Sadom and Gamora Bible story read briefly. Bible online. How to stop this upcoming big war and is it even possible to stop it?

On May 9, with thousands of other fellow countrymen, I was at the Victory Parade over German fascism in the hero city of Murmansk and there I met an old acquaintance who was deeply interested in politics.

An acquaintance said: another 12 months maximum and “1941” will come again for Russia, filled with human blood and the horrors of war, since the West has not changed its predatory plans regarding the Russian world.

I said that I understand the situation. The acuteness of the historical moment is also indicated by Putin’s deliberately harsh words addressed to Western politicians: “We will be forced to respond to aggression by launching our nuclear weapons. This, of course, is bad. It will be a disaster! But we will be a victim of aggression! And so We, as martyrs, will go to Heaven, and they will simply die, because they won’t even have time to repent!". And I also told my friend: the head of Russia, of course, will try to prevent such a fatal development of events, so he will simply be obliged to inflict a crushing defeat on the West in the information war!

I gave an approximate breakdown back in 2015 in an article that was read by more than a third of a million Russians on CONTE alone!

Now this article is not on CONTE, it was quietly “cut out” by our neo-Trotskyists, entrenched everywhere, including on this resource. And here, apparently, they have administrator rights! They can quietly do whatever they want.

This is why they tried to destroy my work because of my thoughts:

How to stop this upcoming big war and is it even possible to stop it?

In 1922, automaker Henry Ford wrote: "If they Jews, which dominate over the world, wished to free the Russian people and extinguish the corrosive flame of Bolshevism, putting an end to the participation of Jews in all revolutionary movements, then they could do it within a week..."

Then Russia was saved by the great Stalin. In the mid-30s of the twentieth century, he was able not only to seize power from the fierce enemy of Russia and the Russian people, Leiba Bronstein (Trotsky), but also to resubordinate almost five million Jews, who, through the efforts of Stalin, gradually turned from the destroyers of the Russian Empire into the creators of the world's first states of workers and peasants. Not all Jews, of course, became positive heroes, but the majority did!

But no one managed to stop the Second World War, firstly, because the zombification of the German nation by Goebbels propaganda was extremely large-scale and strong, and secondly, because the German people themselves did not realize and did not recognize that Hitler, Goebbels and almost the entire Nazi leadership are of Jewish origin, and thirdly, no one then thought to look for the roots of Nazism in the Jewish Torah. Hitler told everyone that he was an Aryan! What Torah?!

But now Putin has every chance to reveal all his “cards” and highlight the faces of all those who persistently strive to unleash the Third World War on the planet. Today it is indeed possible to stop the bloodshed in the south-east of Ukraine literally within a “week,” as Henry Ford wrote in his book.

To do this, you just need to reduce the problem of Ukraine with its 45 million population to the size of a Judeo-Jewish organized crime group, which includes only a few tens of thousands of aggressive Jews.

The first trinity of Ukrainian Jews who are aggressive towards the Russian world are so colorful that their Jewish origin does not need to be proven to anyone because of its obvious obviousness:

On the left is the head of the Verkhovna Rada - Vladimir Groysman, in the center is the President of Ukraine - Petro Poroshenko (Valtsman on his father's side), on the right is the Prime Minister of Ukraine - Arseniy Yatsenyuk (Bakai on his mother's side).

The faces of P. Poroshenko, A. Yatsenyuk and V. Groysman when they are preoccupied with something.

When all the Russian media, at Putin’s command, speak loudly to the whole world that the whole problem of Ukraine lies solely in the fact that power in this country was seized by a Judeo-Jewish organized criminal group as a result of a coup, then, firstly, this will contribute to the enlightenment of the Ukrainian people, who, naturally, will try to take away from fascist Jews(Jewish Bandera) power will be able to easily do this due to its numerical superiority, and secondly, this will contribute to the enlightenment of the peoples of Europe and the USA, who will understand how they were fooled by their own Jewish-Jewish leadership.

Jews ruling the European Union.

And when millions of people all over the world begin to see the light of day and understand the essence of the political moment, then there will be no more world war! Because representatives of the Judeo-Jewish organized crime group will never be able to set people against each other.

Reference: “Ethnic criminal groups are groups, communities (organizations) that are specific criminal associations formed on a national (ethnic) basis, that is, uniting persons of one or more related nationalities (ethnic entities). Classification of a criminal group ( An organized criminal group) to an ethnic one is not determined by the homogeneity of its national composition; it can also be mixed. The ethnicity of a group is determined by those who occupy a leading position in it". .

The leading position in the case described above is occupied by Jews! In addition, today's Ukraine is the second country in the world after Israel to have 100% Jewish power.

At present, the President of Russia obviously believes that he personally still prematurely make a similar information shot of thermonuclear power, the situation in the world is not yet quite ripe for this, but it’s time for people from his inner and outer circle to start acting!

Perhaps that is why the Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on regional economic integration, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Sergei Glazyev recently exploded information bomb, publishing an article on his personal website:

"The West needs to stabilize the situation in order to consolidate the results of the defeat of this part of the Russian world"

“First of all, it is worth summing up the results of Russian non-interference in Ukrainian affairs. I, of course, do not include the DPR and LPR, which defended their sovereignty from the puppet Kyiv regime. It was consistent and principled non-interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine that freed the hands of American intelligence services and Western agents influences that, through the hands of the neo-Nazis they themselves raised, carried out the destruction of the Russian world in Little Russia, Novorossiya and Carpatho-Russia. If the “Russian bear” even raised an eyebrow, the neo-Nazi rabble and their oligarchic masters would immediately tuck their tail in fear of a nationwide uprising of 20 million Russians living in Ukraine. people. And then there would have been no bombing of Donetsk, no massacres of Donbass residents, no split in the Church.

The scale of this defeat is no less than that committed by the Nazis in 1941-44!

According to experts from the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, economic losses due to the severance of cooperation ties between Russian and Ukrainian enterprises and the cessation of trade range from 80 to 140 billion dollars for each side. In total for the Russian world - no less than 200 billion dollars. Depreciation of joint investments - about 50 billion dollars.

Human losses are estimated as killed and maimed as a result of punitive operations - at least 100 thousand people on both sides. The same number are victims of political repression. At least 10 million people were forced to leave Ukraine, occupied by pro-American neo-Nazis. And these are its best citizens: engineers, scientists, doctors - the productive elite of the people. And his gene pool is beautiful girls and strong boys, used today as slaves in the European Union. And those who made the “European choice” for them seized the institutions of state power, jumping from uneducated gopniks to “noble gentlemen”: deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, heads of state-owned enterprises and law enforcement agencies - profiting from the plunder of the remaining “sovereign lane”.

Finally, ideological losses. What the German fascists, who tried to turn the people of occupied Ukraine into Banderaites, could not do by force, the American curators managed to do through brainwashing, turning hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children into maddened cannon fodder, voluntarily enrolling in the Armed Forces of Ukraine to kill their own brothers.

The main conclusion: the Russian world suffered catastrophic losses, surrendering almost without a fight to its geopolitical opponents its significant and, I’m not afraid to say, in many respects (from climate to scientific and technical potential) the best part. The five-year occupation of Ukraine by American intelligence services under the cover of Poroshenko’s puppet regime became the final stage of the systemic work that they had been carrying out for a quarter of a century with the connivance of Russia.

There is no doubt that, inspired by this success, they are using the bridgehead captured in the historical center of the Russian World for its further defeat.

I think that in the near future we should expect the transfer of Maidan technologies to large Russian cities, as well as increased American pressure on the states of the Eurasian Economic Union.

The first results of increasing this pressure are already evident: for example, the change from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet in Kazakhstan, which is designed to cut off the second post-Soviet state after Ukraine in terms of area and economic potential from the Russian world.

I would like to emphasize once again that the occupation of Ukraine by Russophobic forces became possible only as a result of our connivance. Not only did we not interfere in principle and did not try to counteract the genocide of the Russian population of Ukraine, but we actually played along with the crimes of the Kyiv regime - recognizing Poroshenko as president and the Verkhovna Rada, which usurped power, as parliament.

Some of our media interpreted the actions of these criminals as the policy of the legitimate authorities of Ukraine, without realizing that this policy was carried out at the direction of the American intelligence services, contrary to the will and interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. Thus, anti-Ukrainian sentiments were provoked in Russian society, continuing the work of the neo-Banderaites.

Instead of helping the people of Ukraine launch a liberation movement against the American puppets who usurped power, we “fell for” their provocations, repeatedly worsening the situation of the Russian population of Ukraine. In response to the anti-Russian actions of the US-controlled Kyiv authorities, we introduced sanctions against all of Ukraine, not realizing that they primarily hit the Russia-oriented population of the southern and eastern regions of the “Independence”. Just look at the list of Ukrainian enterprises and citizens who fell under Russian sanctions, among whom were many of our partners and allies.

The election of a new president of Ukraine itself does not change the situation. Remember, elections were also held in the territories occupied by Nazi fascists, including Ukraine. The population “elected” burgomasters and village elders. And in occupied Western and Central Europe, even national government bodies were preserved. Obviously, among the top three candidates who received the majority of votes in the first round of the presidential “elections,” there was not a single candidate who did not swear allegiance to the American occupation authorities.

There are, of course, nuances associated with the heterogeneity of interests of Western “puppeteers”. Perhaps the bet on Zelensky, made long before these elections, is connected with the general tilt of the Trump administration towards far-right forces in Israel. They will probably pose new tasks for the renewed Kyiv regime. I do not rule out, for example, the possibility of a mass migration to the lands of the South-East of Ukraine, “cleared” of the Russian population, of residents of the Promised Land who are tired of the permanent war in the Middle East - just like Christians fleeing from an Islamizing Europe. This, by the way, already happened in this region under Catherine, who founded the home city for the new Kyiv leaders. So issuing Russian passports to Ukrainians could come in handy...

There may be other scenarios, depending on the balance of power and interests in the Western political, business and ideological elite. The Russophobic character of the occupation authorities will remain invariant, promptly replacing one puppet with another. Poroshenko, with his radical Russophobic policies, has opposed himself to the overwhelming majority of Ukrainian citizens, as clearly demonstrated by the voting results in the second round of elections.

Ukrainian society could respond to the continuation of this madness with a riot. Now the West needs to stabilize the socio-political situation in order to consolidate the results of the defeat of this part of the Russian world. As they say, the Moor did his job - he cut the heart of the Russian world, breaking the humanitarian, economic, and religious ties connecting Russia with Little Russia, New Russia and Carpatho-Russia. Now the Moor can leave, leaving his successor to consolidate and legitimize this split. The successor immediately confirmed this mission, declaring that Ukraine and Russia only had a common border.

So for now there is no reason to expect significant changes: the American occupation regime with a puppet government will persist and, most likely, will strengthen, acquiring a legitimate and respectable character.

V. Zelensky is the same member of the Jewish-Jewish organized crime group, like his predecessors A. Turchinov and P. Poroshenko.

Zelensky has nothing to do with obvious criminals who usurped power as a result of a coup in 2014. There is no blood on it of innocent victims of the neo-Nazi regime, although its partners organized the mass burning of people in Odessa and punitive battalions in the Donbass. He will most likely distance himself from them and, if necessary, may even hand them over to an international tribunal if he wants to seek a second presidential term. He has a unique chance to cleanse government bodies of bandits, corrupt officials and idiots obsessed with Russophobia. Try to “introduce” not only urinals and gay pride parades on the streets of the capital, but also the more attractive sides of the “European choice”. But this will be done by the Western masters. They will privatize Ukrainian lands, buy up factories, advise government authorities, direct the media, manage culture and education. Isolation with regard to Russia may continue, and disgruntled Russian people will be given the opportunity to obtain a Russian passport and leave their land.

The worst thing in military strategy is underestimating the enemy. In relation to Zelensky, the images of both a clown and a servant of the people are absolutely inappropriate. He is undoubtedly a talented, intelligent, cynical and prudent politician. In the next couple of years, he will stabilize the situation, helping the enemies of the Russian world maintain the results achieved in the genocide of Russians in Ukraine. And the genocide of voters in the South-East of Ukraine who voted for Zelensky will continue.

But a miracle can happen. After all, initially some of the Bolsheviks who blew up the Russian Empire were no less Russophobes than the puppets installed by the Americans to reign in Kyiv. Trotsky turned the Russian people into cannon fodder and fuel to fuel the world revolution. But a transformation of power took place - Stalin grew from Dzhugashvili, who in 1945 thanked the Russian people for the Great Victory over European fascism. But our people suffered this miracle at the cost of a huge number of sacrifices, hardships, and extreme strain on all spiritual, creative and physical forces.

As Dostoevsky warned, demons fanned the fire of world revolution in Russia, in which, taking into account three wars, famine and devastation, the Russian people “lost 100 million heads.”

Today demons are pitting two parts of the Russian people against each other. If we continue to condone this demonic behavior, daily allowing devils of all stripes to pit us against each other, we will lose another 100 million!

There will be just 50 million left - the optimal number of Russians, from the point of view of many influential leaders of the Western world, from Hitler to Albright, to serve the interests of Western capital.

To prevent the destruction of the Russian world, we must realize our inextricable unity with that part of the Russian people who today suffer immensely from oppression in Ukraine.

The crimes committed daily by American puppets in Kyiv are crimes against us. We are responsible for the fate of millions of Russian people who became victims of genocide at the hands of neo-Banderites raised by the secret services of NATO states.

The occupation of Ukraine is a military operation carried out by the United States and its allies against Russia. In this hybrid world war, the stakes are as high as in the world wars of the last century. In their Russophobia, American politicians are not much different from Hitler’s strategists. They use different methods that correspond to modern technologies for manipulating consciousness, financial markets, and the political situation. There is no need to exterminate millions of people if they can be subdued by “soft power” and forced to behave properly, contrary to their own interests.

We must not be deluded by the appearance of favorable changes in the enemy's behavior. We need to pursue a systematic policy of liberating Ukraine from the Russophobic neo-Nazi regime in the interests of its own people. Clear, legitimate, open, consistent and honest. And then a miraculous transformation of power can happen!”

Naturally, after such a powerful and armor-piercing shot by Sergei Glazyev towards Western politicians and their Ukrainian puppets, many particularly curious “comrades” immediately wanted to know how Vladimir Putin, for whom S. Glazyev works, personally feels about this analytics and this ideology advisor?!

Here's what I will say about this: yeah, so you were given a direct and honest answer in the conditions of the information war and constant disinformation of the enemy! There are no fools!

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, of course, said that “Vladimir Putin has nothing to do with this position, this is purely a personal opinion, perhaps an incorrect statement by adviser Glazyev.” Moreover, Peskov noted (in Russian this is called “turned on the fool” in a good sense) that “does not know the context in which this opinion was expressed, so cannot comment on it”. .

Now can you imagine, reader, how one day Russia can and must win a crushing victory in the information war over the terrible demonic evil that seeks the destruction of the Russian world?!

Well, ours neo-Trotskyists entrenched everywhere, including in various structures of state power, what awaits them is what happened in the memorable years of 1937-1938... before the start of World War II. History, after all, has the ability to “return to square one,” but at a higher level...

Application: “By issuing Russian passports, Putin wants to save those in the Ukrainian “anthill” who can still be saved...”

We often come across the expression “Sodom and Gomorrah”, but few people know about its meaning and origin. In fact, these are the two cities that the biblical tale tells about. According to history, they burned down because of the sins of the people who lived there. What sins are we talking about? Did these cities really exist? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article. So, Sodom and Gomorrah: the meaning of legend and history..

Biblical story

Sodom and Gomorrah was first mentioned as the southeastern tip of Canaan, located east of Gaza, while the land here is called the eastern bank. Lot, Abraham's nephew, came here. The Bible even says that Jerusalem borders Sodom on the south and southeast sides. The inhabitants of Sodom were called Philistines or Hanakim in the Jewish manner, and the king of the city was a monarch named Ber.

According to the Bible, the war that took place between the army of Chedorlaomer and the army of Sodom, which was subsequently defeated, and Abraham’s nephew Lot was captured by the enemy, dates back to the time of Abraham’s life. The biblical stories say that Sodom was a rich and developed city, but the Lord God decided to punish the inhabitants because they were extremely sinful and evil, possessing many vices that righteous people would not accept. Tradition tells that God rained brimstone and fire on these cities in order to destroy both the lands themselves and their inhabitants for their misdeeds. In addition, according to the Bible, Adma and Sevoim were also destroyed, although to date there is no evidence that they actually existed. After the fire, the land of Sodom was inhabited by the descendants of Lot, the only ones who managed to escape the fire, and it became known as Moab.

Trying to find cities

Since Sodom and Gomorrah are widely known even to non-religious people, many attempts have been made to find out more about their location and finally find evidence that they existed. So, not far from the Dead Sea, on its southwestern shore, there are mountains that consist mainly of rock salt and are called Sodomite. It would seem that this should be somehow connected with the biblical city, but in reality there is no reliable data on why this particular name was chosen.

Interest in the biblical story is so widespread that in total, between 1965 and 1979, five attempts were made to find the city that perished due to the sins of its inhabitants, but they were unsuccessful. The history of Sodom and Gomorrah did not leave Russian scientists indifferent, who, together with Jordanians, tried to discover what remained of the ancient city.

Michael Sanders Expedition

In 2000, British scientist Michael Sanders became the leader of an archaeological expedition aimed at finding destroyed cities. Their work was based on images obtained from the American space shuttle. According to these photographs, the city could be located northeast of the Dead Sea, contrary to all data from the Bible. Scientists believed that they had managed to find the most accurate location of Sodom, the ruins of which, in their opinion, are located at the bottom of the Dead Sea.

Jordan Valley

Some scholars also believe that the ancient ruins located at Tell el-Hammam in Jordan may be the biblical city of sinners. Therefore, it was decided to undertake research in this area in order to confirm or refute the hypothesis. Excavations led by American scientist Stephen Collins, who relied on data from the book of Genesis, strengthen the assumption that Sodom was located in the southern region of the Jordan Valley, which is surrounded on all sides by depressions.

“Sodom and Gomorrah”: the meaning of phraseology

This expression is interpreted quite widely, but most often it denotes a place of debauchery in which the moral principles of society are neglected. It also happens that this expression is used to describe incredible chaos. From the names of the city of Sodom, the term “sodomy” appeared in the Russian language, most often denoting sexual relations between people of the same sex, that is, sodomy. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are most often remembered by people precisely in connection with this.

The meaning of a phraseological unit can also imply any non-traditional sexual contacts that are considered immoral in modern society. Such acts include oral, anal sex or any perversion. The Lord, according to legend, having destroyed the cities, punished sinners in order to show the whole world what awaits those who resort to unconventional sexual practices and disobey him.

Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah

According to the text of the Bible, city residents were punished not only for sexual debauchery, but also for other sins, including selfishness, idleness, pride and others, but homosexuality was still recognized as the main one. Why exactly this sin is recognized as the most terrible is not known for certain, but in the Bible it is called an “abomination” before the Lord, and the legend calls on people “not to lie with a man as with a woman.”

Oddly enough, among such an ancient people as the Philistines, homosexuality was a generally accepted phenomenon, and no one condemned it. This probably happened because their ancestors were pagan tribes and peoples who lived in Canaan, far from According to legend, the Lord, fearing that the Jewish people could also turn to such a sinful way of life, sent them to and therefore commanded them to destroy the cities, so that their inhabitants do not spread around the globe. There are even lines in Genesis that say that corruption had become so widespread in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that it crossed all boundaries, which is why they had to be destroyed.

Reflection in art

Like many other myths and legends, the story of two cities of sinners was embodied in art. This biblical story is also reflected in the work of the great Russian writer Anna Andreevna Akhmatova, who wrote the poem “Lot’s Wife.” In 1962, a film was even made, which, in fact, is a rather loose interpretation of the biblical tale about the city of the fallen. Thus, in his famous cycle “In Search of Lost Time” there is a novel of the same name, which tells about the morally degraded bourgeoisie - “Sodom and Gomorrah”.

Pictures depicting debauchery and other sins also often remind us of the inhabitants of these cities, which the Lord himself decided to burn. There are at least a dozen paintings depicting Abraham's nephew, Lot, and his daughters, with whom, according to legend, he had sexual relations. Oddly enough, according to the legend, the initiators of incest were the daughters themselves, left without husbands who wanted to continue the family line.

Lot, Abraham's nephew

The oldest surviving painting is a work by Albrecht Dürer, which is called “Lot’s Flight”. Here is an old man, accompanied by two daughters, and his wife can be seen in the distance, and everything looks pretty decent. However, in later works by masters of various eras and movements one can find a radically different interpretation. For example, the work of Simon Vouet entitled “Lot and His Daughters” shows us an already elderly man playing with his half-naked daughters. Similar paintings are also found in such painters as Hendrik Goltzius, Francesco Furini, Lucas Cranach, Domenico Maroli and a number of others.

Interpretation of the biblical legend

According to the Book of Genesis, Sodom and Gomorrah are cities that the Lord punished for disobedience and non-compliance with everyday laws. How is the legend interpreted now? What do scientists think about the reasons for the death of these sinful cities? Now some scientists who are in one way or another connected with religion believe that in reality our modern world is mired in vice and debauchery, but we are so accustomed to it that we no longer notice it. They believe that modern people have become so accustomed to what is contrary to the Lord that all these perversions and vices have become habitual. They believe that we are actually on the path to destruction, accepting everything that happens around us. For example, one of the Russian scientists, Doctor of Technical Sciences V. Plykin, writes in his book that, not knowing the laws of the Universe, modern people have created their own laws, which, in fact, are artificial and, not being a righteous life, lead society to destruction .

The same scientist believes that scientific and technological progress also has a negative impact on the moral foundations of humanity, which only aggravates everything and brings people closer to the world of vice. What are Sodom and Gomorrah in the modern world? Some also believe that because people only care about getting the most out of life without caring about the consequences, humanity is producing negative energy. To believe or not in this approach is, of course, everyone’s business. Maybe it’s not worth transferring ancient laws to modern society.

Fact or fiction?

The biblical story of the cities of sinners is known throughout the world. Vices such as sodomy, idleness, pride, and selfishness caused the death of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. The legend tells of the Philistine people, who were so mired in sin that they became unworthy to walk on the earth of the Lord God.

Now, so many centuries after the events described, it is impossible to say whether these cities actually existed, and whether they were burned “by a rain of brimstone and fire” for the misdeeds of their inhabitants. A huge number of attempts have been made to find the remains of these settlements, but in reality none of them have been successful.


According to legend, when two angels came to the city to find at least ten righteous people, they saw only vice and debauchery there. And then the Lord, angry, decided to burn the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. That this happened exactly like this is written in the book of Genesis, but the legend remains a legend, and no archaeological evidence has been found that could prove it. However, whether this actually happened or whether this, like many other ancient legends, is an absolute fiction, is not so important. The most important thing here is to be able to learn a lesson from this story so that modern people do not wallow in the same vice and debauchery and are not punished in the same way as the ancient Philistines, who caused the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah - two cities overcrowded with sinners.

After Noah there lived another pious man whose name was Abraham. He was very rich, he had large herds of cows, camels, sheep, and there was a lot of gold and silver in his chests. Abraham was not a stingy, selfish man. He tried to do good to God and people. And I obeyed the Lord in everything. Once God told Abraham that He was very upset by the behavior of the inhabitants of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. And the Lord God wants to destroy them for their sinfulness.

But in the city of Sodom lived Abraham's nephew, the righteous Lot, a pious and kind man. And Abraham did not want Lot to perish with all the wicked. Abraham went to God to ask him for the salvation of people.

He began like this: “Is the merciful God really ready to destroy the righteous along with the wicked? What if 50 righteous people live in this city? Destroy them too? The Lord answered that he would not destroy a city if 50 righteous people lived in it. Abraham then asked, what if only 45 righteous people live in it? And again the Lord said that he would not destroy such a city. And so, in a conversation with God, Abraham brought the number of righteous people to 10 people. But here the Lord God could not stand the “merchant” conversation and left. And Abraham left too.

And in the evening two angels came to Sodom. Lot was sitting at the gates of the city. He invited them to his house, fed them, gave them something to drink and invited them to spend the night. At that moment, a crowd of evil people gathered in front of Lot’s house, they demanded that he hand over to them two strangers who had come to their city. But Lot did not want to betray the guests to the angry crowd. He feared that the people to whom he had promised his shelter would be torn to pieces. And he offered the audience his two unmarried daughters.

But the crowd was raging. The residents who came did not want to listen to him; they threatened to break down the door of the house and take the uninvited guests out for reprisals. Lot remained adamant. And then the angels came to his defense. When Lot entered the house, all the bolts were closed behind him, and the people who surrounded his house and were raging in front of the doors and windows suddenly fell blind. The evil people who came retreated moaning and crying.

Then the angels told Lot to urgently leave home with his entire family. They explained to him that the Lord, angry at Sodom and Gomorrah for sinfulness, sent them, angels, to earth to destroy all the inhabitants of these cities. But Lot hesitated, did not leave, he was sorry to part with the house he had acquired with goodness. Then the angels took him, his wife and his two daughters by the hands and led them out of Sodom.

Save your soul, - one angel told him, - don’t look back; and do not stop anywhere in this vicinity; escape to the mountain so that you do not die.

“The sun rose over the earth, and Lot came to Zoar. And the Lord rained brimstone and fire from heaven upon Sodom and Gomorrah.” Thus two cities disappeared from the face of the earth, and thus all the wicked inhabitants of these cities perished. Lot's wife also died. When they left, she really wanted to see what had become of their city. She turned back and immediately became a pillar of salt.

The next morning, pious Abraham looked at the places where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah used to be, and saw only smoke rising into the sky.

After resting under a shady tree, Abraham's guests rose to continue their journey. Abraham went to see them off. They walked and soon came to a place from where they could clearly see the flowering valley of the Jordan River and two cities located in this valley - Sodom and Gomorrah.

God pointed Abraham to these cities and said:

Sodom and Gomorrah are cursed cities because their inhabitants are mired in terrible sins and vices. They have done so much evil that there is nothing left but to completely destroy Sodom and Gomorrah - with everyone who lives in them.

Two travelers descended into the valley and headed towards Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the face of God.

He did not want all the inhabitants of these ill-fated cities to be put to death. He felt sorry for them, and, in addition, he remembered that his nephew Lot lived in Sodom with his family. So Abraham tried to convince God to change his mind.

“Lord, it cannot be that You want to destroy all the righteous living in these cities along with the wicked,” he told God. - You are the Judge of the whole earth and cannot allow such injustice.

“Okay,” God answered Abraham. “If there are at least fifty righteous people in Sodom, then for their sake I will spare the entire city.”

Abraham thought about it, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not count fifty righteous people among the inhabitants of Sodom. But he knew that God was merciful, and continued to beg Him to spare the doomed cities.

Then God told Abraham that He would spare Sodom even for the sake of ten righteous people, if so many of them were found in the city. Having said this, God left Abraham.

No matter how hard Abraham tried, he could not count even ten righteous people in Sodom. God knew from the very beginning that Abraham was straining his memory in vain: in Sodom there was only one righteous man - Lot, Abraham's nephew. God did not intend to destroy Lot and had already arranged everything for his salvation.