never smoked it.

Why don't I care?

Yes, at the same time, I say,

I burn without cunning.

By old fashioned, out of habit,

I light myself up with a match,

It's like a candle or a stove.

Well, you can’t be set on fire.

You, citizen, are an impostor!

You don't bulb, and a bottle!

And she tells me:

You stupid woman!

Your wick is burning

Extremely weak.

Meanwhile from me

A wonderful light is pouring in,

Because I'm related

Lightning from heaven!

I am electric



I don't need kerosene.

I'll get a car from the station

Sends current through the wire.

I'm not an ordinary bubble!

If you connect

The switch has two threads,

My light comes on.

Do you understand or not?

Stearic candle

Timidly inserted a word:

You said as if in it

Fifty candles burning?

They deceived you shamelessly:

Not a single candle is visible!


I spent the sun

Behind your window,

I hung it from the ceiling,

The house became cheerful.


If he comes into the house, you won’t drive him out with a stake,

When the time comes, it will go away on its own.


A fiery arrow flies

Nobody will catch her.


What a glutton he is:

He can eat anything in the world.

And when he drinks water -

He will definitely fall asleep.


A red-hot arrow felled an oak tree near the village.


One fire warms the whole world.


The tower is standing, the tower is burning,

And there is a pipe on the mansion.

(kerosene lamp)

Horned, not gored.


Standing like a pillar, burning fire:

No heat, no steam, no coals.


The body is white, the soul is linen,

Golden poppy.


The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it.


It shines, sparkles, the whole world warms.


That, having barely touched,

Turns firewood into smoke.


To distant villages, cities,

Who's walking the wire?

Bright Majesty!

This… (electricity)

In a wooden house

Dwarves live.

Such kind people -

They hand out lights to everyone.


The house is a glass bubble,

And a light lives in it.

It will light up with a bright flame.

(flashlight, bulb)

Appendix No. 2


Target: introduce children to the history of electrical light bulbs; evoke a positive emotional attitude towards the past of this object.


Create conditions for children to become familiar with the achievement of humanity - electricity.

To achieve clarification of children’s knowledge about light sources; ensure reproduction of the rules for safe handling of electrical appliances;

To promote the development of mental processes, the development of cognitive interest, and the desire for research activities.

Instill a sense of respect and pride in a person's achievements.

Equipment: splinter, candle, kerosene lamp, electric bulb, matches, various lamps (or pictures with their image).

Educator: Do you like to travel? Would you like us to go on an interesting journey today? Do you want to know where we're going? To do this you will need to guess the following riddles:

1. House is a glass bubble,

And a light lives in it.

During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,

It will light up with a bright flame.

2. The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it.

3. Miracles on the ceiling - the sun hung on a string.

4. Hangs idle during the day and lights up the house at night.

Educator: Well done! You have solved all the riddles. The answer is the same - electric bulb. Therefore, we will now go back to the past of electric light bulbs. But first, close your eyes and I will say the magic words. With their help, you and I will find ourselves close to objects that will tell us about the past. light bulbs. One, two, three - we have arrived! What are the objects on the table? (Children list the objects lying on the table)

Educator: What do you think these items have in common? (They light up and make light.) Today we will talk about how man invented light. But first tell me, has it always been electric? bulb? (Children's answers)

Educator: Of course not. What do you think the ancient man used to illuminate his cave? Ancient people lit a fireplace in the cave, and it made it brighter. Do you think it was difficult for a person to walk down the street at night? (Children's answers) Why? (Can't see anything, it's dark)

Does anyone know what people came up with to light their way at night? (Flashlights) They appeared later. And before? Previously, people came up with torches. What is it? (Children answer the question).

Educator: They not only walked along the street with torches, but also mounted them on the walls of the castle, and they illuminated the room. Then people came up with splinter. What is it? It's just a sliver of wood with a pointed end. Usually the splinter was made from birch, it burns better. One end the splinters were secured, and the other one was lit at the top. Luchin you need to position it correctly so that it shines better. (The teacher lights splinter, everyone watches her burn. At the same time, the teacher draws attention to the fact that from little ray of light, it burns quickly and smokes heavily)

Educator: Was this lighting comfortable? (No.) Why?

(Children answer the question)

Years passed, and man came up with a more convenient object for lighting - a candle. Candles were made from beeswax and lamb fat.

(The teacher shows the candle and draws the children’s attention to the fact that inside the candle there is a wick made of threads)

Educator: Why do you think a candle is inconvenient? (You can get burned by it, it can cause a fire, it smokes, it gives off little light.) Man tried to come up with more convenient lighting for his home. People learned to make kerosene from oil and came up with kerosene lamps. (The teacher shows the children a kerosene lamp, explains the principle of its operation)

Educator: Kerosene was convenient lamp? (No.) Why?

(Children answer the question)

Many years have passed. People were looking for new ways to conveniently illuminate their homes. When electricity appeared, Alexander Ladygin came up with an electric light bulb. It still lights up our apartments. Now in our houses there are many different beautiful lamps: chandeliers hang on the ceiling, sconces on the walls, tabletops on the tables lamps. Where do you think we will place all these items, where their place is in our group (children's answers)

Educator: Electricity must be handled very carefully. You cannot turn on electrical appliances without the permission of adults; you need to know the rules for handling them. Remember: careless handling leads to fires!

What did you learn today? What do you remember most?