Arugula: planting and care in open ground. Growing arugula in open ground from seeds and seedlings, planting and caring for the dacha Arugula salad how to prepare when to collect

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Useful properties of arugula

Arugula is also good because it can be planted several times: the second time in mid-May, the third in early August (in August it is the only salad plant that can be planted and then eaten all autumn).

​Strengthens the immune system.​

​Dark brown spots on leaves​

​Cooking technology:​

If frosts are expected, young plants are covered with plastic containers at night, removing them in the morning.

​"Men's" salads, side dishes, prophylactic against vitamin deficiency​


​Mid-season​ ​It plays a big role in the prevention of cancer.​

​Like any greens, arugula manifests itself most clearly when fresh: long heat treatment kills its taste and aroma, not to mention its vitamin set, so arugula is added to hot dishes at the end of cooking or to an already prepared dish.​

Arugula is a salad plant valued for its spicy, pungent taste. Growing arugula is not difficult. Like most salad plants, it grows very quickly. Mediterranean cuisine without arugula is not cuisine at all. Italians cannot imagine salads without it; they generously flavor pizza, pasta, and all sorts of minestrone soups with it. This is the main ingredient in almost any dish. But if the local gourmets have respected arugula since the times of Ancient Rome, then the Russians tried and appreciated the spicy “Italian” only recently; for a long time in our country it was considered just a weed.​

​Rucola loves sun and moisture. Do not overuse fertilizers; it tends to accumulate nitrates. It is better to plant arugula in different places in the garden every year: after tomatoes, onions, cucumbers or potatoes. In the garden, greens are removed 15-30 days after germination.​

​Has a tonic effect on the body as a whole.​


​The dough is laid out in a mold covered with parchment paper, it is pierced with a fork and greased with mustard;

Pests and diseases of arugula

When growing plants on a windowsill or on a balcony in boxes, you need to allocate an area of ​​30 by 15 cm for each bush. The depth of the box should not be less than 10 cm.

Arugula is a rather unpretentious plant; it grows even where there is not always sun. True, in dense shade the plant becomes smaller and runs wild.

​Greens - plentiful, delicate in taste, rich in vitamins​

Use of arugula - what is it eaten with?

​Leaf - lyre-shaped, flower - cream, weight - 18-20g​

​The herb is useful for men who have specific problems.​

​Wild arugula can be stored in the refrigerator for several days without loss of quality.​

​Green arugula leaves are not only a table decoration, but also a storehouse of useful substances. There are vitamins, especially A, B9, C, microelements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, iron and flavonoids. The bioactive substances they contain have a beneficial effect on digestion, help strengthen the immune system, normalize water-salt metabolism, and reduce blood sugar levels. American gastroenterologists even recommend arugula as a safe remedy for the prevention and treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers. And also flowering arugula is a honey plant; bees love it very much.​

Growing arugula: from choosing a variety to protecting against diseases and pests

​If you read the article and decided that arugula is now your friend, read the next article: arugula salads.​

​The list of beneficial properties of arugula can be continued, but I think this is enough.​

Biological features

​Crop rotation, soil preparation, weed control​ ​chopped brisket, tomatoes, mozzarella, arugula are used as filling;​

But arugula has its own characteristics that you need to know and take into account when planting it:

​In Slovenia, arugula is added to cheese cheburek. In Italy they use it for pizza: usually arugula is added shortly before the end of its preparation or immediately after. It is also used as an ingredient for pestle in addition to or replacing basil.​

​In the meantime, a musical break: the song performed by Rukola “You speak”​

Useful properties and nutritional value

​And now, when you want to try this wonderful salad, I have two news: good and bad.​ ​Fungus Fikarium oxisporum​

  • ​it is sprinkled with grated cheese, pepper and nutmeg;​
  • ​Eruca uses mainly its green leaves, which must be picked off as soon as they grow to 10 cm. Thanks to this, the greenery is constantly renewed. If you let it grow larger, it becomes rough and tasteless.​
  • ​Soil requirements. Grows on any soil that needs to be loosened. But it is preferable to plant arugula on slightly acidic or pre-limed soils, where there is enough calcium for its development. Liming is carried out before planting, using lime or dolomite flour, ground chalk and other means. Their doses depend on the level of soil acidity and amount to 25-60 kg per hundred square meters.​
  • ​20-25​
  • ​22-25​
  • Arugula is not indicated for pregnant and lactating women, or people with allergies, as it is rich in phytoncides.
  • Arugula is a close relative of cabbage and other plants. Most often this plant is called arugula. It is also known as arugula, indau, eruka, gulavnik, caterpillar, roshen lettuce. In Rus' it was called caterpillar and was considered a weed, suitable only for birds and animals. Arugula is the Italian name for this multifaceted plant originating from the Western Mediterranean.​

​As for the gastronomic merits of the spicy “Italian”, if anyone has tried it, food without its spicy, nutty-pepper bitterness seems rather boring. Therefore, its popularity among Russian gardeners and farmers is growing every year. Rucola is in great demand among restaurateurs, supermarkets, and vegetable markets. For example, in Moscow it has already taken third place in popularity after traditional dill and parsley.​

​Pests are cruciferous (cabbage) flea beetles. These are small jumping beetles that in the spring feed on young leaves of cabbage, radishes, beets and also arugula. You can fight them by dusting plants with wood ash.​

​The bad thing is that arugula is quite expensive.​ Chlorosis of leaves - turn yellow, dark stripes appear​The pie is completed with a layer of eggs whipped with cream;​

​The appearance of new succulent leaves is promoted by regular and abundant watering, especially in the heat.​

​Crop rotation. It is best to alternate planting arugula in an area with potatoes, pumpkins, legumes, tomatoes or carrots. It is not recommended to plant them after relatives in the family - cabbage, radish, horseradish and others - earlier than three years.

​Salads, side dishes for meat and fish. Dietary product​Salads, side dishes for meat and fish dishes​

The nutritional value of arugula is also undeniable.

The best varieties

Arugula, or Arugula (Erucavesicariassp. sativa), belongs to the cruciferous family and is a close relative of cabbage, radish, mustard, horseradish and other plants. Two of its species are popular as a food plant - cultivated arugula (Eruca sativa, Indau sativa ) and wild arugula (two-row thin-leaved and wild rocket). In Russia, wild arugula is the most common, so we will talk about it.​

​As for toughness, arugula is a little tough. The one grown with our own hands is different from the one we buy in the supermarket. Water it more often, then the arugula will be juicy. ​It’s good - it’s not fussy and it’s easy to grow it yourself.​ ​Average​ ​It is baked for 40 minutes at a temperature of 210 degrees.​ ​If you don’t do this, they will become very bitter.​ Arugula is grown in open ground and in greenhouses (greenhouses).
​Poker​ ​Cupid's arrows​ ​Two types of plants are used in cooking: cultivated (sown) and wild (wild rocket).​ ​Depending on the variety, it can be one-year-old or two-year-old.​ Arugula is a cold-resistant plant, usually early ripening - it is ready for consumption in early spring or in the first half of summer, when other vegetables are not yet ripe. ​it’s the cruciferous flea flea that eats it, you can sprinkle it with ashes or chemicals​
​Don’t rush to run away for those who don’t have any garden. Remember if you have an empty flower pot or a small drawer and read on.​ Arugula, indau, eruka are the same plant. It has long been known in many countries, where it is widely used in folk medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. It is easy to grow; you can even do it on a windowsill. The leafy vegetable grows quickly; in the garden plot you can get several harvests per season. And in the greenhouse, eruka is grown almost all year round. Once you get acquainted with this amazing healing plant, you will not be able to refuse it.​ ​Irrigation is carried out by spraying using sprinklers. Long-term watering of row spacing using a hose placed on the ground is also considered acceptable. These events are held in the morning or evening hours, when there is no heat.​ ​In protected ground it can be grown all year round. It is important that the temperature in the greenhouse does not fall below 16 degrees, and that artificial lighting is provided for already grown plants when there is a lack of sunny days.​
​Leaf - large, green, sweetish with a mustard flavor, flower - pale cream, weight - 20g​ ​Leaf - long narrow, flower - light yellow, weight - 15-20g​ ​The latter is more common in Russia than sowing.​ ​In Kuban it can be sown as early as March, because the most comfortable soil temperature at which it germinates is from 5 to 12ºС. Arugula grows well in various soil types throughout almost the entire territory of Russia. It can be grown in open and protected ground by direct sowing of seeds or through seedlings. Stepped sowings are carried out after 10-15 days. Care consists of loosening the row spacing, timely watering, and mulching the rows with humus or low-lying peat.​ Arugula becomes tough as it grows, but if you sow little by little, after a week or two and use it right away, it will be normal. For fleas, you can spray with vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per watering can) or dust with ash.​
Arugula is grown from seeds, which are sold in all specialized stores and stalls. You can plant it in two ways: ​Published March 29, 2012​ Arugula contains essential oils that repel many insects (mosquitoes, fleas). But plants are still susceptible to some fungal diseases. The following table describes the signs of these lesions and measures to combat them. ​The soil between the plants is regularly “fluffed up” for better penetration of moisture and air.​ Before sowing in a greenhouse, you need to prepare the soil as follows:
​18-20​ ​20-30​ Juicy endau leaves, which have a delicate aroma and a slightly spicy taste with sourness, go well with spinach and various types of salad. They can be added to soup, used in salads and cold appetizers.​ The height of its slightly pubescent, straight stem is from 30 to 60 cm. The leaves can be large, lyre-shaped in cultivated varieties, and narrow, oblong, openwork in wild varieties. The lower leaves form a rosette.​ ​If you want to grow lush wild arugula early or quickly, then we advise you to opt for the Solitaire variety - one of the most popular among Russian gardeners.​
Arugula should be harvested when it reaches a maximum of 15 cm in height. Then she is tough and bitter.​ ​in the garden​ Have you ever tried arugula salad? If not, I advise you to do it soon.​ ​Name​ In addition, the seedlings are fertilized twice. To do this, you need nitrogen fertilizers (10 g per bucket of water), fermented chicken or cow droppings, diluted 10-15 times. Fertilizing is carried out in conjunction with watering the plants. Considering that the ripening period of arugula is short, fertilizing with manure and other mineral fertilizers during its growth period is not done. Otherwise, the leaves will accumulate toxic substances.​
​loosening to a depth of 18 cm to completely clear it of weeds and remnants of previous plants;​ ​22-28​ ​35-38​ ​This amazing leafy vegetable fits well into vegetable stew recipes and serves as an excellent addition and decoration for sandwiches. Added to cottage cheese or to our popular boiled potatoes, it gives these ordinary dishes a touch of sophistication.​ Arugula blooms white-violet or yellow, which is pollinated by insects. It is famous as a good honey plant. Flowering of different varieties of eruka occurs in May-July. ​So, Solitaire. Variety selected by the company "Gavrish". Early ripening, the beginning of marketability occurs 20-25 days after emergence. The rosette of leaves is semi-raised, 15-18 cm in diameter, 18-20 cm high. The leaf is very textured and picturesque - medium in size, lyre-shaped with cuts along the edge, the surface is smooth, the color is green. Average rosette weight - 20-45 g. Productivity - 1.4-1.6 kg/m2​
​try to buy Fitoverm, it’s not a chemical, it’s a biological product, you spray it on sorrel and radish, something that grows quickly, and the toxins come out of the plants in a day or two, and you can eat ​on the windowsill​ ​No salad plant can boast of such an instant rise in ratings.​ ​Signs​ Arugula is used in appetizers, salads, sauces, vegetable dishes, soups, side dishes, etc. ​additional plowing after 2 weeks. This is necessary for the thorough removal of weeds, which as a result fall into the deep layers of the earth, where they will subsequently form humus;​

Landing Features

​Salads​ ​Salads, sauces, side dishes, soups​

  1. ​Side dishes for meat and fish containing arugula are served in the best restaurants in many countries.​
  2. Its small brown seeds are collected in an oblong pod.

How to grow arugula (video)

Growing methods

Greenhouse cultivation

​dust with ash to repel pests​

Arugula can be planted on the windowsill starting in March

  • ​Just a couple of years ago, many residents of our latitudes had no idea about it.​
  • ​Persistence​
  • ​Set of products: lightly salted fish - 100 grams, one tomato, red salad onion, a handful of arugula, a spoonful of vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and sugar (for marinade). First, the onions are marinated for about ten minutes.

​harrowing, which helps moisture retain in the soil.​


Cultivation in open ground


​In Italy they like to add it to pizza, risotto and pasta sauces.​

  • ​They ripen quickly - within a month.​
  • Arugula is undemanding to soil. But still, planted in light, fertile soil with a neutral reaction of the soil solution, it will reward you with a particularly rich harvest of high-quality greenery and will not accumulate nitrates.​
  • It is convenient to cover all cruciferous plants with agrotex No. 17 (the thinnest one) immediately after sowing or planting seedlings. And water less, and it grows better.​

​And today, the quality of the cuisine of the most expensive and prestigious restaurants is judged by the way they prepare arugula salad.​

Growing seedlings

​Methods of struggle​ ​Then laid out in layers:​

Arugula on the windowsill

The seeds are sown in beds, which are placed at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other. Planting holes should be no more than 2 cm deep. 2-3 seeds can be placed in them. Between the holes you need to retreat 8 cm. Young shoots are thinned out after about a week.


Plant care

​Early​​Usually this happens in early summer. And then they can already be sown.​

Arugula seeds can be sown in open ground immediately after the snow melts until mid-August. The seeding rate is 30 g per 100 m2. The minimum temperature for seed germination is 9-10ºС, the optimal temperature is 18-24ºС. The maximum sowing depth of seeds is 3-4 cm.​ ​Grow in the shade, it doesn’t like the sun.​

​Place the seeds in a small box or pot to a depth of 1.5 cm, cover with soil and carefully water (in the future we water every other day).​

Arugula: beneficial properties (video)

Use in cooking

​Arugula is one of those plants that people talk about - it is a “green pharmacy” on our table.​

Arugula salad

​Cabbage moth​ ​arugula;​

  • Leaf - medium, dissected, with cuts along the edges, lyre-shaped, nut-mustard flavor, weight - 20-45g
  • ​Has juicy leaves with a nutty-mustard taste; rich in carotene, essential oils, vitamins
  • Cultivated varieties of arugula are divided into annual and biennial (Solitaire).
  • Eruka is not picky about soils. Its main drawback is that it quickly runs wild. In ancient times, the Greeks and ancient Romans grew arugula as a vegetable salad crop and used it as a spice. Arugula has a unique spicy aroma, and its slightly hot taste has mustard and nut notes.​

​The distance between plants in a row is 8-10 cm, between rows - 30-40 cm. As necessary, weeding, loosening of row spacing, and thinning of plants are carried out, since seeds have an extended germination period. The emergence of seedlings is possible throughout the entire growing season.​

Arugula pasta

Arugula is a very unpretentious plant; it can easily be grown from seeds in a pot on a windowsill or in the country. You can plant it on the windowsill from March. You can sow arugula in a regular flower pot or boxes. The bush grows lush, so it will need a “living space” the size of a three-liter pan...​

​We put it on the window. Don't forget to fluff up the soil from time to time. In a week the first shoots will appear.​

Arugula Pie

​In fact, what could be better if what we eat, in addition to gastronomic pleasure, also brings benefits to the body?​

​Eat leaves​

  • ​tomatoes, cut into slices or rings;​
  • ​Seeds are sown in open ground from mid-spring until almost the end of summer with an interval of 2 weeks. In hot weather, in order to get a good harvest, you need to choose a site with moderate shade for sowing. After all, arugula does not like too much sun.​
  • ​18-20​
  • ​15-20​
  • The roots of the latter withstand winter well, and in early spring juicy greenery appears from them. Annual varieties are divided into early varieties, from which harvesting can begin within three weeks after the first leaves appear, and mid-season varieties, which are only a couple of weeks behind the early varieties in ripening.​

Protection from diseases and pests

The plant does not require special lighting, grows well in the shade, but resists aggressive sunshine by coarsening the leaves and bolting. And one more thing - arugula needs to be watered in a timely manner, otherwise its leaves will be wormwood-bitter.

​Heat and drought - the leaves begin to shoot, the leaves become coarser. The optimal temperature is 16-18 degrees.​ ​This is what they will look like:​ ​Here is a list of vitamins and minerals that are contained in this plant: vitamins A, C, B3, B6, B9, K, as well as iodine, zinc, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese.​ ​High​
​Onion rings are placed on them;​ The sowing scheme for open ground is not too different from sowing in a greenhouse: ​35-45​ ​20-25​
​Variety name​ The benefits of arugula can hardly be overestimated. It contains alkaloids, flavonoids, vitamins C, B. It is rich in iodine, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium. It also contains malic and citric acids, mustard oil, and steroids.​ ​In protected soil, arugula is grown on soil and using flow hydroponics.​ ​You can sow it first in a glass (the seeds are quite small) and then plant it. Shoots appear in 3-5 days, and with good care the plant grows quickly.​
Arugula on the windowsill a week after sowing ​In addition, the effect that arugula has on the body as a whole is pleasantly pleasing: Digging the soil, collecting pupae. Treatment with infusions of wormwood, potato and tomato tops, karbofos.​ ​Lastly, lay out the fish slices;​
​seed placement depth - 1.5 cm;​ ​Salads​ ​Salads, spicy side dishes for meat and fish, sandwiches​

​Classification by ripening period​

Arugula recipes (video)

How to grow arugula and how is it useful?

Its use in medicine is very extensive:

​When cultivating on salad lines, 30-35 seeds are sown in one standard pot for growing green crops. Shoots appear in 2-3 days. In the seedling department, the seedlings grow for 10-12 days, after which they are put on the line. The harvest is harvested after 23-25 ​​days.​

When transplanted into a box, more precisely, if not one plant, but several, is grown, then the distance between the bushes should be 20-40 cm, and between the rows - 10-15 cm. The minimum and maximum depend on the dimensions of the future bush, and the planting depth unchanged: 1-1.5 cm. Grow on a window or on a balcony in boxes with a layer of soil 7-8 cm. And the sooner you start plucking, the more intensively the bush will grow - maturation begins at about 10 cm.​

It is sown thickly, but after literally a week it can be eaten, added to salads, and gradually thinned out. In a month we begin to harvest - the arugula leaves are ready for consumption.​

​Positively affects metabolism, improves digestion. For those who are watching their figure, the benefits of arugula are obvious: without any food additives and enjoying the taste, you can lose weight for the benefit of your body.​

What kind of miracle plant is this and how is arugula useful?

​Cruciferous flea beetles​

​all this is poured with marinade.​

There should be 40 cm between the rows;


  1. ​Rocket​
  2. ​Brief description​
  3. ​Prevention of vitamin deficiency, treatment of scurvy.​
  4. ​Among the pests of wild arugula in open ground are cruciferous flea beetles, which severely damage the leaves.​
  5. The plant is light- and moisture-loving; with regular watering, the leaves become larger and more tender, and are less bitter. Arugula needs to be watered every other day; no other care is required. Then you will be able to enjoy its unusual taste all summer and autumn. As arugula grows, its aroma intensifies. Please note that arugula quickly absorbs nitrates, so you should not overuse fertilizers. In hot, dry weather combined with long daylight hours, it quickly begins to bloom. Before flower stalks form, most of the plants are cut off; a few bushes can be left for seeds. If suddenly the seeds left on the plant fall off and sprout in the autumn, transplant them into several pots and place them on the windowsill closer to the window - then you will have fresh arugula in the fall and winter. Harvest as needed by picking off the dark green, slightly corrugated leaves.​
  6. ​Of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to grow arugula in large quantities on the windowsill, but for sandwiches and sandwiches for work and school, as well as as additives for salads, this may well be enough.​
  7. Removes cholesterol from the body.

Leaf damage

70% plant food and 30% animal food is the proportion of foods needed by a person developed by nutritionists. Plant foods include vegetables, fruits and, of course, greens. Its chemical composition represents a wealth of valuable vitamins and microelements. Arugula is a new, but already firmly established type of greenery. Many people buy it, and some, having plots of land, want to grow it. To do this, it is important to understand the rules of planting and care, although arugula in open ground is unpretentious.

This type of greenery is quite an interesting plant. Presented in two types of salad:

  • garden arugula, another designation for indau sowing, or eruka;
  • wild arugula, another designation for two-row thin-leaved.

These types of greens have an original flavor, providing ready-made dishes with a delicate nutty taste with a mustard tint. Reproduction occurs through planting seeds.

Arugula is considered a type of salad; it belongs to the Brassica family, genus Indau. Previously considered a weed, it became popular after Mediterranean cuisine took hold in Europe.

There are many varieties of arugula; before planting, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with their characteristics:

  1. Cupid's arrows. Greens are characterized by an average ripening period; the growing season lasts 35-38 days. The plant grows up to 30 cm, the leaves are narrow and oblong. Externally similar to dandelion, it constantly produces a good harvest.
  2. A curiosity. The growing season of greenery is 27-30 days, it grows up to 20 cm in height, has an erect stem, and blooms in small inflorescences that have a creamy tint. Greens have a sweetish taste, no bitterness.
  3. Poker - has an early ripening period, the growing season lasts 22-25 days. It is characterized by green leaves of a rich shade, relatively large in size, one rosette has about 25 pieces. The greens grow up to 20 cm in height. They have a sweetish taste with some bitterness. Seeds remain viable for up to 4 years.
  4. Olivetta. An early ripening species, the growing season lasts 20-22 days, the height does not exceed 17-20 cm. This is a perennial variety with slightly rounded leaves. Excellent yield, excellent taste characteristics, there is some nutty flavor and a slight piquant bitterness.

The nuances of growing arugula

  • in open ground: by sowing seeds or seedlings;
  • in greenhouse conditions: sowing seeds or seedlings;
  • at home: in a suitable container on the windowsill.

Important conditions for a good harvest of greens include a suitable planting site, type of soil, watering, care and timely harvesting. To constantly have fresh greens, sowing is carried out at intervals of two weeks.

Selecting quality seeds

The subspecies is determined visually by the type of seeds. The double-row plant has small, more poppy-like seeds (up to 1.3 mm). The seeds of the Indau species are larger, about 2-3 mm in size.

Which neighbors can you plant with?

It is recommended to plant arugula next to corn, beans and cucumbers climbing on trellises. They provide light shade for her. Goes well with dill, carrots, onions, rosemary, and potatoes. But you shouldn’t plant arugula near strawberries.

Growing arugula in open ground

Arugula is unpretentious; it can be grown without problems in the countryside and garden in open ground. Growth technology includes adherence to methods of soil preparation, sowing, caring for greenery and timely watering. One of the conditions for a high-quality harvest is the choice of a site for planting. This type of greenery is planted in open ground in seedlings and without seedlings.

Good and bad predecessors

It is recommended to plant greens on pieces of land where tomatoes, carrots, pumpkins, potatoes and legumes previously grew. They are good predecessors. But after cabbage, radish, rutabaga, turnips and horseradish, it is recommended to sow after 3 years due to the presence of similar diseases.

Sowing dates and soil requirements

To grow this plant in open ground, appropriate planting dates have been determined. This period stretches from late April to mid-August.

Worth remembering! The earth should warm up to +10...+13 o C. When sowing in cold soil, germination processes slow down.

The plant prefers warmth, although it copes well with cold and can withstand even short frosts down to -5 o C. To constantly obtain fresh greens throughout the summer, it is recommended to sow seeds continuously throughout the season at intervals of 2 weeks. The most delicious and especially healthy leaves are between 25 and 45 days old. In warm latitudes, autumn harvesting is allowed from September to mid-November.

In the south and mid-latitudes, planting begins in the second half of April; in Siberia, in the Moscow region, it is recommended to use cultivation in greenhouse conditions or by seedlings. For seedlings, it is recommended to sow seeds in the last days of March or early April.

The seeds do not require pre-treatment because they have good germination. Seedlings are grown in special boxes, glasses or ordinary pots.

Arugula can be sown before winter, and then you can harvest early greens. Sowing is carried out with the onset of stable cold temperatures without prolonged warming, they will provoke swelling, and the seeds will germinate, resulting in the death of the crop. Sowing is carried out approximately in October-November.

  • lighting is preferably moderate, ideal if at noon the greenery is in the shade;
  • predominantly neutral, alkaline or slightly acidic soils, it dies on acidic soils, and if the bushes have taken root, they will produce poor-quality seedlings.

Greens growing in a sunny area will become hard and have a bitter taste, and in a dark area they will lose their color and aroma.

Preparations before landing

Before sowing, you need to carry out preparatory work: loosen the soil and level it. If the soil is very acidic, it is necessary to carry out liming; to do this, you need to add crushed chalk, lime or dolomite flour. The concentration is selected based on the condition of the soil, about 25-55 kg per hundred square meters.

If liming was carried out in the fall, 35-38 g/sq.m. is added to the ground in the spring before sowing. m azofoski or "Kemira". If the soil has been thoroughly fertilized in previous years, there is no need to fertilize this plant. When the soil needs nutrition, it is recommended to introduce 35-45 g per m 2 of urea or the corresponding amount of nitrophoska when digging.

Sowing seeds

To sow arugula seeds, no preliminary preparation is required; the seeds have good germination. Sprouts will appear on the 6th day after sowing.

Sowing is done in prepared holes up to 15-20 mm deep. The gap between the rows is 25-35 cm, it is recommended to leave 5 cm between the holes. 2-3 seeds are planted in each hole.

When two leaves have grown on the sprouted shoots, the shoots need to be planted in separate containers, and the stronger shoots are subsequently transplanted to an open area along with a lump of soil so as not to injure the roots.

Caring for arugula

When the shoots sprout, they need to be thinned out; for this, a gap of 5 cm is left between them, and then at the next thinning - 10 cm. Greens that grow too thickly lose their taste.

The optimal temperature is +15…+18 ºС. Can withstand short frosts. If a prolonged cold snap is expected, it is recommended to construct protection from plastic film.

After watering, the soil is mulched; such actions help preserve moisture and keep the greenery from being contaminated by the soil. Mulched with grass cuttings or humus. The thickness of the mulch is increased by a couple of centimeters each time. It is distributed under the bushes so that the leaves do not lie on the ground.

Organization of irrigation

The plant prefers moist soil. Watering is carried out three times a week. In stable heat, it is recommended to do it daily.

If there is not enough moisture, the plant will become bitter, lose its stalk and become unfit for consumption. Arugula prefers moisture, but when watering it is unacceptable for it to stagnate in the upper levels of the soil.

Weeding and loosening the soil

For good growth, loose soil is necessary; accordingly, after watering (you can do it every other time), it is recommended to fluff up the plot of land. At the same time, weeding is also done.

If weeds are not removed, they thicken the crops and provoke the occurrence of fungal diseases. The presence of weeds also affects the taste of greens.

Plant nutrition

The land for sowing is well fertilized. Then, during the growth period, one or two additional feedings are carried out. It is not recommended to use complex mineral preparations, since the toxins collected in the plant will not disintegrate during a short period of growth.

Diseases and pests of arugula

Arugula is classified as an early ripening plant; therefore, chemical treatment is not carried out.

However, protection against fungal infections is necessary; these diseases develop mainly in moist soil. If the roots are affected, the stem part will begin to wither. The roots themselves are covered with small bubbles of a brownish hue. When these signs appear, it is necessary to remove the affected sprout and treat the soil with antifungal drugs.

The formation of brown spots on greenery indicates a disease with peronosporosis, and yellowed leaves indicate damage by fusarium.

Changes in the color of leaves, the formation of spots, lethargy of greenery, or if there are holes in the leaf part, all this indicates disease or the presence of pests. To prevent such phenomena, prevention is carried out:

  • thorough soil preparation;
  • it is recommended to sprinkle the soil with wood ash;
  • accounting of predecessor plants;
  • weed removal;
  • use of quality seeds.

When signs of fungal and bacterial diseases appear, the use of biofungicides is allowed. Processing is carried out in accordance with the instructions. In case of large-scale damage, it is better to remove and destroy arugula.

The plant exudes a lot of essential oils, their smell frightens pests. Although the greenery of arugula attracts cabbage caterpillars, cabbage moths and other lepidopterans, it also attracts slugs. Arugula greens can also be damaged by the cruciferous flea beetle; they also eat radishes and other types of greens. When covering tender crops with lutrasil, harmful insects will be forced to look for other food.

Sprinkling soil and plants with tobacco dust or fine, pre-sifted ash works effectively. Spraying with infusions of herbs, in particular wormwood, is not recommended. If left on the greens, the solution will impart an undesirable flavor to them.

During the growth period of arugula, slugs and caterpillars, if there are not many of them, are removed by hand. You can treat the plant with a bioinsecticide, in accordance with the recommendations.

Harvesting and storage

Experienced gardeners know that if you let arugula sit too long, the leaves will become hard and have a bitter taste. It is important to collect greens from the garden on time. The first indicator of maturity is that the length of the leaves should be at least 10 cm.

Important to remember! The taste properties of greens decrease after the appearance of the flower-bearing arrow.

Large rosettes need to be cut off at the root, the rest of the bushes partially. The leaves are used to prepare fresh salads. In a cold and dark place, the greens are stored, packed in cling film, for several days.

If you follow the simple recommended growing rules, arugula greens will delight you for a long time, throughout the favorable growing time. And if you master the technology of planting and care at home, you will have greens in your diet all year round.

They chew holes in radishes, arugula, cabbage and other vegetables. Flea beetles (lat. Alticini), in large quantities, they can destroy the entire crop. They characteristically jump on the ground - like fleas.

Earth flea beetles are small bugs 2 mm long. Only adults jump when scared. Young pests are larvae that resemble tiny caterpillars.

Flea beetles eat vegetables such as:

  • Swede
  • Kale
  • Cabbage (Brussels sprouts, white, red, Chinese, Savoy)
  • Arugula
  • Radish
  • Radish

7 ways to get rid of flea beetles

1. Non-woven fabric or thick curtain

Of course, the simplest and most effective way to protect vegetables from flea beetles. Protects 100%. Condition: Vegetables must be tightly covered immediately after sowing or planting. Any non-woven material can be used. The curtain should be very dense, preferably like gauze, without holes.

Mandatory requirements:

  • When covering, leave extra space on top for vegetables that will subsequently grow under it. For radishes and arugula - less, and more for radish or cabbage.
  • Cover all edges of the covering material with soil. If at least 1 cm remains, the fleas will find a passage to the vegetables.

Attention! If the covering material is laid flush with the ground, growing leaves will lift it and tear out the edges covered with soil.

2. Mixed culture

Flea beetles are repelled by some plants. These are, for example, catnip, spinach. However, they do not 100% prevent the invasion of these pests, but only limit their number.

A plant that attracts fleas is. Therefore, many gardening guides do not recommend planting it near turnips, radishes or radishes.

3. Sticky Trap Sheets

If flea beetles are already in vegetables, sticky sheets help limit their numbers. However, in this way it will not be possible to catch all the fleas.

You can buy sticky sheets - yellow is best. You can also coat a board or cardboard with long-drying glue, such as gum arabic. The sticky trap is placed on the ground or hung low on a stick among vegetables.

4. Compacting the earth

This is the least effective, natural way. It only limits the number of pests, but this method costs nothing. It is enough to compact the soil between the vegetables with the palm of your hand or a board.

5. Irrigation of the land

Terrestrial fleas are most active in sunny, dry weather. Their reproduction and gluttony is reduced (but to a small extent) by watering.

6. Natural preparations

Flea beetles can be controlled using natural remedies. Pests do not tolerate a decoction of tomato tops and.

Due to their toxic properties, these herbal decoctions should not be used for vegetables with a short growing season, that is, for example. and radishes.

7. Chemicals

For cabbage vegetables you can use, for example. Decis. It destroys not only flea beetles, but also cabbage.

Arugula is a plant of the cruciferous family. Its leaves can be used for food 25-30 days after planting, and if you sow the seeds several times a season, the harvest can be harvested all summer.

Most often, arugula leaves are added to salads or served as a separate green. In addition, to give an unusual piquant taste, they are used to prepare omelettes, pasta, pizza and other dishes.

Arugula is an unpretentious plant, but you can get tender greens without bitterness only if you follow the growing technology.

Choosing a place to grow

In order for the arugula foliage to be tender, with a pronounced taste and not bitter, you must approach the choice of planting site responsibly. It is necessary that the area allocated for growing greenery be illuminated by the sun in the morning and evening hours. In the midday heat, diffused light should fall on the plants, even a light shadow is allowed. From the hot rays of the sun, the leaves burn out, become coarse and release a flower arrow ahead of time.

The soil must be fertile, loose and permeable. Neutral or slightly acidic soil is best. Planting in acidic soil is undesirable - plant growth slows down and the taste of the leaves becomes worse. Lime or dolomite flour is added to such soil.

Undesirable predecessors in the garden are any plants of the cruciferous family. They take the same nutrients from the soil, suffer from the same diseases, and are attacked by the same pests, the larvae of which live in the soil for a long time. Arugula cannot be grown in one place for two years in a row. The earth must rest for at least three years.

It is advisable to prepare the bed in the fall - dig up the area, remove weed roots and add well-rotted manure or compost.

Excess fertilizer when growing arugula is unacceptable. Its leaves tend to accumulate chemicals, and eating such greens will not be beneficial.

Timing and scheme of sowing seeds

Arugula is a cold-resistant plant. The first sowing of seeds in open ground is carried out when the air temperature reaches +7-12°C. Typically this period falls in mid-April. Seeds germinate quickly, after 5-8 days. Depending on the variety, the crop is ready to be harvested 3-4 weeks after the shoots appear.

To ensure continuous harvesting, sowing is carried out in stages throughout the summer at intervals of two weeks. The last planting takes place in mid-August. If the summer is hot and dry, then you should not plant arugula during these months - the shoots will quickly sprout, which will affect the taste of the greens.

In cold regions, seeds are sown in late April or early May. Crops should be covered with plastic film or agrofibre. After the first sprouts appear, the film is removed for a day so that the tender leaves do not burn. The non-woven agrofibre can not be removed - condensation does not collect under it, and air circulates well through the micro-holes.

Arugula can be planted in containers and grown on a windowsill all year round. An important condition for this is good lighting, shading from bright sun, ventilation and maintaining humidity.

Cultivation is carried out in a pre-prepared bed. It is desirable that its width be 70 cm. Three grooves are made on it - at a distance of 10 cm from the edge and 25 cm from each other. The depth of the furrow is 1-1.5 cm. Its bottom is compacted, watered and seeds are sown at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Cover with soil and water from a watering can with a fine strainer.

5 days after the shoots appear, they are thinned out. The distance between plants in the same row should be at least 10 cm.

When grown in a container, sow in one line, and you can leave a distance of 5 cm between plants.

Rules of care

Caring for arugula is not difficult, but it must be done constantly. The main part of care is watering.

Insufficient watering affects the quality and taste of greens:

  • the leaves become coarser, lose their taste, and acquire bitterness;
  • flowering begins ahead of schedule;
  • green growth stops.

Usually they water every other day, but in hot weather the moisture evaporates quickly; the frequency of watering is increased to one or two times a day. Arugula responds well to watering using the sprinkling method, but with this method the greens are splashed with soil. To avoid this, mulch the soil between the rows.

Arugula is convenient to grow in small beds with sides. In this case, watering is carried out by filling the bed with water - it does not spread and is well absorbed into the ground.

Between waterings, the soil must be loosened and all weeds removed - they are even pulled out from between rows, because they suppress the growth of arugula, which can cause it to die. Mulching eliminates the need for weeding and loosening, which makes caring for the garden bed less labor-intensive.

Fertilizers are not applied during the growing season. One addition of organic matter when preparing the bed is enough. Additional fertilizing will only do harm; excess chemical compounds will accumulate in the greenery.

Diseases and pests

Arugula is disease resistant, but is sometimes infected with fusarium and downy mildew. Treatment of diseases is ineffective, so the affected plants are destroyed and the bed is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or a pesticide. A quarantine is carried out at this place and for several years no plants that are susceptible to the same diseases are planted.

Frequent pests are cruciferous flea beetles and cabbage moths. Cruciferous flea beetles usually attack plantings in dry, hot weather with insufficient watering. They chew holes in the foliage, making it unsuitable for collection. The best way to avoid pest attacks is to grow arugula under thin cover. To do this, install arcs of any material over the bed and throw thin white agrofibre over them. Open the shelter only for watering and cutting leaves.

They do it the same way - they grow greens under cover. You can reduce the likelihood of butterflies appearing by regularly mowing the grass next to your garden beds. It is not advisable to use insecticides.


The greens are collected until the plant produces a peduncle. The largest lower leaves are cut off first, and the rest are allowed to grow. The peduncle can be removed as soon as it appears - this will prolong the period of foliage growth.

If you need a lot of greenery at once, then do not touch the rosette until the arrow begins to appear. In this case, the leaves will be larger, with a pronounced piquant taste, but the structure of the greenery will become coarser. When the peduncle begins to grow, the entire plant is uprooted. It is important not to miss this moment.


To prevent arugula greens from losing their unique taste, it is important to follow three growing rules:

  1. choose a place with light shade;
  2. keep the soil moist;
  3. do not be late with the harvest date.

The harvested crop can be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film, for up to two weeks.

Like all garden plants, arugula (arugula) can be affected by a variety of pests. Most often found are small midges or cruciferous flea beetles. They pose a danger to the plant and can cause its death. It is very easy to get rid of them if you use folk or store-bought remedies.

Arugula (arugula) benefits and harm

What kind of pest is this?

Arugula, a variety of seedlings and other plants with soft leaves can be infested in early spring by small bugs called cruciferous flea beetles. They are first discovered in the ground, where they live the whole winter.

As the above-ground part of the garden crop develops, pests move to the leaves and stems. At this time, they scrape off the top layer of arugula and gnaw small holes on its surface.

Sometimes a few days are enough for such insects to destroy the entire garden bed. This is especially felt in dry, hot weather, when the activity of flea beetles increases and the intensity of plant growth is inhibited.

How to easily overcome the cross-shaped flea?

If arugula (arugula) is eaten by a cross flea flea, it is recommended to use one of the following folk remedies:

  • tomato tops and garlic. You need to get 1 glass of finely ground raw materials, which is diluted in 10 liters of water. You can also add 1 tbsp. l. any liquid soap or shampoo. The resulting solution is sprayed on all garden plants that the cross-shaped flea eats;
  • dandelion. It is necessary to collect the leaves and roots of this flower, and then grind them using a meat grinder. 0.5 kg of the resulting raw materials, 1 tbsp. l. soap should be dissolved in 10 liters of water and the affected garden crop should be sprayed with this liquid;
  • sagebrush. You need to use 1 kg of fresh leaves. They are poured with a small amount of water and boiled over low heat for 10-15 minutes. To the resulting liquid you need to add 100 g of chopped garlic and 10 liters of water. It is recommended to spray arugula with this solution if it is eaten by a cross-shaped flea;
  • potato tops. To get rid of small pests, it is recommended to use 4 kg of fresh raw materials. It needs to be filled with 1 bucket of water and boiled for several minutes. The resulting liquid must be diluted in a 1:1 ratio and watered the beds with it for several days. It is best to do this in the evening.

Alternative methods of control

Remedies for cruciform flea

It is very easy to eliminate the cross-shaped flea from the garden if you use one of the following:

Prevention methods

If your arugula is being eaten by cross flea beetle this season, try the following measures next year:

Purchased funds

To eliminate the cross flea, you can use inexpensive drugs.


Decis is a drug with a wide spectrum of action that can be used in the fight against many pests of garden and vegetable crops. It is non-toxic and has no negative impact on the environment. To use, just dissolve 2 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough to process 100 square meters. m of vegetable garden.


Aktelik is designed to combat a variety of pests. It has a contact-intestinal mode of action. After the first application, most insects can be eliminated. If necessary, it is recommended to repeat the treatment one more time.


Can be used for both spraying and watering. To achieve a positive effect, you need to dissolve 1-2 g of granules in 10 liters of water. The resulting solution must be treated with the plant 1-2 times.

Before using drugs with a chemical composition, it is recommended to use less aggressive methods. Folk remedies are very effective and do not have a negative effect on arugula. After this treatment, it can be eaten at any time.

Video: Pests of indoor plants and their control