Painting with acrylic paints on glass. Painting with acrylic paints on glass Is it possible to paint with gouache on glass

Have you ever painted on windows? If not, we will show you how to do it correctly!

How to create a New Year's mood? Decorate the Christmas tree, hang tinsel and garland in the apartment, write a letter to Santa Claus, buy several gifts for relatives. You can also create a masterpiece with your own hands - decorate the windows with painted snowflakes, patterns, and fairy-tale characters.

Painting on windows is a fairly inexpensive and very creative way to create a New Year's mood. In addition, most likely, the mood will improve not only for you, but also for everyone who passes by your windows, as well as your friends, guests and household members.

New Year's drawings on windows, stencils for cutting

The simplest window decoration you can use is plain white paper! To decorate windows in this way, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort. You can entrust simple drawings to your children - they will happily take on this activity, but leave more complex ones for yourself. Some templates require accuracy and special attention.

So, prepare the following tools:

  • thick white paper (regular stationery will do)
  • scissors with thin blades
  • simple pencil
  • board, maybe a cutting board or thick plastic
  • patterns
  • eraser
  • stationery knife
  • printer

To make paper decorations, follow these steps:

  1. Print out the drawing you like.
  2. Using the necessary tools, cut out the design from paper. Do this as carefully as possible, any curved line will be immediately noticeable.
  3. Use tape to attach the cut-out image to the window glass.
  4. Enjoy the finished result and the New Year's mood!

This is interesting! Such drawings on windows look especially impressive at night: they create a contrast between a dark street and a white image.

We present the most successful templates below.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden- not a single New Year can do without them. Therefore, if you decide to decorate the window for this holiday, do not forget about the grandfather and granddaughter.

The real symbol of the New Year is elk! Yes, not simple, but decorated with balloons, garlands, figurines and tinsel. Don't forget to stick her image on the window too.

Live Christmas tree, baby squirrel and bunny

Snowflake- a symbol not only of the New Year, but of the whole winter in general.

They will look most bright and impressive New Year's miniatures, cut out of paper. Such patterns on windows look magical.

Cut out a large Christmas tree pattern and decorate it with cut out Christmas balls.

Christmas toys templates We will provide below.

A candle with a fir branch is a symbol of New Year and Christmas

This is important! If you don't have a printer, place the sheet of paper on the monitor and trace the image. Then cut out the design from paper and glue it to the window.

How to draw New Year's drawings on windows?

You can paint on windows in many ways and materials. The main materials can be:

  • gouache
  • watercolor
  • stained glass
  • toothpaste
  • markers

Gouache is the easiest to paint. Sometimes, to prevent gouache from slipping, it is mixed with soap, or applied to a brush with a minimum amount of water.

Toothpaste drawings on windows resemble frosty patterns. Using toothpaste you can achieve the “frozen window” effect, make splashes and draw frost. In addition, drawings with toothpaste can be easily erased with plain water.

Drawing with markers on windows looks no less impressive. For this type of creativity, special markers for windows are used; other markers and felt-tip pens may be difficult to wash off or not wash off at all.

How to draw New Year's pictures on windows with toothpaste?

Drawing with toothpaste is much easier than it might seem at first glance! To make a beautiful drawing with toothpaste on the window you will need:

  • white toothpaste for snow and colored toothpaste for other elements
  • toothbrush
  • cloth
  • sketch
  • brush
  • thin stick for drawing details (may not be needed)
  • sponge
  • tape or tape

Description of the process of painting with toothpaste on a window:

  1. Cut a small rectangular piece from the sponge, secure it in the middle with electrical tape or tape to make a kind of sponge.
  2. Place the toothpaste of the color you want into a bowl or saucer.
  3. Dip the resulting sponge into toothpaste and using pressing movements, transfer the drawing from the sketch to the window. To draw a straight line, you will have to work hard.
  4. Some places can be additionally drawn with a stick.
  5. If you are not confident in your artistic skills, draw a thin design on the window in advance using a brush dipped in water. Or use a stencil.
  6. You can make a very interesting design with toothpaste by applying a stencil, for example, snowflakes to the glass, and securing it with double-sided tape. Put some toothpaste on your toothbrush, then run your finger along the bristles of the brush several times to create a splatter on the glass. This will keep the toothpaste around the stencil and keep the stencil area clean.

You can also paint with toothpaste using a regular brush or a bristle brush.

How to draw New Year's drawings on windows with paints and gouache?

Gouache is a word familiar to every artist. Almost everyone started painting with gouache. Watercolor and oil require a certain level of skill, while gouache “forgiving” many errors in execution.

It’s very easy to paint gouache on windows:

  1. Find a suitable sketch.
  2. Buy good gouache. It is better to take artistic paints rather than cheap children's paints, which have a very low surface coverage density.
  3. Buy a wide and thin brush.
  4. Transfer the design using brushes and paints to the surface of the window. Sometimes for a perfect drawing you will need time, as well as a couple of jars of clean water and a sponge to remove unsuccessful lines.
  5. Now your window is decorated with a gouache pattern for the New Year!

Advice! If gouache does not adhere well to glass, mix it with liquid soap so that the consistency is quite thick. This will help the paint go on smoother, and will save you from spending on window cleaning fluid in the future.

You can replace gouache with watercolor, but be prepared for the fact that watercolor is quite capricious to use and you are unlikely to be able to apply a dense layer. And another significant disadvantage of watercolor is that it is difficult to wash off. It is much easier to wash off gouache from windows.

New Year's drawings from paper on windows

What can be used as paper designs? The stencils that you gave as an example earlier in the article.

They can be cut and glued, or you can build them yourself, guided by your own imagination.

Surely everyone cut out snowflakes for windows in childhood, at least at school or in kindergarten? This is also a wonderful decoration - a few of these snowflakes on the windows, and you will always be in the New Year's mood!

Paper drawings look very picturesque, and you won't have any difficulty removing them - just tear them off the window. Unlike washing off drawings made with gouache or toothpaste, you won’t have to dilute the dirt and wash the windows again.

New Year's drawings on windows: options, photos

If you have already been inspired by our article for exploits, but have not yet decided on the sketches, we offer you a choice of several options for what designs you can draw on the windows in different ways!

The pattern can only be made on the bottom of the window

As you can see, there are a lot of options for window decoration for the New Year. Choose the one you like - and go!

Video: How to paint on windows with toothpaste? We create New Year's drawings and decorate windows with children!!

This is one of the easiest and most delicious ways to decorate window glass. Small children can participate in the process - for them this activity will become truly sweet magic.

Using a stencil, we apply an adhesive base to clean glass - honey or sugar syrup diluted in water. Then spray powdered sugar onto the base. Let the patterns dry, remove the stencil and brush off the remaining powder.

Soap drawings

Not only will they decorate the windows, but they will also allow you to wash the glass.

You need to grate a piece of soap on a fine grater. Add warm water to the soap crumbs. Beat the mixture with a mixer until a stable foam is obtained. Dip the sponge and you can paint! And it’s even easier to draw patterns on the glass with the soap itself.

Artificial snow

Different types of artificial snow are used in decoration, but we will need the one sold in spray form. Shake the can and... improvise! Light frost, stencil patterns - it can be anything.

Be careful: you should not save money and buy the cheapest spray - it may turn out to be of poor quality and have a pungent odor.

Toothpaste - the Snow Queen's weapon

This is a classic method: who didn’t draw on the mirror with toothpaste as a child?

The frost effect can be achieved by spraying the glass with paste from a spray bottle (or simply spraying it with a toothbrush). If you dilute it in water to a creamy consistency, you can paint the glass with a hard brush.

Beer and magnesia

Very beautiful and complex frosty patterns are obtained if you use beer and magnesia. The solution is easy to prepare: 100 g. light beer you need 50 g. magnesia.

We apply patterns with a sponge, brush, or cotton swab. As the liquid begins to evaporate, crystalline patterns will appear on the glass. You can speed up the process by drying the drawing with a hairdryer.

Regular paints

Note: watercolor is more difficult to wash off glass than gouache. The drawing will be more contrasting if you outline it with black paint. You can apply glitter, beads and sequins to the paint.

Children's stained glass paints

Do not confuse them with professional ones, otherwise the design will remain on the glass forever.

Children's stained glass paints are not applied to glass, but to a special film, which is then glued to the window. Place the selected design under the film, trace it along the outline, then paint the internal parts. Do not skimp on paint so that there are no gaps left on the film.

Ready-made stickers

You can paste not only your own stained glass drawings onto glass. If you don't have time, we are at your service.

Paper stencils

Another greeting from childhood. True, we used to improvise, but now you can find ready-made stencils for printing on the Internet.

Snowflakes made of white matte paper look good. Do not use glue, thick sugar syrup is better, it will wash off the windows faster.

Tulle and lace

And the last, most sophisticated way: glue tulle or lace onto the glass. It is best to choose fabric with winter motifs, feathers, curls.

You need to prepare a solution: dilute two tablespoons of corn starch in two tablespoons of cold water. And add one and a half glasses of hot water. If you use potato starch, the solution will turn out gray, which will give the corresponding shade to our application.

Now we apply a piece of fabric to the glass. Apply the solution over the lace with a brush, paying special attention to the edges and corners. The paste hardens quickly, and the lace stays on the glass until you decide to wash it off with warm water.

First of all, I would like to say that not every material is suitable for painting windows. If you don’t know this, you can decorate the windows in such a way that you will then have to make a lot of effort to remove them from them.

Don't even think about painting watercolors on the windows. It is much more difficult to remove from the glass surface than, for example, gouache. Also, you cannot use professional stained glass paints. Once you decorate your windows with this paint, you will never wash them again. Carefully choose the material for painting in specialized stores.

How can you draw on windows?

A simple toothpaste works great for painting windows. You can also use gouache, artificial snow and finger paints. Some people use children's stained glass paints to decorate windows. However, if you have chosen this particular material for painting, you should know that such designs are not applied to the glass surface of windows.

How can you apply a design to windows?

We have sorted out the question of what you can use to draw on windows. Now a new one has arisen: how can you apply a design to windows? If, of course, you have a talent for drawing, then you won’t ask yourself this question. This applies to those who have the desire and inspiration to decorate windows for the New Year, but do not have any skills. In this case, you can do the following:

  • Use a printer to print any template you like, cut it out, and then redraw it onto the window.

  • After printing the template, redraw it on whatman paper. Then attach whatman paper from the street side using tape. It will be very easy for you to draw on the finished contour using the selected material.

  • Use a stencil. You can either buy it or . Paint over the gaps in the stencil with paint or any other material of your choice. By the way, if you use paint, then for convenience, apply it with a small piece of sponge.

Beautiful decor for your home, school or kindergarten for the New Year 2018 can be done with toys and crafts. But the easiest way to create a festive atmosphere and have an interesting time is to draw frosty patterns and pictures on the windows. They can be created using gouache, stained glass paints, salt or toothpaste. This type of work will certainly appeal to kids and teenagers. In this case, drawings can be depicted either with brushes or using special stencils. Among the photos and video master classes and examples offered below, you can find many options that will help make the New Year's window in any room festive or magical. The drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 with images of dogs will look especially unusual. Thematic pictures transferred according to templates can be supplemented with congratulatory inscriptions or wishes.

Cool drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 of dogs - stencils and master class with photos

New Year's drawings on windows can be done step by step with both toothpaste and tooth powder. Such materials are quite easy to prepare for work: the paste can be slightly diluted with water, and the powder can be made into a mushy mixture. Then you just need to apply them step by step using templates and wait for them to dry. Drops of paste or powder diluted in water will help to complement the drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 of dogs made using stencils. The following master class will help you learn more about the rules for applying such patterns on windows.

Materials for drawing cool patterns on windows for the New Year 2018 dogs

  • paper with printed snowflake patterns;
  • scissors;
  • tooth powder or paste;
  • a piece of foam rubber (washcloth).

Master class with photos of creating cool drawings for the New Year of the Dog 2018

A selection of stencils for creating New Year's drawings on windows with dogs

To beautifully decorate your windows for the New Year 2018, you can draw not only snowflakes or Christmas trees, but also balls on the glass. Silhouettes of dogs will also look stylish. A beautiful symbol of the coming year will help create a real festive atmosphere. To draw them in your work, you can use the stencils suggested below.

Original drawings on windows for the New Year with toothpaste - examples of patterns

Applying pictures and patterns to windows using toothpaste or powder is allowed not only through stencils and templates. You can paint with such mixtures with an ordinary brush or sponge. To do this, you just need to select the original drawings in advance and transfer them to the glass. To obtain the most accurate pictures, it is recommended to make thick, porridge-like mixtures that will dry quickly. And so that the toothpaste drawings on the windows made for the New Year according to the proposed examples do not mix, they should be applied to the glass in stages.

A selection of examples of New Year's drawings on windows made with toothpaste

To ensure that the selected toothpaste drawings fully correspond to the theme of the New Year 2018, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following examples of works by children and adults. They will help you easily choose the best pictures to apply and quickly cope with the task of New Year's window decoration.

How to make drawings on windows for the New Year 2018 with gouache - video master class

Working with gouache when drawing on glass is quite simple and every child can do it. Such thick paint does not spread, lays evenly on the window and allows you to create any pictures. In addition, you can use it to make amazing frosty patterns that will help complement the New Year's decor of the room. Using the following master class with video and the photo examples proposed in the article, you can create unusual gouache drawings on windows on any topic for New Year 2018. These can be pictures with Christmas trees, dogs, or color images of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Master class with video of painting with gouache on windows before the New Year 2018

A step-by-step lesson in painting with gouache on windows will help every child create amazing pictures for the New Year of the Dog without much difficulty. The master class below can also be used to teach how to transfer pictures onto glass, and you can repeat it exactly at home, at school or kindergarten.

Beautiful drawings on windows for the New Year with paints - step-by-step master class with photos

When applying New Year's drawings using templates on glass, it is better to use gouache rather than watercolors. To obtain translucent patterns, it should be diluted with a small amount of water. By adding it, the paint will dry more slowly, but it will not spread much. You just need to do the work carefully, following the instructions provided. The next master class will tell you step by step how to paint pictures on windows at home, at school and in kindergarten for the New Year.

List of materials for creating beautiful New Year's designs on windows using paints

  • white gouache;
  • snowflake printables;
  • water;
  • sponge;
  • scissors.

Master class with step-by-step photos of painting on window glass before the New Year with paints

What can you draw on the windows in a kindergarten for the New Year - examples of beautiful drawings

Cool New Year's drawings on windows don't have to be just white. When using acrylic paints or gouache, you can easily mix shades, add bright spots or elements to give the picture maximum realism. At the same time, you don’t need to be a real artist to create original decor. When familiar with simple examples, even kids will be able to depict a funny snowman or a smiling Santa Claus on the windows. Using the following selection of pictures, you can easily choose what to draw on the windows in the kindergarten for the New Year.

A selection of examples of New Year's patterns and pictures for drawing on glass windows in the kindergarten

Children can paint windows for the New Year with thematic drawings, cartoon characters, and fairy-tale creatures. All they need to do is choose which images they want to transfer, grab some paint and get to work. Children in kindergarten can easily choose what exactly to draw for the year of the dog on the glass using the following photos with examples.

What to draw on the window for New Year 2018 at school - examples of pictures

Decorating school classrooms on New Year's Eve is one of the most favorite activities of students. Instructing them to draw New Year's pictures on glass will help give children the opportunity to express their imagination and demonstrate their talents. This task will be feasible for both primary school and high school students. The kids just need to choose what they want to draw on the windows at school for the New Year 2018 from the following photo examples.

Examples of New Year pictures on windows for display in school for the New Year 2018

The window designs below are great for decorating classrooms at school. Simple pictures can be easily drawn with paints and toothpaste. They will help create a festive atmosphere and spend extracurricular time really fun, interesting and useful.

What to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year - a selection of pictures

Using stained glass paints for painting on windows before the New Year is an excellent solution for both home and school. Bright, rich pictures will help you decorate simple rooms and create a magical festive atmosphere. Using the following examples, you can easily choose what to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year.

Examples of New Year's pictures on window glass made with stained glass paints

The following photos can be used as an example for redrawing on glass or for finding new unusual ideas for creating New Year's drawings. They attract with their fullness of color and unusual shade transitions and are therefore suitable for decorating any room.

How to draw patterns on a window for the New Year with salt - master class with photos

When properly mixed with salt and fizzy drinks, you can create an excellent mixture for painting on windows. Due to the presence of crystals in this blank, after drying it will help create real frosty patterns on the glass. In addition, it is suitable for quickly decorating large windows in the home and school. But in order for the coloring to be successful and allow you to achieve the desired result, you need to do the work step by step and not apply more than 3 layers of the mixture, otherwise it will crumble after drying. The following master class with photos will help you learn more about how you can paint frosty patterns on a window with salt for the New Year.

Materials for drawing patterns on windows before the New Year using salt

  • beer or sparkling water - 250 ml;
  • wide brush;
  • rock salt with large crystals - 4 tsp;
  • towel.

Photo instructions for drawing frosty window patterns on New Year's Eve with salt

Unusual window decorations will help you decorate your home, school and kindergarten classrooms in an original and beautiful way for the New Year. To do this, using the proposed master classes with photos and videos, you just need to apply frosty patterns or thematic pictures to the glass. These examples will help you easily select the desired image and start painting it with toothpaste, powder, gouache or stained glass paints. Also, for the year of the dog, children, using the proposed stencils and templates, will be able to easily depict different puppies and adult dogs on the windows. All they have to do is choose which drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 they want to make and start working according to the instructions.